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Why do many Oblivion fans tend not to like Dragon Age?


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One of my main reasons is the posibility to be who you want as many times as you want. Of course in vanilla the difference ain't noticeble, but with some mods installed the game becomes you, becouse you CAN actualy change what you think it's not right. It's freedom :wub:
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I dont dislike DRAGON AGE ORIGINS but for some reason it just does not keep my attention for any long amount of time. The linear landscape which gives the illusion of freedom til you hit an invisible boundary. The combat which breaks immersion when you suddenly have to pause everything to give orders which they dont always follow so i end up having to click on each individual character which makes the immersion breaking pausing stand out even more. Some of the dialogue seems a bit too "grand" in exaggeration like something a kid would say not some experianced battle hardened lord. This is from someone who loves 1970s b-movies by the way :tongue:


In a Bethesda rpg i instantly become the character am playing unlike DA where i have to learn the system in a focused purposeful manner. In OBLIVION etc all is learned just by doing things naturally without ever feeling like one is learning anything. With DA its like am back in school trying to force learn division for the first time which distracts from the enjoyment of the world.


DA is also a bit too talky for me. With OBLIVION theres still tons of dialogue but i can engage in it anytime i want not when the game wants to advance the story. I also dont feel like a messenger boy running all over the city looking for one person for fifteen real time minutes just so i can get to the next combat situation. In OBLIVION i can find a fight pretty much any time any where and with consequences.


The camera was also annoying. I dont know why they didnt have it set up like in WARHAMMER DAWN OF WAR 2 which felt very natural and never got in the way.


I guess reading all these comments and seeing my own lack of ability to stay interested in DA i've learned that am pretty much more attracted to the likes of DIVINITY II EGO DRACONIS aswell as the Elder Scrolls with its fluid third person and first person play style.

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I got off to a slow start with Dragon Age, eventually putting it down for a while and playing other games. I then picked it back up and got quite into it.


same here i just started it as a human and then said ah i dont want to play this


then like 2 months later i was playing it for like 4 months non stop

the other thing why i didnt get into is because EHM...... its EA

EA tend to make games grow bored off very fast

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I have never played dragon age. But no game possibly compares to the elder scrolls. So much freedom. The ability to do whatever you like. The ability to change your character anytime you like (with console of course).


I used to be obsessed with multiplayer games. When I lost interest I had to lower my expectations, so I got the suckiest game I could think of. I bought Oblivion.


Holy crap. My expectations just flew to the moon.


Once you've experienced oblivion, your expectations are more than just some average gamer. Dragon Age is probably for those with low expectations.


Get it?

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I have played Oblivion for four years now and i love it. I love the freedom that it gives and some of the epic mods that come out for it. But even though i love Oblivion to death, I also love Dragonage. I absolutely loved the story line and how it unfolded. Thats one thing that Oblivion does not have. Oblivions mainquestline is alright but not that great. For me it just felt like doing the samething over and over again when i received a new quest update. But still, aside from the main quest, i love Oblivion and i love Dragonage. They both have their goods and bads but either way they still are great games in my opinion.
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Oblivion has freedom. The modding gives it endless life.

DA was fun for a while, then I got tired of it. Too restrictive for me.

I hate EA with a white hot passion and wish it would collapse into a flaming smoldering pile of pig poop as soon as possible. It would be the equivalent of finding the cure for cancer and Ebola combined.

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Good question, I'll answer from a Dragon Age hater perspective. When you have played games that have an incredible amount of freedom to move around, you tend to dislike games with invisible borders at every corner. When you've played games that allow you to swing your sword and cast spells in real time, you prefer those kinds of games. When you play games that allow you to modify it in its entirety -- that is to say landscapes, races, buildings, scripts, everything. -- you tend to stick with games like that.


Dragon age didn't appeal to me, it felt like KotOR II. I'm done with games that allow you to be skilless in order to win, like Dragon Age. It's heavily statistics, and little action. The choices are funny, and the characters are unique, but there is no freedom of movement. You're always chained to the main quest. I just can't get interested in a game with no landscape or exploration beyond the beaten path.


Once you become a slave of one of the best games in the known universe (In your own opinion, of course), you shun everything else. It's as simple as that.



I don't mind Dragon Age but just like Trandoshan said just does not have the freedom Oblivion does.

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I have played Oblivion for four years now and i love it. I love the freedom that it gives and some of the epic mods that come out for it. But even though i love Oblivion to death, I also love Dragonage. I absolutely loved the story line and how it unfolded. Thats one thing that Oblivion does not have. Oblivions mainquestline is alright but not that great. For me it just felt like doing the samething over and over again when i received a new quest update. But still, aside from the main quest, i love Oblivion and i love Dragonage. They both have their goods and bads but either way they still are great games in my opinion.



Have you COMPLETELY explored EVERY quest? In my opinion, as a whole, the main story is pretty direct and fiction-adventure fitting. Dragon Age does the same thing, as does Fallout, if you just do the main quests.



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Wow, thanks for this topic. I saw DA trailer and I found it pretty cool and I even started gathering money to buy it. I think that RPG MUST HAVE much more freedom, so after reading this, I changed my mind. :confused:
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