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Sad moments in Skyrim?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I felt really bad for the dead girl you come across after fighting bandits and loot some enchanted jewelry. Then you read the note from her body that says she's going to hunt them down for taking her family heirloom. It must have been important to her as she went out hunting bandits with little more than a dress and a crude iron dagger. I felt so bad for looting the necklace I placed it back on her body so she could at least rest in peace with what she died for.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Meeko's shack.

The lonely dog that meet its end after battle the dragon at Western Watchtower.

(No! It is an acciden, believe me :facepalm: )


And another one.. Narfi.

Why Narfi.

That is why I destroy Dark Brothehood.


Yeah, Narfi is a sad situation. When I first met him, I wished I could make everything better (Not by killing of course)


Next thing I know those vile Dark Brotherhood types asked me to kill him. WHY?! NO!

whoever made the black sacrament to request his death is even more so to blame. I wish there could be a quest where you find out who it was and take vengence for Narfi's death.


Yeah, he's situation is kinda sad. Especially if you help him and he tells you he never had a chance to say goodbye to his sister. Poor old guy, he got crazy after that.


Then Dark Brotherhood tells you to kill him. Really? Why? (outside of "here's example of how these DB quest should be done")


Why is there not a DB quest to off Nazim? :D I am pretty sure entire Whiterun wants him dead, me included. :ninja:

If you're using Sneak Tools or SkyRE, never pass up a chance to knock him out cold just because you can. :ninja:

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  • 4 weeks later...

When Paarthurnax tells you he is not happy after Alduin has been slain. That they were like brothers once... The whole Paarthurnax thing is sad; he tells you how much he enjoys to have a conversation, but also that he chooses to live in isolation... I couldn't kill him. Now that would be sad!


Also, when my first horse died.

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Helgi. The child ghost in Morthal I think it was. Died during an arson attack on her house. I think it's her sheer innocence and lack of understanding of what really happened.


"The smoke woke me up. It was hot and I was scared, so I hid."

"Like I said. It got hot and smoky. Now it's cold and quiet."

"Laelette thought she could take me and keep me, but she can't. I'm all burned up."

"Mother's calling me. It's time for me to sleep now. I'm so tired. Thank you for making her feel better."


Damn. :*(



Yeah, Narfi is a sad situation. When I first met him, I wished I could make everything better (Not by killing of course)

Next thing I know those vile Dark Brotherhood types asked me to kill him. WHY?! NO!

whoever made the black sacrament to request his death is even more so to blame. I wish there could be a quest where you find out who it was and take vengence for Narfi's death.


Some its not hard to work out Anoriath for example, unfortunately she's marked Essential...

Edited by soupdragon1234
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just went through Katria's beginning on this playthrough.
Its a combination between the great voice acting and the visual cue's of the whole situation that causes that quest overall to resonate.

But its the same for Meeko's shack if anything more, its a trademark from previous Bethesda games that didn't use voice as a point to drive content.

Finding Lucia sleeping on a side of a building (really any of the homeless kids) was pretty depressing for me. Actually her BEGGING for a septim made me want to insta adopt her. And the other one thats in dawnstar that puts in work 24/7 is a weak point for me.

Meeko's shack still takes the cake though, Especially when you see the note before the dog. Or rather I saw the dog before the note and felt bad for shooing away the dog back to the shack

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