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Goodbye Socialist Obamerica ... goodbye.


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. As a a portion of the electorate, they are overwhelmingly represented by middle age and elderly Southerners pining for "the days of Reagan", and not minorities, young people, or the country as a whole(which opposes the Tea Party). If you actually look at Reagan's policies and views, you know in reality, he would been far too liberal for the Tea Party.

Wow. Your insinuated lack of tolerance is only exceeded by your lack of understanding.


Loose the stereo-types and the labels and get serious.

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Some democratic measure passed at the STATE level. It's the federal level that folks are beginning to have issues with. (and showing it.)


Voter turnout has never been all that good, if you break 40% in a mid term election, you are doing good. At this point, I suspect most folks don't vote, simply because they realize their vote really doesn't change anything. We still see pretty much the same things happening, just a different crowd doing them. This time around, I believe the backlash was more to stop obama from doing more stupid stuff...... but, that doesn't appear to have worked..... he is still being stupid.

Voter turnout was 36%, the lowest in 70 years.


I fail to see how immigration has anything to do with the election. Immigration was not a key issue in the Senate races. And by the way, the Senate has already passed a bipartisan immigration bill with 68 votes. The House, controlled by Speaker Boehner, refuses to allow a vote on that bill. They see it as a political liability, because failing to pass it will confirm the party's hostility towards the Dreamers and their intention to forcibly break up families with deportations. Some of the "family values" voters in the party, particularly in South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, and a few Mid West states, would look negatively upon policies which break up families.


Instead, they are demanding that the president do their dirty work for them. Obviously he isn't going to. Because the Republican party is divided itself on this issue(which is why the Senate bill passed with Republican support), they refuse to take a position and instead attack the president.


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Anyone who is educated knows their view of the Constitution is whatever justifies fascism and privilege.

And this is where you need to put on the brakes with the rhetoric. "Anyone who is educated", that would be me and I don't see the Tea Party that way. They are hardcore Constitutionalists with a sprinkling of religious types and nothing more.


And when you throw out words like fascism and equate that ideology to Conservatism you couldn't be more wrong. Religious freedom, all people deserve equal treatment, small government, free enterprise; those are the hall marks of conservatism. Compare that to what Obama and his clique have done; intrusive government, some people are more equal that others, exerting control over private business, reigning in religious institutions. That sir, is Fascism. Center-left; Franco's Spain, Peron's Argentinian, Mussolini's Italy. Fascism is a leftist ideology. It is Communism-Lite.


I fought in circles with my Poly-Sci professor about this. He didn't see it either, even when presented with facts and real life comparisons. He firmly believed that Republicans and Nazis were the same thing and that is what he tried to push in class. I eventually had to go to the Dean of Students and then his department head to get him to stop.


This is why they do not condemn the rising police-state in this country, or U.S. military imperialism. As a a portion of the electorate, they are overwhelmingly represented by middle age and elderly Southerners pining for "the days of Reagan", and not minorities, young people, or the country as a whole (which opposes the Tea Party). If you actually look at Reagan's policies and views, you know in reality, he would been far too liberal for the Tea Party.

What I have underlined. :dry: Dude, you sound like a complete lunatic and your debate tactic is to insult people. Juss say'n.


1. I'm reporting the demographic reality of who supports the tea party. You being uncomfortable with statistical facts does not amount to me insulting you. They are facts, and if you have a personal problem with them, that's unfortunate. A wide cross section of support is not something the Tea Party has, and given the fact that they fall on the wrong side of the issues in relation to how Americans poll on issues(read the polls), this isn't surprising. The Tea Party is culturally, demographically, and geographically isolated from the rest of the nation, Republicans in blue states and purple states are very aware of this.


2. Fascism is an authoritarian ideology. It is the merger of corporation and state. It is patriarchal and antidemocratic. Democrats are not "true left" in any global sense(they are more rightwing than most Labour, Liberal, and Social Democrat parties). I think both parties are too authoritarian and right wing overall, but a certain section of the Republican party(not all of them) are openly hostile towards democracy, young people, and American culture in general. Why else would these Tea Party types be saying things like "We need to take away the popular vote for Senate election"?


I would refer to www.Politicalcompass.org for a better understanding of the political spectrum, because you seem to be confused about the spectrum despite the sage advise of your political science professor.


And by the way, I use the word Fascism, and not Nazism, because they are distinctively different things, and I would never use them interchangeably. Refer to former Vice President Henry Wallace's speech on the rise of American Fascism for a better understanding of this.



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Some democratic measure passed at the STATE level. It's the federal level that folks are beginning to have issues with. (and showing it.)


Voter turnout has never been all that good, if you break 40% in a mid term election, you are doing good. At this point, I suspect most folks don't vote, simply because they realize their vote really doesn't change anything. We still see pretty much the same things happening, just a different crowd doing them. This time around, I believe the backlash was more to stop obama from doing more stupid stuff...... but, that doesn't appear to have worked..... he is still being stupid.

Voter turnout was 36%, the lowest in 70 years.


I fail to see how immigration has anything to do with the election. Immigration was not a key issue in the Senate races. And by the way, the Senate has already passed a bipartisan immigration bill with 68 votes. The House, controlled by Speaker Boehner, refuses to allow a vote on that bill. They see it as a political liability, because failing to pass it will confirm the party's hostility towards the Dreamers and their intention to forcibly break up families with deportations. Some of the "family values" voters in the party, particularly in South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, and a few Mid West states, would look negatively upon policies which break up families.


Instead, they are demanding that the president do their dirty work for them. Obviously he isn't going to. Because the Republican party is divided itself on this issue(which is why the Senate bill passed with Republican support), they refuse to take a position and instead attack the president.



Why are you talking about Republicans failing to do something about imigration when the President himself waiting to after the midterms to do what he did about imigration. He could have done what he did before the midterms, but opted, for purly political reasons to wait till after the fat lady sung. None of this is to help anyone but the politicans and the meer fact that President Obama waited proved to me that those human beings that will be effected by this were meerly canon fodder.


When will the American people ever wake up and understand just how little the politicans value us outside the voting machines. What is happening is pandering and bribery for votes. Our usfulness begins and ends with us being used and we our paying them to do this. Sometimes I wonder who is in the most desperte straights. The partison believer or a Heroin junkie.

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Concerning immigration:



Like anything Obama puts his hands on, this immigration 'reform' of his is a double-edged sword. Basically Obama is turning illegal aliens into second class registered aliens. I don't understand how Democrats can be cool with this. Illegal aliens are an oppressed minority, and now it's official.

They get to pay into the system and get a fraction of the benefits. Since they'll be taking low-paying jobs there will be a deficit at the end of their work tenures, provided they're allowed to stay or if they are forced to remain in the Limbo Obama has hung them in. And the Hispanic community is accepting this.


I'm not going to pretend to have a profound understanding of Constitutional Law but I do understand how our government works (Political Science Major) as set out by the Constitution. Obama's immigration bill (yes, it is a bill) violates the Separation of Powers. The Administrative Branch cannot legislate law. It doesn't matter that the State Department and the DHS oversees immigration since what Obama did goes far beyond government code. Only Congress can legally legislate immigration law.



“This is a legal issue, not a political issue, and President Obama has crossed a serious legal line with his proposed unilateral immigration executive action. The President’s action violates his constitutional duty to faithfully enforce immigration laws that were duly enacted by Congress, circumvents the will of the American people and is an affront to the families and individuals who follow our laws to legally immigrate to the United States. The State of Texas will assert a legal action against President Obama’s unconstitutional abuse of power."


That's Greg Abbot, the AG in Texas.



and...@ IndigoV

:laugh: www.Politicalcompass.org :laugh:

I guess you're telling me I'm not Democratic enough? I get the same thing from rez Indians and wannabes calling me apple boy (red on the outside, white on the inside) and I'm more of a blanket-ass Red Man than most of them. I think the same thing might be true here. OSU is full of radical Leftists so your talking points here aren't anything I haven't heard before. That's why I pointed them out. You sound like an Occupy loon and it's probably why no one is taking you seriously.

Edited by JRRaff
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Now this I find droll, after repeated counterpoints expressing the concept that intellectual arrogance is not the most persuasive method; we get a lecture which could best be described as 'Political Science for Dummies" :facepalm: .....and I had thought all the comedy had gone out of the debates section. :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...



"and...@ IndigoV

:laugh: www.Politicalcompass.org :laugh:

I guess you're telling me I'm not Democratic enough? I get the same thing from rez Indians and wannabes calling me apple boy (red on the outside, white on the inside) and I'm more of a blanket-ass Red Man than most of them. I think the same thing might be true here. OSU is full of radical Leftists so your talking points here aren't anything I haven't heard before. "


Not sure what you are talking about. You are what you are in the political spectrum. You haven't revealed your leanings, but I have no reservations revealing mine. I am a Green/Justice party advocate through and through. Democrats are just moderate Republicans with a more friendly message for the most part. Obama is not a socialist, he is just a political agent working for his own legacy, in accordance with a deeply entrenched, corrupt, shadow system that works for the plutocracy. He is an operative of the system more than anything. Republicans are just angry that he isn't passing every harebrained thing they and their cowboys think of. Some of them blatantly dislike him because he is black I used to live in the South, I've heard so much ridiculous stuff, it's like people believe every chain email hashed up by some conspiracy theory geezer.

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Not sure what you are talking about. You are what you are in the political spectrum. You haven't revealed your leanings, but I have no reservations revealing mine. I am a Green/Justice party advocate through and through. Democrats are just moderate Republicans with a more friendly message for the most part. Obama is not a socialist, he is just a political agent working for his own legacy, in accordance with a deeply entrenched, corrupt, shadow system that works for the plutocracy. He is an operative of the system more than anything. Republicans are just angry that he isn't passing every harebrained thing they and their cowboys think of. Some of them blatantly dislike him because he is black I used to live in the South, I've heard so much ridiculous stuff, it's like people believe every chain email hashed up by some conspiracy theory geezer.



There ya go , someone who gets it . A system of corruption.



Socialist ObamAmerica, yeah right . Oligarch's and their political cronies fighting over the spoils , your tax dollars. The ACA (Obamacare) is never going away and neither are the subsidies because what they have created is a Federal Reserve like system for medical care , those subsidies are the Corporations and their political cronies profits on both sides . You really think they are going to threaten their own stock options , get real . Its like this in the banking sector , the military sector , pharmacueticals , oil , gas , coal , its everywhere.


If ya watched video you may have noticed how it said what they were doing wasn't technically illegal because in Congress they write the rules . Well after this came out someone decided to challenge this in court , because those are rules and regulations of Congress and their various committees not the law of the land . So what did they do (Congress) they passed a law , with all the i's dotted and t's crossed (making sure they didn't miss anything) within 4 months . See they can get legislation passed real fast when its important to them. Also it was near unaminous only a handful in the House (mostly progressives) think like 27 and only 2 in the Senate , Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Ron Paul of Texas , voted against it . Oh yeah that socialist agenda , walks away laughing hysterically.

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Not sure what you are talking about. You are what you are in the political spectrum. You haven't revealed your leanings, but I have no reservations revealing mine. I am a Green/Justice party advocate through and through. Democrats are just moderate Republicans with a more friendly message for the most part. Obama is not a socialist, he is just a political agent working for his own legacy, in accordance with a deeply entrenched, corrupt, shadow system that works for the plutocracy. He is an operative of the system more than anything. Republicans are just angry that he isn't passing every harebrained thing they and their cowboys think of. Some of them blatantly dislike him because he is black I used to live in the South, I've heard so much ridiculous stuff, it's like people believe every chain email hashed up by some conspiracy theory geezer.



There ya go , someone who gets it . A system of corruption.



Socialist ObamAmerica, yeah right . Oligarch's and their political cronies fighting over the spoils , your tax dollars. The ACA (Obamacare) is never going away and neither are the subsidies because what they have created is a Federal Reserve like system for medical care , those subsidies are the Corporations and their political cronies profits on both sides . You really think they are going to threaten their own stock options , get real . Its like this in the banking sector , the military sector , pharmacueticals , oil , gas , coal , its everywhere.


If ya watched video you may have noticed how it said what they were doing wasn't technically illegal because in Congress they write the rules . Well after this came out someone decided to challenge this in court , because those are rules and regulations of Congress and their various committees not the law of the land . So what did they do (Congress) they passed a law , with all the i's dotted and t's crossed (making sure they didn't miss anything) within 4 months . See they can get legislation passed real fast when its important to them. Also it was near unaminous only a handful in the House (mostly progressives) think like 27 and only 2 in the Senate , Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Ron Paul of Texas , voted against it . Oh yeah that socialist agenda , walks away laughing hysterically.




Opinions very. To say that everything and everyone is the same and the system is one way or the other because in their veiw it is is nothing more than a highly inflated opionion of their own opinion. The snide remark about walking away laughing adds nothing to anything other than to re enforce my opinion of this. Looking down ones nose at another really doesn't give anyone the perspective other than they are better than others., but in my opinion most of these are pre-existing condition.


I've read your writting and know your better than this. Please don't let anger get the best of you and draw yourself down to this level. People are people and they do what they do. Not all walk the same road or for the same reason.

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Opinions very. To say that everything and everyone is the same and the system is one way or the other because in their veiw it is is nothing more than a highly inflated opionion of their own opinion. The snide remark about walking away laughing adds nothing to anything other than to re enforce my opinion of this. Looking down ones nose at another really doesn't give anyone the perspective other than they are better than others., but in my opinion most of these are pre-existing condition.


I've read your writting and know your better than this. Please don't let anger get the best of you and draw yourself down to this level. People are people and they do what they do. Not all walk the same road or for the same reason.



Unbelievable , they are literally passing rules, regulations and laws that exempt themselves from insider trading , something which if any other American did (except of course their campaign donors ) would go to prison for . And your concern is that I'm laughing about it . Why would I be angry about it , I'm not the one's their screwing over , its not my money or government . Its yours. Strange thing is I was being snide , because the whole way Americans carry on about the left/right , democrat/republican thing is like watching bad theater where each sides crowd is cheering thinking they are watching an Emmy performance ,Wasn't expecting this but you actually did make me laugh by your response , thanks I enjoyed that . Unbelievable.


So as far as the mid - terms go I'll give yas a bone (because I have never actually said anything about the mid - terms) . Except for Mark Udall of Colorado I take the perspective of the seats in Congress . Just another ass sitting on me. (Granted there might be a diamond or two that came in , but I'm not holding out much hope)


And whats this opinion nonsense , this is 60 Minutes , One of America's premiere investigative news shows , they are literally showing you examples of how it works and how your political system is dealing with it , by making themselves rich off of it . Its called the Washington consensus , you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours . Something Americans have been complaining about for decades , my laughing about it is the least of your problems.

Edited by Harbringe
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