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Grammer, and the like


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Well, i've been seeing a lot of post about grammer....And i understand that it shows poorply on the reputatoion of this fourms, but some people, like me for example, can't spell well, or type well, and yet we are gettign chewed out about it...my friend just the other day asked a very important question about y the enamies won't attack him and everyone just complained about his grammer. Even reading this post I can see my own mistakes, so my uestion


WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL? WE"RE HERE FOR FUN AND HELP RIGHT? It isn't very fun(for me at least) to have to watch every little mistake i make and go back to change it.

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dewd nos i cnat ololololol btui egt j00 no tth gramer thnig si liek whne i post0r, nobdy cna undurstodn meh so wierd si liek anutter langege ololololol okthxbye ohok 1 mre ?,,, whar si teh undergrornd manson in balmoar? ? ? :)?:(?:)?:(?:)?:(?:)?:(?:)?:(?:) o ye i ma liek so teh nevabreen gaar!!!!!!! soem sy i a meth btu tyeh jsut lyars!!!!!!!!!! ho nad i liek taht smelly not ther nemor czu i tuk ti uot ololololol but teh guy si liek whut na idit CNAT SPELL!!!! o ya nad sistom a dune pwnz!! taek taht derak!!! okthxbye


Yeah, that's the sort bad grammar, horrific spelling, and general annoyance level that gets people pissed. Yours is fine, as long as it's still, to some extent, readable, and your post doesn't reveal that it -- even after you put so much effort into deciphering it -- is completely and utterly idiotic.

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Let me apologize at the beginning because this may sound like preaching. I say this because this topic is something I take fairly seriously and I have strong feelings about it. I mean no offense, and I will never correct anyones grammar on the forums, but if you ever have me as a professor, look out. Poor grammar is not simply an issue on this forum. It is a problem everywhere you go. Many college kids couldn't write to save themselves and think that "Spellcheck" saves them. If I could show you half of the papers that have come across my desk, your collective jaws would hit the floor. Since the onset of the electronic age many people have ceased writing letters and conducted the majority of their communication via email. Email does not lend itself to correct grammar or spelling. I do not understand the majority of the slang used on this forum or anyother for that matter, but that is my problem not anyone elses. It may not matter here but it does matter in the real world. It will matter when a paper gets turned in in college, it will matter when applying for a job, and it will certainly matter when turning in a proposal or writing a grant. I know for a fact that in the academic world your grant will be rejected flat out if your proposal contains any grammatical errors. So, in short, lingo is great but it has its place. Take the time to learn correct grammar, it can only help.
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Mjolnir: Just FYI though, on the internet you're dealing with people of all nationalities, many of whom like me aren't native english. My first language isn't english - it's icelandic. I bother to learn english fairly well (a constant work in progress - no matter how long or well a foreigner like me practises) because 1) I like languages and 2) I like to dream about becoming a writer one day, and english would be the best language to write in. But those are personal reasons, any person you encounter online can be of any nationality and hence shouldn't be judged according to grammar or spelling.


The "intentional" errors are quite another thing, "u" instead of you, "r" instead are, and just plain "dumb speak" as I like to call it (as opposed to the well known "leet speak" (using numbers to replace several letters)). That is something I abhore and I can well understand people being terror upon anyone who uses it.


But let's be reasonable, quite aside even from nationality people are of varying intelligence, many just aren't cut out for learning, others don't have the oppertunities in life to do so. In this day and age nearly everyone can access the internet one way or another, if not at home then through school, work or internet cafes. I don't see any reason to crucify those that don't have perfect grammar skills for trying to enjoy the company of forums such as these. :)


Just IMO. :P

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I have a rule on about questions... If I can't understand what someone is trying to ask, I CAN'T help them. It's as simple as that. I've gotten used to reading a lot of slang and in most cases can help people, but in the case Marxist sited, well... that's so bloody horrible it could induce mental illness.


Bottom line: If we can't understand you, we can't help you.



((Nice quote for this: "I don't know, I don't speak Drunkenese."))

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Haha, personally I only write like I normally do because it's faster than typing using grammar like this (well a little). 2 tell the truth im prolly just lazy :P


IMHO u r lol etc are just fine, but it's when people deliberately mis-spell words like teh and write in all capitals etc that it becomes annoying...

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Well some of my posts may seem to cotain bad gramer but that is because I have a little "problem" with words <and numbers> sometimes I forget to write letters or letters in a word are muddled up. :(

yeah. stuff like that is fine (its usually obvious when its deliberate and when its accidental)

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