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Beginners guide to modding


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Hang out in the Discord / Nexus chat room, there are PLENTY of MODS USERS in there who will tell you the same thing


It's one thing to make a video and follow what a program says what to do, it's a completely different situation when you actually do it and find out for yourself


Edit: I just realized something, when you say "masters" what files specifically are you talking about?


cleaning the DLC's are fine, but you should NEVER clean the skyrim.esm or the update.esm


as for the unofficial patches, refer to the description pages for those


Also I want to point out here and now, that a beginner really should NOT be cleaning vanilla master files - it's really not a beginner issue and MAY lead to some major issues

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In fact I was doing that right now, and I heard people sharing both views.


When I said masters I was referring to what other guides suggest: yes Update.esm, Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn. Only these, not Skyrim.esm. All other guides are pretty consistent on this. Some will go deeper and suggest to clean Dawnguard twice automatically + once more manually with a few references removal (this one precisely).


What are your thoughts on memory patches? I hear about skse.ini for DefaultHeap, but also about ENBoost and Crash Fixes.

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the memory fix you posted earlier should be all you need honestly



overriding memory pool sizes
default heap = 768MB (effective 512MB if not preloading animations)
scrap heap = 256MB

as for the Update.esm I would not clean it, but I am also double verifying my info on that

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ok there are only 2 people I trust when a situation comes up like this one where there is some question as to what should be done


Jannifer from Nexus Chat on Discord, btw congrats on making moderator :D


Gopher from youtube, so with that said, follow THIS video and do exactly as Gopher says



I will say this, personally I don't agree with cleaning the master files, BUT, I can see the advantage to it

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I want to give your guide a fair try, because first try I already had some progress from other guides so it's hard to tell what went wrong. So, I cleaned everything for a fresh start, and reinstalled every single piece from base game to all the tooling and mods, with no backups whatsoever. I'll probably take a few hours or days to come back with some (hopefully good) news! :)

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I apoligize for the stupid newbie question. I've downloaded Skyrim V thru Steam. NMM won't find it to allow me to install any mods. Should I not have used Steam?


You HAVE to use steam otherwise you can't play, most likely what you need to do is go into NMM's settings and tell it where to find the game. Many people have this issue if they don't install steam, the game, or NMM to the default paths.


for me my game is located @


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim




C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition

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