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Getting lots of freezing and stuttering in Riften?


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The game basically runs with decent FPS for me in most areas but now whenever as I step into Riften, I get tremendous amounts of freezing and stuttering. The only Riften mod I'm using is Thief Edition, which overhauls Riften quite significantly. I thought that was the cause at first but I don't remember getting much lag the first time I installed the mod. I even went to confirm this by deactivacting and uninstalling the mod, went back in-game and true enough, the lag was still very noticeable. Just very slightly decreased.


So I'm just confused here. What's really causing the lag in Riften? I think another possible cause is the vanilla game itself. One thing I noticed is the fog always surrounding the city. Only other city hold I know of with that much fog is Falkreath, which I too, have experienced exceptional lag in.

Strange thing is, I don't remember having any (or much) lag the first time I walked into vanilla Riften when I played. Only other mod I know of that touches on Riften is the mod, Realistic Water Two, where the bobbing boats and water are affected. But that seems rather unlikely.


The lag seems to stem specifically from the main city's marketplace, where even looking anywhere near it bring my FPS to a halt and I'll get immense amount of stuttering. Anyone else have the same problem or any idea on this?


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I thought it should be the opposite... Riften is the smallest city in the entire game, yet it's the laggiest :mellow: ?

I'm not using any new mods that increase NPC population. It's only like halfway during my playthrough when I suddenly began getting FPS lag in the city.


On a related note, it's also outside the city exterior where I'm experiencing yet. Pretty much everywhere I go in the Rift, just not as bad.

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First of all, if ever you are experiencing performance issues. You should post your computer specification or set them up in your profile. I am going to suggest the following as you if have a weak gaming computer and no knowledge of modding. Because I am going to only post once and never reply again. Sorry, I hardly keep track of forums stuff.

With that said lets begin.
Take a look at these video.

Try to defragmenting your hard drive.

Also, update your video card drivers.

Try turning antialising and antisporic filtering 2.
Shadows are another hogger turn them to high.

If that still doesn't fix the issue try a new game and see if the problem persists. Sometimes saves become corrupt and screw things up.

Anyways, there is tons more you could do in improving performance in Skyrim but without your specifications my post is going to be lazy and brief. I hope this helps. If it doesn't I hope somebody that can. Comes along helps you. Laters.
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