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Beginners guide to modding


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Sorry but can you help me

i have tried everything that i can find i have used LOOT, wyre bash, Tes5edit in that order and it still wont work

everything in the wyre bash is green

i have tried the enb, reproccer, bash patch, audio fix and nothing work

the last order of the mod is reproccer and then followed by bash patch

It used to work well then i tried installing immersive armor and weapon then it start to ctd for every 10-15 minutes

after that i re install the skyrim with all the mod where it's supposed to work just fine but the ctd still happen and i actually increase at most i can play for 10 minutes

then i start to work with wyre batch and deleting the orange mod and voila it now stuck in the loading screen where the image isn't moving at all but the music keep going

and i have 134 mods

please help

i really love this game





2.3) One other thing, make sure you enable ( check mark ) the bashed patch Wrye Bash makes, then right click it and choose rebuild patch as the one Wrye Bash makes is empty, which should always be last in your load order unless you're using an ENB, SUM, ASIS, or the Reproccer.




Sorry i think i create a misunderstanding i mean the last one is reproccer and before that is the bashed patch

that's how it supposed to be right?

sorry i am new to the modding community

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yes, now that we have that fixed, I need to see your load order. COPY IT TO HERE http://pastebin.com/ and then paste the link in here.

Here you go



Thank you before mate



I am not seeing any conflicts in your load order so I would suggest to try rearranging your load order as the pic below shows.






You want to do this for 2 reasons


A) SKYre is an overhaul mod so all of it;s files should be below everything else in your load order ( think of it as a cake, with SKYre being the cake and all the other files being icing and decoration)

B) SKYui should be directly above your bashed patch - cake principle again

Edited by gromulos
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yes, now that we have that fixed, I need to see your load order. COPY IT TO HERE http://pastebin.com/ and then paste the link in here.

Here you go



Thank you before mate



I am not seeing any conflicts in your load order so I would suggest to try rearranging your load order as the pic below shows.






You want to do this for 2 reasons


A) SKYre is an overhaul mod so all of it;s files should be below everything else in your load order ( think of it as a cake, with SKYre being the cake and all the other files being icing and decoration)

B) SKYui should be directly above your bashed patch - cake principle again


this is my load list now

but it ctd when its still in the loading screen
as the forgotten magic i put it under the skyre main because it need to be in that order or it become orange in wyre bash
And i get this when trying to make bash patch
RingsOfPower.esp: ARMO.BODT: Expected size == 12, but got: 4
Error loading 'ARMO' record and/or subrecord: 01001FF9
eid = u'EnchRingAssassins001'
subrecord = 'BODT'
subrecord size = 4
file pos = 317
Error in RingsOfPower.esp
Edited by thecursedone
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look at your pasted load order, move line 106 BELOW line 123


re-download rings of power again, manually, and reinstall it


try the game, after that if it still CTD's you're going to have to disable all your mods and enable them 5 at a time till you find the mod causing the problem


any further help PM me as I like to keep the guide thread clean, thanks

Edited by gromulos
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look at your pasted load order, move line 106 BELOW line 123


re-download rings of power again, manually, and reinstall it


try the game, after that if it still CTD's you're going to have to disable all your mods and enable them 5 at a time till you find the mod causing the problem


any further help PM me as I like to keep the guide thread clean, thanks


will do


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You might remember me asking in chat if anyone could help me with my CTD problems. I had no idea what the problems were until you linked me this guide. I really am grateful for that. However I still have a problem, I'm not asking for you to help solve it though since have an idea what the problem actually is. I read through the Advanced and Intermediate guides for modding the game and both guides ; especially yours genuinely helped me with fixing my constant CTDs, but I still crash from time to time. There isn't some set interval where I crash but I have noticed I do crash after every 5-15 minutes and its very random too. The problem I mentioned I believe I know of earlier was that when I launch Wrye Bash and look in the saves tab my most recent saves have purple text next to them. I read up on this a little bit and came to the conclusion that it means a plugin or mod was merged with something that is shouldn't be. For the past 2-4 (maybe 3 I'm forgetful) days I have been trying to find out what mod or plugins were merged and can't seem to find out what it is. I tried reinstalling various mods that had been known to cause problems, rebuilt my Wyre Bash patch, disabled my Wrye Bash patch and with each trial and error I still got that purple text. However as odd as it is (to me atleast) the previous saves that had mods or patches originally had green text beside them (to my knowledge that means they are fine). But when I loaded that save and then saved again to see if it was fixed a the purple text would show up. I could be very mistaken about this since I had read some guides that were somewhat outdated but in any case thanks a lot for helping me. I'm sure I might be able to solve this myself but I wouldn't have even gotten to this point without your guides help :)

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