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Beginners guide to modding


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I can only hope that my issue was fixed, because it was mainly a graphical glitch, it seems. I went through and did everything, Now maybe THIS won't happen again.


That looks like to me one of 2 things is going wrong.


A) You have an ENB installed incorrectly, or ( no I don't use or know anything about ENB's lol )


B) your GPU is going bad, the reason I say this is because mine glitched out and made Lydia look like a Redguard lol , http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/7689759-1397512303.jpg , a week later the GPU died on me and I had to get a new one

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Cool guide man.I have bookmarked the link just in case other players in chat room need to know about modding basics in skyrim.It worked like charm,haha...Never missed the LOOT and Bash steps whenever I install load of mods,haha..

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Isnt Loot part of MO now? I must admit I am completely lost and need to start again I think. I had a pretty stable modded game going but some mods were DL'd with NMM and I switched to MO. I also had some files obtainde from the Skyrim Workshop via Steam so it was basically a mess. In the end I thought I would delete the data folder and start again. Now obviously I cant boot my save game up. I want to start with a clean slate. I have listed all my previous mods in a text file and thought about DL them all through MO but could do with an ABC. I am so confused between TES5 Edit and MO and Wrye Bash at this point that I have started replaying BF3!!! A bit of simple advice about what to do in relation to uninstalling mods or mod organisation programs would be really useful.


Any help appreciated. :)

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personally I always install mods manually myself, mainly because when you do install mods manually you know exactly what files are being placed where. As for MO, while it is a great program you should be aware that it will lock your load order and if you have it open while trying to do something in Wrye Bash, then Wrye will also be locked, IE you won't be able to move files in your load order in Wrye while MO is open.


If you take the time to read my guide and follow it STEP BY STEP, WITH MO CLOSED, you should be able to get a working load order that will almost guarentee no problems in game, as you can see many people have achieved exactly this using my guide. Once you do get done doing steps 1-3 of my guide, THEN, you should open MO and make sure it is good to go.


One thing that is nice about Wrye Bash and NMM is that they mirror each other, If you make a change to your load order in NMM, Wrye Bash knows about it and copies it, and vice versa. I am not sure if MO does this or not.


As for your data folder, you already stated that you have steam installed, so all it is, is a matter of re-acquiring the files you deleted when you deleted the data folder, below


right click your Skyrim game in the steam client, then choose properties, then local files, then verify game cache option

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How to fix a vanishing trace of the projectile?

I'm a little increase the arrows length (Nifskope: Scale - Y) and moved it slightly lower (parallel vanilla feather arrows), but in the game after a few shots arrows traces is disappears.

How can I fix this?

Thank U!

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gromulus - regarding your comments on Mod Organizer a couple of posts up: I think you're using it wrong. The only situation I can think of where what you describe might happen is if you have installed your mods (either manually or with NMM/Wrye Bash) to the Skyrim Data folder rather than use Mod Organizer to install them to a virtual folder (which would make using Mod Organizer fairly pointless) and then run Wyre Bash externally to Mod Organizer (rather than adding it as an executable within Mod Organizer.)


If you use Mod Organizer as it was meant to be used (i.e. use it to install your mods) and then run Wrye Bash from within Mod Organizer - any changes in load order you make will be reflected in Mod Organizer.


CaptainLump - Mod Organizer includes a cut down version of LOOT. It's better to download the full version (and, again, run it from within Mod Organizer.)


There are a number of videos on YouTube (including several by

) that explain all this far better than I can,
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