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Can you present proof that those don't exist? I can't prove scientifically that there is not an elephant standing behind me, in fact.


Yes, its been proven by satellite imaging that land isn't flat, and proven scientifically that we are bred from females not from thin air and you know this.


For the elephant thing, scientifically (In biological means and in the way of mass.) you know theres not an elephant behind you.


And you know what I meant, not something as obvious as that.

It's not that science cannot prove things wrong, but rather that those things must have something which can actually be measured and studied in reasonably controlled circumstances. You can't take a ghost to a lab to poke it with instruments, you can't study it in the wild. At best you can only study random phenomena that are not immediately explainable, and hoaxes which are cleverly designed. There's this belief that people can detect ghosts with EM field detectors... The problem however is that not only are many of these detectors not even calibrated right, but are also detecting the fields from nearby equipment, wiring, and other natural sources. It's 5% science and 98% theatrics. As with all of these "supernatural" things, there is a shortage of people who are not afraid of the unknown, and who are willing to stick around until answers are found. Be it monsters or ghosts, they're only in it for the pay check and some mostly ambiguous evidence which supports what they had already decided on their own. You get a couple of well supplied, armed, and experienced hunters out in "bigfoot country" for a few months, and one of them will eventually bag a bigfoot (if it exists). But no, the only thing you get are a few random lunatics with cameras who head home as soon as it gets dark and scary. It's much the same way with ghost hunters.

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I know what ghosts are and where they truly come from....but i would get banned if i went into detail, so I will just say...evil spirits, deception and lies, all designed to lure man away from the truth...and yes I have met one ( it was very nasty ).
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OK.. I'm gonna ad my Extra Centsory Ideas.. not a typo.. bad word play.. LOL. OK... I'm not your usual sort of girl.. back in high school I was even called "the Alien" in a kind of insulting way... cause people literally after listening to me and my science Prof thought I HAD to be an Alien... So bear with my words and be open minded... I might be right... or just weird.. *smiles* I've basically done research and projects on a wide range of topics including ghosts. In my research I've found odd places where such incredible amounts of killing occurred that the event literally became written much like a video tape and replays time after time as if the event is still happening.Yes... time and space are not as simple as we like to think... some ghosts are the result someone or something partially visible through the fabric of reality... as we perceive it.... as an example... A person living on Earth.. but one divergent from our own along the lines of time,where events happened MUCH differently... Humans there evolved from feline stock not simian.. technology and science took different routes.Technology there allows for limited travel via teleportation the technology works by dimensional phasing. Displacing a person from point A to point B by bypassing the natural laws of physics.. not breaking them... pushing you out of normal space and transiting you then yanking you back.. in phase transiting one inch would allow for relative distance of hundreds of miles.. so how do ghosts fit in here?? punching through the dimensional barrier close enough to another dimension.. at a place or time where the barrier is weakened you'll see a partially phased...ghostly image of that person.Some beings may in fact do this intentionally.. to learn and explore another dimension.. only partly in phase... for obvious reasons.. now this only explains one sort of ghosts... not all obviously... but I'll not get into that.. *grins* just think and wonder... maybe just beyond sight slightly out of phase.. someone is watching you.. and cataloging what you do for their latest issue of Other Worlds Weekly.
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OK.. I'm gonna ad my Extra Centsory Ideas.. not a typo.. bad word play.. LOL. OK... I'm not your usual sort of girl.. back in high school I was even called "the Alien" in a kind of insulting way... cause people literally after listening to me and my science Prof thought I HAD to be an Alien... So bear with my words and be open minded... I might be right... or just weird.. *smiles* I've basically done research and projects on a wide range of topics including ghosts. In my research I've found odd places where such incredible amounts of killing occurred that the event literally became written much like a video tape and replays time after time as if the event is still happening.Yes... time and space are not as simple as we like to think... some ghosts are the result someone or something partially visible through the fabric of reality... as we perceive it.... as an example... A person living on Earth.. but one divergent from our own along the lines of time,where events happened MUCH differently... Humans there evolved from feline stock not simian.. technology and science took different routes.Technology there allows for limited travel via teleportation the technology works by dimensional phasing. Displacing a person from point A to point B by bypassing the natural laws of physics.. not breaking them... pushing you out of normal space and transiting you then yanking you back.. in phase transiting one inch would allow for relative distance of hundreds of miles.. so how do ghosts fit in here?? punching through the dimensional barrier close enough to another dimension.. at a place or time where the barrier is weakened you'll see a partially phased...ghostly image of that person.Some beings may in fact do this intentionally.. to learn and explore another dimension.. only partly in phase... for obvious reasons.. now this only explains one sort of ghosts... not all obviously... but I'll not get into that.. *grins* just think and wonder... maybe just beyond sight slightly out of phase.. someone is watching you.. and cataloging what you do for their latest issue of Other Worlds Weekly.


Wow...I really don't know what to make of that except that you've thought this through.

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Its hard to say exactly what this phenomenon is, there is so much that we just don't know to just immediately jump to conclusions like they are spirits of the dead or etc, because we really don't know exactly what they are. And yes I have experienced some strange things, call them ghosts or whatever you like. I do think this needs to be taken seriously and investigated and researched more, what they call paranormal might turn out to be very normal once it is understood.


Considering that most of the scientific community doesn't take this seriously, I guess I am just as qualified as any to make a guess. Maybe it has something to do with the fabric of time, which is something else that is not very well understood, possibly occurrences in the past are fluctuating into the future, or maybe from a parallel universe, but only partially, and I have read that the appearances of ghosts in some areas spike when there are abnormal fluctuations in Earths magnetic field in the vicinity, but that is also a guess, and not proven. But it sounds like it could be at least a piece of the puzzle.


Figuring this out with hard science might get us closer to understanding how the universe works. So I say its worthwhile and I do believe there is something here.

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Its hard to say exactly what this phenomenon is, there is so much that we just don't know to just immediately jump to conclusions like they are spirits of the dead or etc, because we really don't know exactly what they are. And yes I have experienced some strange things, call them ghosts or whatever you like. I do think this needs to be taken seriously and investigated and researched more, what they call paranormal might turn out to be very normal once it is understood.


Considering that most of the scientific community doesn't take this seriously, I guess I am just as qualified as any to make a guess. Maybe it has something to do with the fabric of time, which is something else that is not very well understood, possibly occurrences in the past are fluctuating into the future, but only partially, and I have read that the appearances of ghosts in some areas spike when there are abnormal fluctuations in Earths magnetic field in the vicinity, but that is also a guess, and not proven.


Figuring this out with hard science might get us closer to understanding how the universe works. So I say its worthwhile and I do believe there is something here.


But either way, these phenomenons lead to the exsistence of ghosts, just not what we think they are. But still, the evidence is there...

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I don't even believe that people have a soul.



That's not stupid, just . . .


... philosophical. Guess I've already point to the soul as a parameter of (higher) life, it's vital breath, located in the blood circulation for the ancient. Once the blood stops circulating and the last breath is made, the living turns into the dead. Now, the idea of ghosts directly starts in the very moment of death, when life ends in smoke ... and that's why ghosts are understood as "incorporeal-smoky", half-visible and bloodless afterlife manifestation of the Hebrew ruach, the breath of the once souled living. Actually the ghost idea is nothing but another religious denial of death and final fading away of all living - a popular backdoor of folk religions.

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