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I want more followers, UFO friendly


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Hey -- Since the death of some random 2h dude follower that I liked (and payed 500 gold for) I was upset and stopped using followers.

I forgot to set him as important so he wouldn't just die, I'd go and console res him but I lost him.


Now I just have my horse following me :sad:


I use UFO (Ultimate FOllower Overhaul) and want some compatible and not super OP followers (voice acted of course), that are not skimpy females. Don't mind a female follower, but you know what I mean about how "specific female follower mods" are a nono.


Please point me at some mods that will add more friends to my game; I'm getting lonely here in Skyrim without a companion(s)

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Omg Inigo is like my best friend now! He's awesome!


Since I can have multiple followers there is one that I wanted for a while, a "Healbot". Somebody who stays back and casts restoration abilities while in combat. Either on me on Inigo.


Is there somebody like that in the game or do I have to download them? I also got kFollowers (The complete pack), but I want myself a healer!

Edited by marat569
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My understanding is Inigo only works reliably with AFT. Hoth is a good choice, so is Dustbound (that's the mod's name, the actual follower is named Ethran). I know Hoth needs a patch to work with UFO, Dustbound IDK. I've never used UFO myself, so I can't comment on that, but it isn't hard to try a new follower out. If you don't mind a female follower, I suggest Selene Kate. She uses her own AI, so your follower mod is irrelevent, plus she'll cast buff spells and heal you too. The armor she comes with is ridiculous, but you can always change that.

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