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Beginners guide to modding


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gromulus - regarding your comments on Mod Organizer a couple of posts up: I think you're using it wrong. The only situation I can think of where what you describe might happen is if you have installed your mods (either manually or with NMM/Wrye Bash) to the Skyrim Data folder rather than use Mod Organizer to install them to a virtual folder (which would make using Mod Organizer fairly pointless) and then run Wyre Bash externally to Mod Organizer (rather than adding it as an executable within Mod Organizer.)


If you use Mod Organizer as it was meant to be used (i.e. use it to install your mods) and then run Wrye Bash from within Mod Organizer - any changes in load order you make will be reflected in Mod Organizer.



I'm sorry but you ARE mistaken. I've helped people in this very thread with this exact problem one on one through teamviewer and in 3 seperate cases Mod Organizer HAD to be closed in order to change the load order in Wrye Bash / Flash.


To be bluntly honest, I no longer even use NMM, FOMM, or Mod Organizer. I install EVERY mod manually then use LOOT, Wrye, and TES5Edit / FNVEdit / FO3Edit in that order and in every single game ( FO3, FONV, and Skyrim ) the only problem I continue to have to deal with is the memory cap CTD. I have ZERO other problems in all 3 games.

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Well, all I can say is I've used Mod Organizer and Wrye Bash at the same time and have had no problems correcting the load order with the latter - it's actually become something I have to do quite regularly since Perkus Maximus (and all of its associated patches) came out. I only have 150 or so mods installed (though some are pretty big) but I don't have any problems either.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'd just like to say that as someone who is very inexperienced dealing with the nitty gritty parts of modding (i.e. understanding what the values/numbers/etc. mean and what is causing specific errors vs. just moving my load order around until i see green) this thread is extremely helpful. I came to the forums seeking help, and thanks to the programs in gromulos' sig I now have a decent starting point. I would like to make a request for aid, if I may; I've done my best to try and ensure that the mods I selected to employ for my return to Skyrim are compatible with each other, but many of these mods are new to me or lacking information as to compatibility in their description page. If any veteran modders would be interested in going over my list of desired mods with me in order to determine if I can even have a functioning game with the combination I'm attempting, or to perhaps recommend better alternatives, I'd greatly appreciate it. Once again, gromulos, you have my profound thanks and appreciation for this thread and for providing me with the tools I need to maybe get my head around this modding business.

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Paladin, make a new thread for yourself by copying and pasting the paragraph above and I can help you further. That way if we have to go into detail to get you all set up it won't take over this thread, thanks. Just leave me a link and I will help you :)

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http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2600834-just-getting-started-for-the-millionth-time/ I'd had the presence of mind to do exactly as you suggested shortly after I posted here, haha. And thank you in advance! I'm compiling a list of the mods I wish to use and I'll post it in that thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone

I'm currently experiencing frequent CTDs, a problem I have not had before. I followed the recommendations in this helpful thread and installed wrye smash, but was not able to solve the problem though. As I did not want to spam in this thread with my specific problem I opened a new one here . The topic also provides a link to my current loadorder (a jpg, as I did not know how to extract it as text :( sorry) I would be grateful if anyone could give me a hint which change the loadorder needs.
Since I installed the program yesterday I have a new file in my loadorder called "Bashed Patch, 0.esp", I unsterstand what it does from the first post in this thread and have one question left: Where in the loadorder shall it be placed?

I'd like to apologise for me having to ask such stupid questions and hope to soon get more experienced so that I don't have to bother you guys anymore. At this point I really apreciate help since the problem got worse after I tried to fix it.
Thanks in advance!

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