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nude images should it stay or should it go now



48 members have voted

  1. 1. should nude images go?

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At the moment I really feel myself in the somewhat strange situation apparently to support the wrong end of the right matter.



Your comment is very interesting and not without relevance, Surenas. In the artistic discourse, it does not always have a prudish position on a given theme, here nudity. But to raise it above a certain form of idealism that can be represented on the beauty of the body, and go to some form of artistic perfection, somehow. Of course, some might argue that this discourse leads to a purely dreamlike, which could then be considered a stalemate. But in purpose, is it not necessary to go to the artist draw his inspiration and talent, in order to go in search of a better self-knowledge, thus a better understanding of the world around us (eg Da Vinci) and find the answer in this paradox of spirituality: sometimes go against what might be considered prohibited in order to elevate his artistic soul?

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At the moment I really feel myself in the somewhat strange situation apparently to support the wrong end of the right matter.



Your comment is very interesting and not without relevance, Surenas.



That's perhaps because I'm User ID 2.304 and not User ID 1.230.400 or somethin'... :woot:

However, we'll see what the final outcome will be. Let's hope for the best, yup! :yes:


Happy weekend out there!



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Just to illustrate my previous point, because it is a subject we have discussed repeatedly in the School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg, France (when I was a student), here is one example of what I call being the nude art. Warning: mature content. It's neo-surrealism and the female body is fully revealed, but the work is very sensual.


Then, in the hope that it may serve as an inspiration for aspiring artists. Have a nice weekend...





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The primary difference between nude mods and screenshots containing those nude mods is that the mod almost always comes with the additional purpose of making the default body have more preferable proportions, higher detail, ect. There is also that whole realism aspect of having a character with permanent underwear that is exactly the same as everyone else that just makes it weird. The best example I can give of this is Morrowind. The default bodies were ugly as heck and consisted of little more than a bunch of misshapen spheres. There were also a few quests which featured Nords standing around "nude" for various reasons. Now with the government issued loincloth, coming across one of these nords didn't seem particularly out of place, especially if anyone has seen any of the Connan movies. With a nude mod installed however, the effect is quite different. instead of being some guy standing on the street in a loin cloth, it's a guy standing on the street, in the rain, with his bits and pieces hanging out for all to see... Prompting you to ask "What the hell?". Unfortunately things have progressed well beyond what is merely fixing a flawed mechanic which exists only to make censors happy. But the purpose of the mod still exists separate from the purely erotic. On the otherhand, the images produced using that body mod, where the primary focus is the mesh and texture of the body mod, without so much as a mention of the mod, or doing any work on the part of the uploader, exists only for the purpose of being stared at, usually with 1 hand on the mouse and the other hand on the other mouse. The mod almost adds some value to the game, either directly, or by means of helping figure out some modding methods which can be used for other purposes. Nude mods are often the first thing which is made for a game, and usually in their creation issues related to adding/replacing textures, meshes, or other mechanics are always figured out. Likewise, the first pose and animation mods are almost always sexual in nature. The reason for this is a combination of both rule 34 and the fact that people would probably lose interest in figuring out the more complicated aspects if it wasn't in the required fulfillment of rule 34 (essentially the process of rule 35). Screenshots of nude and pose mods (most) however don't lead anywhere, they're like an evolutionary dead as far as art goes.


The other reason why nude mods and poses are still allowed is because it would be nearly impossible to stop them. Are you going to say no to a good collection of well-developed race mods just because the textures and bodies used are not covered up by racially prescribed undergarments? Are you going to ban a quest mod because some pose used is something that, with the right props, be sexual in nature? Rule 34 is as mutually agreed upon by almost everyone who has used the internet (and even before) simply because of how universally true it is, and how utterly impossible it is to stop it. Mods are often a collection of more than just porn, while images are rarely anything else. You may not be able to stop it, but you can control where it is being directed.




Little known fact... The Tower of Babel was actually a library which was designed to finally collect and store examples of porn created throughout pre-history. The problem was that it quickly filled up, requiring additional stories to be built. As things went on, the tower itself was inscribed with pornographic images just to help make use of space. About the time that it had collected about 2% of the porn that was present in the world (most of it on stone slabs), the tower was already too large and too heavy to remain standing.


This not only explains the reason for the building's construction and related cover story (told to wives and children who passed it on faithfully) but also why no evidence of the building, nor its contents were found. It also goes on to explain why people invented paper.


Edited by Vagrant0
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Would you please be so kind to re-read what I've written, Vagrant0, and then argue again on the alleged necessity of the heap of "prefab static pose stuff" - exactly that's what is always used in connection with the treated problem, simply because idle shots out of an in-game motion with a defined, e.g. sexual message are by far more difficult, i.e. too professional in the making for an unknown Billy the Kid on the periphery of the image maker scene.


Who among you needs a prefab doggy style pose and alike for a mere hoped-for happiness in a public image sharing section? I'm curious about it...



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Would you please be so kind to re-read what I've written, Vagrant0, and then argue again on the alleged necessity of the heap of "prefab static pose stuff" - exactly that's what is always used in connection with the treated problem, simply because idle shots out of an in-game motion with a defined, e.g. sexual message are by far more difficult, i.e. too professional in the making for an unknown Billy the Kid on the periphery of the image maker scene.


Who among you needs a prefab doggy style pose and alike for a mere hoped-for happiness in a public image sharing section? I'm curious about it...



Unfortunately things have progressed well beyond what is merely fixing a flawed mechanic which exists only to make censors happy.

Nobody, probably, but there are two main related issues at work here; 1). People will still want those poses, if only for their own private collection of screenshots. 2). It's better that those poses be on their own, as part of a mod explicitly for that purpose than to have them buried as part of some other random mod. They already exist, so trying to get rid of them would be nearly impossible. You can't stop the mod or the resources, but you can help prevent images created from those kinds of mods from choking out all others.

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What a lack of consistency!

These poses of the other kind are ALWAYS part of a mod, a pose mod, never standalones.

So, if you host them here you directly become an accessory to the problem here, so simple is that.

No flimsy excuses, please! I'm sorely disappointed by an internal cleansing that anxiously takes care not to touch the banana roots of the self-made problem.

Be it! Have a nice week, ya eternally lonesome guys :laugh:



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If (and I say if because some of these posts are practically impossible for me to understand for some reason) we're arguing about "why have nude mods but not nude images" then you're really comparing apples and oranges. Nude mods provide more than just sexual imagery; they provide realism, they provide improved body forms over vanilla, they provide personal humour (re: the OP)...they provide various different functions. Nude images provide one of two things: sexual gratification or "art". I put "art" in quotes because if people are trying to argue that anything over 1% of the nude images in the Image Share up to now have been more about "art" and less about "omg tits" are seriously deluded. And that 1% is being generous.


There are a very small minority of members here who can make a good nude image; get the right angle, lighting, pose and do some good post screenshot work in Photoshop and the like and make a "nice" image. An example would be Floydian. Similarly Floydian releases lots of other images too, not just topless characters in different poses and he knows when to use the adult-content filter without being told and for that he has my thanks and respect. Unfortunately a lot of people who posted nude content weren't like Floydian...they uploaded images for the sake of the nudity and that was it. My character in pose 1, my character in pose 2, my character having sex with someone else, my character on top of another character, and so on and so forth. There is no worth to this type of image spamming and unfortunately these people outweighed the Floydian's of the Image Share section by a long, long way. So much so that I wanted to step in and say "enough is enough, I want no more of it".


This whole argument is coming from a few people who are simply arguing for the sake of the argument and not for the sake of the topic; you might want to think about that.


I will say that Vagrant has no real need to post here to try and clarify things and the only person who knows my mind is me. So while Vagrant adds his own opinion to this topic from the point of view of a moderator here you'll probably find most of the staff here haven't said much, or anything, because this is my wish, and my site, and I've already explained myself enough.


PS. Am I the only one who doesn't reply to Surenas messages because they're extremely confusing to make sense of? I understand it might not be your mother tongue but I find the way you convey yourself utterly confuzzles me and ergo I don't respond to the posts you leave, Surenas. It's like trying to understand Plato talking in Middle-English. And I hated reading Chaucer!

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And Dark0ne has explained it much better than I have managed (in my inimitable muddled way). Encapsulated what I was TRYING to say. This is why I voted yes, the nude images should go. Because they were getting gratuiitous (that Yay Boobies syndrome again.) I must admit I am no expert with Photoshop ( painted a face texture the other week and had to lie down to recover...) but I do love to see the work of others who do know what they're doing.
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No Dark0ne....you are not. I just thought maybe it was me that didn't understand or that I had a stroke or something... but I guess not.


I have no issue with the decisions the moderators and the Dark0ne make...as I said before I trust them 110%. I guess I just keep expecting that people are not half-wits and have some courtesy, and that the nudes..for the sake of that less than 1% can be shared....I know I always click the proper buttons.




What was I thinking? :P


However I am a premium type member so I have access to the rarely used section of the image share...I hope this becomes used more. Though we have had many of the "OMG TITS" posters, I know many others who have made wonderful pictures nude and non. To me the creativity in general of the image share has gone up a great deal since I came here a few years ago. Kudos for that and all the people who contribute and try to improve the art of the screenshot.

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