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Entries of Cyrodiil: A Goblins journey


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Very excellent, Keanumoreira.


Have been reading it and look forward to reading more in future.

Edited by Maharg67
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The walk on the Gold Road that night was filled with cheerful smiles and amicable laughter, the two relationships of two individuals, of two different species, had flourished, despite racial and ethnic slurs. The evening seemed to dance with us as our short trek to Skingrad neared its conclusion.


We looked on to the endless fields proudly, taking in the smells of the honey rich flora and the scattering of insects as they roamed the grasses. The night sky was also gentle, being not too stormy nor too cloudy. It was just right, presenting that feeling of mysticism one experiences during rare times of inspiration; usually when the self is allowed to breath for no other. The bitter snapping of the polar wind, which was most likely sinking down from the mountains in Skyrim near Bruma, didn’t hinder this eccentric emotion from unknown parts. Although the trees swayed with its passing, the fields remained at ease, their stubborn resistance like that of the horses which followed the land with its people in large herds. The West Weald was known for this, and although Cheydinhal was the best supplier of strong and able horses to which no other city could compete with; it was here near the sea where the credit truly rested.


“Ha, ha ,ha!” Y’shar laughed lightly as a grin took form,


“You always knew how to make me laugh Yori.” He wiped the tear from his eye as he preceded to much more serious matters,


“But I assume you know why I’ve been sent for you…” My smile regressed,


“He thinks he found the answer; he thinks he knows a way to cure you from Gia’s curse.” My locket vibrated.


As if this was all a stage, the wind quickly picked up as amusement changed to drama, “And he is sure of this?


“Yes Yori, very. You know how he vowed to change you to the bright soul you once were before the Oblivion incident when he discovered you. I’m positive you haven’t forgotten that day…” The conversation seemed to end at that point, but we were both well aware that its influence still lingered.


I hadn’t abandoned the memory of when Count Janus had crossed my path just outside of his city. At the time, I was already showing clear signs of becoming a Vampire, and the curious man couldn’t help but wander over…


“Excuse me young sir…” I looked up weakly as he held out his hand,


“Do you need help?” The silvery glint of the moon casted an aurora around him, bringing out his red eyes and his true nature.


“You want to help me? A Goblin?”


“You’re far from any ordinary Goblin; I knew it the second I saw you.” His hand was still there…


He was serious…


“I can see you’re becoming a Vampire, but not like the vicious and the ignorant that plague the innocent and rape them of their blood. You are different, you are gracious, and that’s why I’m offering you to stay with me.” It was almost too good to be true, almost too good to believe,


“But I’m dirty…flawed…No being such as I deserves to live in such an extravagant home such as yours…”


“Nonsense…You’re just the right man to gain entry into my court. You are strong with the feather, brave with the body, and no too people share the same characteristics as you and I. We are both Vampires, but we don’t seek to destroy this kingdom, we seek to pave the way for righteousness, and understanding. And with you by our side, we can liberate those who have strayed from their past.”


“Whose they?”


“Come live me, and I promise to answer all your questions, including the one to free you from this devils bound.” He kneeled down to me,


“So what do you say?”


“Yes…” The reply was immediate,


“Yes I’m come live with you.” He stood up, raised me to eye level, and patted me on the back as we headed into Skingrad,


“So what’s your name my friend?”


“Yori…” My name caught his interest as it sprung freely into the Weald,


“My name is Yori…”


Perhaps it was his charisma, or maybe his promise to return me mortal, but whatever the cause for my agreement, my life would forever change, to verge into a new commitment that gave translation to the words “Odd jobs.”


“Yes I haven’t forgotten,” I said at last as we neared the City,


“I’m just hoping that this time he gets it right.”


“And you don’t trust our Noble lord?”


“It’s not that I don’t trust him, after all, he gave this to me even before I would allow it to him. It’s just that it’s taking so long to find it; I’m beginning to think that all these years of searching were for nothing, that this myth was really just a myth.” Before pushing the double doors open into the Castle court yard, and departing to his personal quarters, Y’shar reminded me of why I was here in the first place,


“Look, Yori, I know you’re concerned about all of this, but you have to learn that he made a promise, and he wouldn’t keep you here if he hadn’t stayed true to his word. You’ve served him and the league since day one, enough for you to earn his love and his confidence in you. We’ll find out this time around, but put into your head that he looks after you day and night, even we has no time to do so. You have no idea what he gives up for you, what he does to ensure your safety and well being. The count puts you before anything else, before his city, before himself. He treats you like one of his own; he loves you like one of his own, because to him Yori, you’re his son. And a son is not hated by his paternal figure. Never think otherwise…” As we took our leave, Y’shar’s words stayed planted firmly within me.


He was right, Janus did give up a lot for me, and there was no way for me to repay this gratitude. Whatever he wanted now, whatever he was going to ask, I was ready, ready to take up the challenge. I wanted to please my father…




The last of the double doors sang as I entered the main hallway, Janus scurrying down as soon as he recognized me.


“Oh Yori, thank goodness you have returned.” His Vibrant, Violet robe was tainted with red, his face stained with worry,


“By Azura! My lord, are you alright? What happened?”


“I’m fine Yori, but an intruder has entered the Castle…” Tears welled up in eyes as he scooped up a ring from the carpet, rubbing it against his fingers acutely,


“They killed Lucrezia…” His tone was harsh and scornful.


A shiver ran down my body as death hung over us,


“My lord…”


“I don’t need sympathy Yori, I need answers. But even this is a minor setback in our plans, not compared to what’s arriving…”


“Did they take it?”


“No, but I fear we are losing our advantage and our control over the artifact. I need you to go find it at once, before the enemy has time to learn of its location.”


“You mean we found it, we found where it’s been sleeping all these ages?”


“Yes, at last we have what we have been seeking. It resides across the ocean, far from here, in lands yet to be settled, but the first explorers have sent back reports of mysterious activity fitting the description. We must find it before it falls into the wrong hands. Can I trust you my son to handle this with the utmost care?”


“Of course my lord, I am sworn to serve you no matter the cost, no matter the haze…” He appeared to be more stable, rejuvenated that his champion was up for the task.”


“Good. Now, I need you to go to Anvil, and locate a ship known as Seaward Helm, the ship that found these new lands. It holds all the supplies you and the crew will need, and instructions and maps to guide you once you arrive. Be very careful Yori, for these lands are young and untamed in our eyes; Azura only knows what hides in the shadows.” I nodded my head,


“Understood.” Janus turned away and started up the stairs,


“Find it Yori, and at last you shall be free…” My feet were glued to the floor, even long after he disappeared from sight.


“Free…” I starred up at the passing clouds and down towards the city as I left the gates towards Anvil,


“But I don’t want to be free…”



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Nice Keanumoreira! ;)

I have read it with pleasure. :)

So I'm eagerly awaiting your next chapter. :biggrin:


I continue to grow from your support silver; thank you. :happy:


Update: Next chapter won't be ready today, but it is in progress.

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“Yori? Yori are you okay?” The pub room casts their eyes my way as they look up from their sips of golden ale.


“No! Oh No, not now! Not here!”


[Kill them…]


My hand reaches for the dagger…


“No! I must resist…I must not obey!” My hand trembles as I fight against it…


[“This mind…this body…


Yes he shall make a fine specimen…]


The bartender wipes off the last of the cups before he notices the commotion from the other side of the counter.


“Son?” He emerges into the gathering crowd,


“Are you okay?”








My black robes agitate against the force of my breath, and as they slip from the body concealed beneath, its true form is revealed.


“A vampire!” The pub instantly scrambles like an assaulted ant nest, tables overturned and merchandise flown about as the frightened citizens scatter for dear life.


[He bears the mark; he knows the answers even if he doesn’t realize it…


Everything shall proceed as planned…]


Y’shar comes to my aid as red creases zigzag throughout the surface of my skin, my red eyes turning into a pure, charcoal black.


He sees me raise it as I instantly slit his furry throat, his guillotined head gyring into the air against the rapid swirls of iron soaked blood and fragments of Amber hair.




The Dagger rests where it is dropped, coated in what once flowed through the living creature it once brought life too, now suffocating against the brushing air. It watches as his head rolls freely across the plain of a steady individual, until it comes to an abrupt stop at his feet as he cringes between tears in one of the pubs corners.


As Y’sahrs body freefalls to the wooden floors, I lunge at him like a mountain lion closing in for the kill, feasting away at his exposed chest as my fangs slash through his thick undercoat.








BLOOD!” It’s as if I changed into some sort of rabid animal, removing intestines, and organs, and bones before I am content with the dismembered corpse, lying in a warm pool of cold blood.


The owner restrains from movement in the fear of disrupting his most ambitious costumer to date….One that dines on cannibalistic cuisine, to which he hopes to pull away from the vampires menu. But he makes one fate mistake as he underestimates his already dwindling luck, alerting me to his open presence.


“LLL…look…I-I don’t want any trouble. Just leave and I’ll pretend I never saw you.” My head slowly turns until our views line up.


“Blood….” I reach down for my trusty dagger.


He backs away as I creep closer, my mouth salivating in gulps as I thirst for another victim.


“Stay back….”




“I’m warning you!”




“Stay-STAY BACK!!!”




He sees me raise the knife…




[“Get away from him, get away from this sanctuary!”]


[“ARGGGHHH! Stay back you foul women; your inexperienced demeanor cannot save him!”]




The sound was strong and sharp, shocking me out of my paranormal trance.


But the fight was far from over…


[As long as this being continues to conserve shape, I will not allow you to take my son from me!]




[Then a fight for the boy it is!”]


My head suddenly ached ferociously as my balance tipped, causing me to trip over the remains of the bartender.


[ “Listen to me… ] The voice whispered…


“What do you want! Why are you torturing me! Leave me alone!”


[“Go South to the Niban Bay, and there you will find where the answer sways…”]


[“Yori don’t listen to her!”]


[“GIVE IN to the greed you possess, and then I will free you from this devils mess…”]


[“She’s lying!”]


[“QUIET YOU INCUBUS! Do as I say Yori…DO as I say…and the rewards you will reap shall be here to stay…”]


“MOTHER! MOTHER DO SOMETHING!!!” My brain pulsated as my surroundings hazed,


[YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME!!!] My locket grew red…


[RESIST YORI! YOU MUST RESIST!] The glow intensified, my world draining as the voice chanted, each one more powerful than the last.








“NO! NO!”























On the brink of complete insanity, I attempted to coax the spirit out of my body using a moderation of a soul capturing spell, but the overwhelming disorientation prevented me from concentration.




“Yori…” The call sounded familiar…

Yori…” Real…



“Yori! Yori snap out of it!” I look up to a worried Y’shar in the doorway with a bird perched on his shoulder, shaking me.


“Huh? Y’shar? Is that you?” A sense of bewilderment crosses his face,


“Are you okay Yori? We were just waiting here for the boats to arrive before you zoned out for a full fifteen minutes. I’ve been trying to wake you up ever since.”


“Y’shar! Your head!” I began to feel around it, looking for a cut of any kind,


“It’s still attached!” He pushed me away before clearing the feathers of the startled bird from his nose,


“Get off of me! What’s wrong with you? Did you slip and hit your head or something?”


“No…no. Just- bad dreams is all…”






We poked our heads from the shops doors, watching as a Sea captain announced the arrival of a long awaited crew.




“Is that our ship Yori?”


“Yep. All we have to do, according to Janus, is board and receive instructions….” I started for the docked explorer,


“And you think we’ll make it?”


“Oh Y’shar you worry too much! Now stop cowering and let’s go!” As we ascended onto the deck, the Captain of the Seaward Helm greeted us.


“Aye! Welcome to the Seaward Helm! I’m Captain Edgar, and I assume you too were the scallywags old Janus spoke about!”


“Uh…Yeah, that’s us.” He gave me a firm slap to the shoulder,


“Ha! Ha! Ha! Just messing with me new recruits!”


“Recruits?” Y’shar repeated nervously,


“Aye! For the time being of course! And that mighty chirper you got there is all the proof you need.”


“But this bird isn’t mine! He just flew onto my shoulder as we entered Anvil…at least…I think it’s a he.”


“HA! HA !HA! Quite the comedian! You two are going to bring us some manly laughs with these long days at sea awaiting us!” He looked courageously into the setting sun for one brief moment in all seriousness,


“And what a long journey she’ll be…Ahem, well…I might as well get you two appointed to me ship. Head on down to the lower parts of the old girl and make yourselves at home. We’ll be sail ‘in in a few minutes.”


Soon Yori…


I swung around and away from the stairwell,


“Yori?” Y’shar asked as he noticed I wasn’t following him,


“You coming?” I looked back up to the vanishing sunlight,


“Yeah…yeah I’m coming.”


“Alright then.” We proceeded to the lower levels,


Very soon…



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I have to say great work! Although I get confused on some parts, like when he lost his locket in the lake, but next part usually makes it all straight. I hope for the next part!
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