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What's the first thing you do...


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first thing is go to the arena and become the arena grand champion, pretty easy at the lowest levels and gets the fame up need fame to be 40 to buy the skingrad house and some money buy stuff.


I set the time scale to 8 from the default of 30, really makes the game easier the day more reasonable.

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Go to IC Market to sell stuff and buy a few low level spells (one for each type of magic), then off to Weynon Priory to drop off the Amulet. After that I hit the Chorrol F & M Guilds.


From there it's all about making money and finding/buying a place to live so I can do some training and have some storage space.


If I'm feeling lazy then I loot all the guild houses. :biggrin:

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Is there something that you just have to do when you start a new game? And I don't mean taking the amulet to Jauffre or something like that, but like, steal something?


The first thing I do is run to the Waterfront and get a cutlass from the pirates.

The first thing I do is go the shivering isle go the gates of madness and watch those poor adventures get slauterd then get my self a full suit of STEEL armour and weapons. shivering isles is awsome lots of more side quest new armor and weapons crazy people new plants, animals, dungeons, and enviorment defiantly worth the money

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Is there something that you just have to do when you start a new game? And I don't mean taking the amulet to Jauffre or something like that, but like, steal something?


The first thing I do is run to the Waterfront and get a cutlass from the pirates.

The first thing I do is go the shivering isle go the gates of madness and watch those poor adventures get slauterd then get my self a full suit of STEEL armour and weapons. shivering isles is awsome lots of more side quest new armor and weapons crazy people new plants, animals, dungeons, and enviorment defiantly worth the money



You can get steel armor at the Leyawiin Fighter's Guild. Steel weapons, too. Though you can grab fine steel longswords at the Chorrol guild.


I prefer to put off SI, since the quality of the Madness/Amber stuff is level dependent, but that's just me. :)

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Generally, I head to town and sell all the stuff I picked up in the dungeon. Possibly, I also pick up one of the nice weapons I have added via mods. Then I head straight into Vilverin to fetch the Bag of Holding. (Which may be the single most useful mod I have ever downloaded.)


Also, I recently realized that if you have Thieves Den you can get a decent sword early on without cheating by just fast-traveling to Anvil and picking up the free cutlass at the start of Dunbarrow Cove. (And if you kill all the skeletons you get a bunch of extras that you can sell.)


Whether or not I follow up the main quest depends on my character, really. My current one is more of an adventurer/ treasure hunter/hobby archelogist, and only a warrior of necessity, so she hasn't really bothered.

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Simple enough: go to Skingrad, read the note at the FG or MG and go straight to Meridia's Shrine to find Myria... afterward whatever comes becomes history quickly.


PS: Actually there is a whole "via sacra" I do with fresh characters. Getting the sword is the first (the above reason)... afterward I come all the way to Bruma to get the "glow dust" to start Azura's quest and grab the star all the while enjoying to do the MG quests and getting into all and every dungeon having undead to hunt (this whole thing is important in constructing my PC).


The next target is Norcturnal Shrine, so I go into some more dungeons until getting to level 10 (or even before if using OOO which remove level requisites for Daedra quests) and grab the skeleton key (not really necessary on normal playthru because at this point I can open most locks with spells, if Frostcrag, but... It's fun to steal the stealer ).


If OOO, in fact is a good sport go hunting Amazons and Sylvan rangers around level 7-10. I specially like the Sylvan quest because the Jefre's blessing which acts somewhat like the boots of the crusader and keep nature creatures at bay, I don't like killing them... for some reason.

Edited by nosisab
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Turn around, head straight back into the city. Wonder for a second why none of the guards seem to care that I just escaped their prison. Then happily sell all of the crap from the tutorial dungeon to Jensine or Maro Rufus and head off to my private armory to give my character some decent equipment. I refuse to run around in rags when i have so much stuff at my disposal.
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I usually spend about 30 more minutes using showracemenu to get my character juuuust right in the daylight (hard to see your character in the poor sewer lighting). Then, I swim across to Vilverin and kill the bandits outside. My inventory likely being bursting at this point, I head to the Market District to sell a bunch of useless junk. From there, there are many choices, most of which are very difficult with OOO. When I started my new character, I found that I simply didn't know where to start, so I looked at my other character's completed quest log. According to that, my first priority is to do a few quests in the Imperial City - uncover Thoronir's scheme and help out the old fisherman. Then, I join some guilds. In my quest log were about 5 Dark Brotherhood quests back to back, and then 5 or so more Mages' Guild quests. This is intermixed by a few Arena battles. By this point, I usually have a bit more power and some better gear, so I go loot some random dungeons. Then I get caught up somewhere in the Main Quest...


But yeah, basically I sell a bunch of crap, do guild quests for levels/loot, then spend lots of time looting dungeons and dealing with my increasingly large collection of loot that I will never get around to selling, which is the main reason I usually stop playing high level characters - can't walk 10 feet without my inventory filling up.

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