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nude images should it stay or should it go now



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  1. 1. should nude images go?

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I agree with you RobCo.


Its distasteful, ugly, pointless, and serves only to offend. The problem with humans is that they set the standard and then slowly fall away from it, "sex sells" is an old idea, and like any old idea the attempts to make something of it devolve over time, here, no we see something so distasteful and ugly and so ironic Im tempted to call it art.


Because the idea is to entice people with an image of a sexualy enticing female. This however takes it so far beyond acceptable,beyond the most extreme overkill, that it becomes a genuine wrenching horror to see it, rather than the subliminal temptation and curiosity that the concept initialy formed around. But not only do piles of inanimate pixels lack to pheromones, body language, and shear presence of flesh and blood, but these... things are such hideously distorted, twisted abominations that they actualy turn one AWAY from the image. Beautifuly horrible irony.

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I am just irritated by the fact that people have some obsession with uploading pictures of half-naked/naked unnaturally-large-breasted girls doing erotic things in EVERY FRICKING MOD. Any good house mod, weapon mod, gameplay mod, or most other kinds of mods has these pictures. I mean, do I need to see a half-naked, creepily large-breasted, leering anime-style girl every time I look at the pictures of Ancient Towers and the like? I don't need or want her to understand the quality and function of the mod.


Quoted for truth. Are these endless over-sized tit pics ever boring. BORING.


Because the idea is to entice people with an image of a sexualy enticing female.


Which only works on men anyway. I know quite a few instances, for example, some computer mags. They put a Photoshop-perfect leering bint on the cover, that wouldn't know a mouse if she was next to one. Sad. Women read computer mags too. This kind of thing should stick to the relevant subject, not plaster half-naked women flopping over everything.

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I mean, some of the cover art on the games themselves is worthy of feature. A bit unsubtle, but Diablo for example had a fitting, individual, and generaly cool looking cover. yet when it was reviewed by many magazines, rather than the skull-and-flames, they chose to you "soft core" pornography instead. Yes nudity and sexuality have avery valid place in art. But putting nearnude images up everywhere is just grating, boring, irritating, and any other negative -ing you can think of to mention.

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I mean, some of the cover art on the games themselves is worthy of feature. A bit unsubtle, but Diablo for example had a fitting, individual, and generaly cool looking cover. yet when it was reviewed by many magazines, rather than the skull-and-flames, they chose to you "soft core" pornography instead. Yes nudity and sexuality have avery valid place in art. But putting nearnude images up everywhere is just grating, boring, irritating, and any other negative -ing you can think of to mention.


I wouldn't call that what we've seen lately in the image section 'art', not by a long chalk.

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I have to agree. I just took a look and even on a cursory glance, a large number of today's pics are of the tittus hugicus variety and there was certainly at least one that I'd say was questionable.
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Banning outright nudity will not on its own end this.


Speaking my own, and only my own personal views here. I think if you want to end the parade of hideous mutants with vast breasts, you're going to need to eliminate sexual images flat out. I had another image share trawl yesterday, and the majority of what I saw were just default faces, usualy moonshadow elves, using hgec with the maximum possible breast size and merely "enough" "clothing" to classify as not being outright naked.


Really, what I think is needed is just slightly higher standards, or better still, the mandatory classification of images, and a block/show system that would base itself on the former. Thus allowing the images of vanilla posed, vanilla faces udder-chests to still exist for those who ... want to see them. And for those, such as myself, who want them gone, to have their wishes fulfiled without having to enforce additional rules, which would stretch the moderaters too far.


I mean, I go to the image share to see what sorts of things people can come up with. Its genuinely demoralising to see that usualy thats just a picture of a girl with huge boobs, and even worse, in most cases a girl with huge tits the uploader downloaded and then claimed credit for,


Just with vanilla tools, a high 1080i HD monitor, amatuer photgrapher experience and a bit of patience, Ive been able to take some great oblivion shots. EG my avatar. Thats just two facial textures, TGND body mod, a black hood, and a careful made face. Its only an avatar, and not even a good avatar. yet its a country mile better quality than most of the image share slurry.

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I don't want to stir up the hornet's nest...but woman have a lot to account for in this area. You would think after fighting for equal rights, we would have attempted to define a more respectable place in society. Instead, American girls for instance, act like sluts at frat parties, were the skimpiest clothing possible, and find ever more inventive ways to promote themselves as sexual objects. There is an obsession with looks that borders on fanatical...I witness it most everyday when I'm out with my girlfriends. They mock larger girls and look at them with disdain, but not everyone was made to be petite like me. Some people were meant to be a certain size. I feel that men push the unrealistic ideals of beauty forward, and women simply follow their wants.


On the other hand...it's easy to complain about the number of voluptuous females and say the Nexus has too many sexual images. But I don't think people really want to look at an overweight woman dressed in male clothing either. I live in neighborhood were every other house has the same "Victorian suburban" theme. I hate it. But that doesn't mean I want to look at boarded up houses with badly manicured lawns either.


I descend from Egypt, and when visiting relatives last year I was amazed at the level of modesty...where even vulgar behavior was abnormal and shunned. Yet, I rarely see an appreciation for this type of behavior in most aspects of American life. In fact, modesty is looked down upon. Whether it's TV shows like desperate housewives, or artists like Lady Gaga, I often feel submerged within sexuality at every twist and turn. Is there no wonder raunchy depictions of woman are so prevalent here on the Nexus?

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Thats an important point to add.


"Never underistimate the power of the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time. You can destroy a world with a word. It just takes time. Because humanity has only two true constants. Death. Decay. We all die in the end, but in the slow decades until then, we slowly fade away to a shadow of our former unglorious selves. All our works are like that, great civilisations rise, great technoliges, but someone misses a detail, something unexpected happpens, and the decay slowly eating away at its heart like Nidhoggyr at the tree of life, finaly rises up in triumph and shatters millenia of work in a heartbeat. Once the balance goes beyond the point of no return, the rest is mere consequence."-Silvir Morriah.


Hyperboly aside, What we are seeing now is the result of several decades of proverbial decay. In my jaded view, this is the work of decades of stereotypes, misconceptions, foolishness, sexism on both sides and shear bad role modeling, and like any flawed system, it WILL shatter, its just a matter of time. In this case, I think that at the way western society is going, you could argue that (some) women will be dressed in their underwear only whenever possible in a few decades, Women cannot be lumped into a single group. No human can. They;re all diferent, and have a huge range of personalities, thoughts, feelings and ways of seeing the world.


Women arent changing the way I see it, its the conformist stereotype of women. Because where I come from, its an extremely conformist society. And women have radicaly lower wages and employment chances than men, and are subtely urged throughout their upbringing that yes, they're screwed in terms of employment prospects. But they COULD flirt their way into money. Its not uncommon here for a woman to go though perhaps 3-6 marriages right now, and screw probably a hundred or more diferent men. Furthmore, the assumption is that women, and men, are ALL heterosexual. They arent, bisexuals exist, as do homosexuals, they're a part of life and the community, and it would be good to remember that not all men see women as sexualy compatible, and not all women seek men.

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We seem to be going around in circles, and I think it's a good idea to stop it here before the shitstorm which would have followed the last few posts can come to a head. I'm sure there will be complaints from somewhere, so you might want to go ahead and do yourself a favor with that edit button before I have to really take the time and read what has been written.
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