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Make Your Home Multiple Adoption Friendly


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After creating a few mods that support Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions by TMPhoenix, I found the description for the changes to be kinda confusing to understand when I was setting up my first home, this is my attempt to try and simplify the changes that need to made to make more player home mods compatible with TM Phoenix's adoption mod..I hope I can be of some help to the community of modders that would like to incorporate this into there player home mods as well.

To make the home compatible your mod needs to have HF as a master, since some
of the items and keywords come from that mod.
You do NOT need to add Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions by TMPhoenix's mod as a master



First create two new Locations for the Interior and Exterior of the home.

Add the new Exterior Location for the exterior Cell in which your house will reside first. (World Data - Location)

1. Right Click- New - in the Location tree set the name and the ID to something (I usually use: aaa(name of house)Exterior
2. Set the correct hold in which your house reside for the Parent Location.
3. In the Render Window, Add a new map marker for your house for the exterior.
4. Click back in your new location window and under World Location Marker Ref. Select your New Map Marker
5. In the Keywords box, Right Click - Add - Add the following: BYOH_LocTypeHomestead, BYOHHouseLocationType and LocTypeHabitation
6. Click Ok and Save.

In your Cell View window, Right Click - Edit (In the Exterior cell your house resides in)
Under Common Data - Change the Location to the new Exterior Location you created.

Next create the new Interior Location

1. Right Click- New in the Location tree set the name and the ID to something (aaa(name of house)Interior)
2. Under Parent Location - Select the new Exterior Location you created.
3. In the Keywords box, Right Click - Add - Add the following: LocTypeDwelling, LocTypeHouse and LocTypePlayerHouse
4. Click Ok and Save.

In your Cell View Window, Right Click - Edit (On the Interior Cell for your home)
Under Common Data - Change the Location to the new Interior Location you created.


Exterior Front Door: In the Render Window (While in the Exterior)
Double Click on the Front Door (Load door to the Interior)
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: BYOHHouseFrontDoor

Pet Door Marker: Add a X Marker near the Front Door
Double Click on the X Marker
Under Linked Ref - Double click in the References box
Select Reference in Render Window - Select the Front Door (Load door to the Interior)
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: BYOHAdoption_PetDoorMarker


Sandbox X Marker(s): Add an X Marker(s) to the Exterior Cell of the home
Double Click on the X Marker(s)
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: BYOH_ChildSandboxOutside

Idle Markers: Add a few Idle markers within range of the Sandbox X Marker
Add atleast one play doll idle marker
Double Click on each of the Markers
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: BYOHAdoption_ChildPlayDoll

Also add various Idle Markers near the Sandbox X Marker
example: "Child lay on floor marker", "Child Play Dirt" and "Child sit on knees"

Practice Dummies: Add a few practice dummies (PracticeDummy01, PracticeDummy02, PracticeDummy03)
Double click on each after placing them in the render window
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: BYOH_ChildDummy

Game Markers Add a few X Marker Headings in the Exterior cell
Double Click on each of the Markers
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: WIHideandSeek


For the Interior of the home make the the following changes:

Dining Table: Add any type of Table into the Render Window (I prefer the longer table's to provide more seats for Children)
Double Click on the Table
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: BYOH_ChildDiningTable

Bedroom X Marker: Add an X Marker in the childrens bedroom area of the home
Double Click on the X Marker
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: BYOH_ChildSandboxRoom

Child Beds: Add (up to) six beds for children to sleep in
Double Click on each of the beds and make the following changes
Under - 3D Data - Scale - Change it to: 0.8500
Under Ownership - Faction - Change it to: BYOHChildAdoptionOwned
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: BYOH_ChildBed

Child Chests: Add (up to) six chests for children
Double Click on each of the chests and make the following change
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: BYOH_ChildChest

Child Chores: Add at least two sweep idle markers
Double Click on each of the Markers
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: BYOH_ChildPatrolChores

You can make them sweep multiple areas by linking some more sweep idle markers
to the ones with the BYOH_ChildPatrolChores keyword. Use sweep idles with
patrol data times of between 15-20 (to give an idea of how many Proudspire
uses 11, Breezehome uses 3). Set them up link reffed in a circle. You could
also add another set of sweep patrol markers near the ones you placed to
allow adults (followers/spouse) to sweep along with the kids.

Child Scene Markers: Add EXACTLY 2 X Marker Headings near each other.
Double Click on each of the Markers
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: BYOH_ChildSceneMarker

These are used to place the kids when they start arguing or when they want to
greet you. Place them near the entrance. For example in the Hearthfire home
they are placed just inside the main hall in front of the dining table.

Practice Dummies: Add a few practice dummies in the interior
Double click on each after placing them in the render window
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to: BYOH_ChildDummy

Sandbox X Markers: Add (up to 4) X Markers within varous parts of the home (withing range of furniture, idle markers ect.)
Double Click on each of the Markers
Under Location Ref Type - Change it to:BYOH_ChildSandboxHome

Idle Markers: Add a few Idle markers within range of the Sandbox Markers
example: "Child lay on floor marker", "Child Play Dirt" and "Child sit on knees"
They don't need any special keywords. You can also add "Play Drum marker",
"Play Flute Marker" and "Play Lute Marker". Make each marker in the case of
instrument playing into Ownership Faction
BYOHRelationshipAdoptionChildOwnedFaction, they will play the instruments but
make no noise in the same way they do in Proudspire Manor.


Master Bed: Add a Double Bed
Double Click on the Double Bed
Under Ownership - Faction - Change it to: PlayerBedFaction

Center Marker: Add a X Marker somewhere in the home
Double Click on the X Marker
Under Linked Ref - Double click in the References box
Select Reference in Render Window - Select the Master Bed
In the same Choose Reference Box - Keyword - Change it to: SpouseBedKeyword



The mod works by using a "Bless Home" spell to determine whether or not a home is
suitable for family life. This spell runs a script that should tell you whether
or not your home as all required elements in place. If not you will be notified
that the home is not suitable and you can check your papyrus log for messages
about the missing requirements, including optional ones.

Edited by Ld50365
  • Thanks 1
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thx for the post, will bookmark it and go though everything later-on step by step.

I also found the original explanation a bit confusing and even after setting up everything identically like he explains it I still did not get my spouse and kid system to work perfectly, so hopefully this new information will fix that issue.

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  • 4 months later...

Does this method work??


I've been trying to get adoptions to work and the closest I've got is the children say "I just need to gather my stuff... I'll meet you there..." And they never show or move from the place I last talked to them.


Also, how do you attach a basement to the main house so that the kids go into it?

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Does this method work??


I've been trying to get adoptions to work and the closest I've got is the children say "I just need to gather my stuff... I'll meet you there..." And they never show or move from the place I last talked to them.


Also, how do you attach a basement to the main house so that the kids go into it?

You have to wait a little for the kids to show up, come back after about 2-5 days.

If the basement door is linked to the main house, it should work fine. But it would much better and easier for the game if you make everything in one cell.

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Damn, that's a pity. Its just kinda weird that your young children can go adventuring outside but an adult is stuck at the effing cooking pot all day and night.

The children ai is added by hearthfire, much after skyrim.

Plus they can't get killed. Go talk to any lakeview manor owner, the things I have heard. Your dear wife/husband will die in a sec.

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On a related note:


I get a compile error for this line "(HearthfireQuest as byohrelationshipadoptionscript).MoveFamily()"


UpdateSpouseHouseInt is not a function or does not exist
MoveSpouseAdoption is not a function or does not exist
MoveSpouseAdoption is not a function or does not exist


the HearthfireQuest property is set to BYOHRelationShipAdoption



The script was compiled including that line when I started editing it. So the compile error is for some other reason than the line being faulty. I DO have all the source files from hearthfire in my regular source directory.

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