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How often should you delete saves?


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Throughout my gaming experience I have only kept two saves and rotated between the two. I know that you're not supposed to do this but I have almost always have had no issues with this system. Sometimes when I'm experimenting with some new gameplay I will make a new save outside of my two saves so that I can abandon this track and return to where I left off if it doesn't work out. I frequently do this when starting a DLC.




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I use the default autosaves, a quick save, and then make a manual save whenever I reach a major story point. Story points for me are usually just before purchasing a house or joining a guild, just after finishing a major quest or long dungeon, right before installing a new mod or updating an existing one, etc. The autosaves and quicksave overwrite themselves, but I never delete any of the other saves. Even when I'm finished playing a particular character I just move those saves into an archive folder.


The important point is to keep enough saves that you can go back to a point before problems happen. That could mean 2 saves or 2000 depending on the situation.


Most hard drives are large enough these days that it shouldn't be a matter of space and a few hundred files in a folder shouldn't cause any problems.


P.S. Rotating between two saves for a TES game is crazy. Even Skyrim's default autosave system uses 3 slots. :smile:

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I save constantly while playing ( In combat, after doing something, etc), and after my session I leave the last 3 saves. Usually I get 3gb in saves after 1 session.


It takes 3 seconds to delete them, but I possibly save way more than you guys so idk, I don't want to randomly die and have to redo a ton of content. (Save after every mob, save before opening every door, etc)

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Modified my INI file to make 999 saves before overwriting


Use quick save when I think about it before a major fight or other precautionary moments.

A mod I've been working on has an option to make a save whenever locked objects are under the crosshair, so every locked object gets a save.

And I manually save whenever I'm done playing for the current session.


As a result, I can have well over 1000 saves (more like 2000 but who is counting) by the time I decide that I've played out that particular character run. I never delete the saves until the moment I decide to fully start over.

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Quoting Cdcooley,


"P.S. Rotating between two saves for a TES game is crazy. Even Skyrim's default autosave system uses 3 slots."


And yet it works for me. Mind you I must say the two saves that I use are custom ones that I create in the console. With this system I have lost one character long ago in Oblivion when somehow both saves became corrupted. And, yes, I know that it is not advised but... And, no, I would not recommend this to anyone else, but the OP did ask.


Making a lot of saves would cause me more confusion than it would be worth.




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I have every form of autosave disabled. I use the console to create save points and I use the quicksave / quickload hotkeys a lot.

Sometimes I have a lot of older saves but usually I only keep 3 or 5 of the most recent for each play though.

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