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Beginners guide to modding


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Hello everyone


I'm currently experiencing frequent CTDs, a problem I have not had before. I followed the recommendations in this helpful thread and installed wrye smash, but was not able to solve the problem though. As I did not want to spam in this thread with my specific problem I opened a new one here . The topic also provides a link to my current loadorder (a jpg, as I did not know how to extract it as text :sad: sorry) I would be grateful if anyone could give me a hint which change the loadorder needs.

Since I installed the program yesterday I have a new file in my loadorder called "Bashed Patch, 0.esp", I unsterstand what it does from the first post in this thread and have one question left: Where in the loadorder shall it be placed?


I'd like to apologise for me having to ask such stupid questions and hope to soon get more experienced so that I don't have to bother you guys anymore. At this point I really apreciate help since the problem got worse after I tried to fix it.

Thanks in advance!


Replied to you in your thread :)

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Thank you for the tips. You certainly started me off on the right path and this help has been invaluable.....oh, and saved me untold hours and headaches. Sincerely....THANK YOU!

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Hi everyone


I have a lil question. A few orange mods in wrye bash want dragonborn.esp loaded before dawnguard.esp (Sjel Blad Castle/Phendrix Magic Evolved), which is weird and will cause other problems because most of the other mods want dawnguard before dragonborn as far as I know. What do I do here, do I ditch them? They dont cause any immediate ctds, will they cause ctds at a future point?


Also SPERG is orange and it wants to be loaded before update.esm. Why is that?

Edited by Quizok
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Sort the master files for the orange mod in TES5Edit


that will make them accept the correct load order


Never ditch a mod unless you have no other option, sorting the master for the orange mods is normal some times and will almost always fix the orange mod into a green mod :smile:


Also go back and read what the different colors for the mods means on the first page of this guide, Orange ones are arguably the MOST dangerous, so deleting / ditching is not a good idea

Edited by gromulos
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Hi Guys,...i try it here again.

Ive got a strange problem. I finaly set up skyrim with the mods i like. Ive even managed to not getting crashes every few steps. But now i dont get the ingredients after harvest a plant. There is just a message showing up with "5 added to inventory" (the number is just the amount of ingredients i ve gathered insted of "5 nightshades added to inventory"). I dont wanna set up the whole game new.

Can someone help me with this? I know the standart tips, like "remove one mod after another" but as i said...with PerMa it will take ages.

Please excuse my bad english.

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