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Honour and Respect-dead and buried.


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There are a lot of people here who have experienced all this during the last decade. That's not the problem. The problem is - we've taught absolutely nothing to those who came after us, cos we've simply left the online scene, huh. Oh yes, we were indeed the better players in those days - holy warriors under the banner of self-righteousness, for sure. But probably because of social experiences we've made already in Lan sessions in the late 90s - and that's all.
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I've tried reasoning with them, I've tried approaching them as a mentor, an instructor, a fellow gamer. It does NOT work.


Perhaps you have a magic touch? I do not. I have a powerful mind, but when I'm angry it is not a subtle mind. Completely taken over with predatory killer instinct filtered by a decade of combat experience, that makes interacting with deranged children dificult.


Perhaps you can somehow "pass on" what you know to those that will come after you, but frankly I've done my time as the wise young instructor. I ran a team since I was fifteen, and their trainer with long rifles and sniper weapons of all sorts. I've passed on a lot of what i know, taught some o0f those smart enough to learn everything they know, but I have not and will not teach them every I know.


If you want to try and teach thse brats humility, civility, and how to actualy handle a firearm, be my guest, I've been trying for two years. It doesnt work, no matter how much wishful thinking you throw into the mix. They are beyond reason because these young fools have their minds entirely set into the pattern of "beating the grown up" they are far too immature-and I mean that in the scientific sense, to comprehend the damage they do, They reject all sense and reason.


If you want to debate this, maybe tommorow, right now I need a night's sleep and a brandy.

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Have your Brandy :smile:

Vindekarr get some rest and some distance to your anger, maybe some answers awaits you after a good sleep with more pleasant dreams.

Those questions aren't running away.

I wish to you a good night and some nice dreams.

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Teaching has to happen in the forefront of an event, when the other one is not yet part of the game and the rules.

This goes for the MMORPG. In the MORPG of old, where a single player worked as the host for up to a dozen of others on a zone server with thousands of players is was still possible to throw out fools and to form closed groups. The last match of this kind was played in late 2006, if memory serves.

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I agree, it's almost impossible finding polite people out there in the first person world. I say 'almost' since I've bumped into a few here and there, but they're like unicorns these days. This is what made me tire on World of Warcraft. Once my old guild, which had a very strict policy of maturity and social behavior coming well before gear, had sadly collapsed into itself (I blame the latest expansion, the economic crisis and people like those children described in this thread using us as a human springboard to more attractive guilds), it was like being cast out into a wasteland populated entirely by hormone-fueled, bloodstained peacocks. I might return one day (the new Worgen-race makes me believe Blizzard is actually trying their best to lure me back with a carefully chosen bait) but for now, I can't take anymore.


Another good example of bad players going through puberty ruining a good game is Battlefield Heroes. It's nicely presented and designed, as well as accessable. Of course, it also suckered in hordes of childish players too, which is a shame since I had anticipated the whole cartoony feel to scare them off; anything that isn't gritty, grim, gray and reaking of testosterone tend to either make them dismiss the concept as a kiddie-game, TF2-ripoff or stimulate their maturing homophobia glands. It could have been avoided, had EA decided to go on with the project and perhaps release it as a 'proper' game. But they didn't, adding the sin of lost potential to the hefty list they bost.


I played mainly as a Gunner (heavy weapon specialist), which ment I was awfully slow, but could carry a hard-hitting machine gun and a rocket launcher, as well as absorbing quite a few shots. I dare say I became rather good at it, too. I boosted my resilience-abilities and learned target priority and a few other neat tricks, which ment I could take on three lads at once if I played my cards right. Of course, this was the same as cheating in their books. Actually trying to best them in battle than laying down before them is considered very poor sportmanship amongst their tribes... So I couldn't stay on a game for more than half a round before angry commandoes (stealth specialists, very deadly if used correctly, very fragile when not played right) accused me for hacking or cheating. I even got my very own nickname when I started bumping into these people regurally ('Camenbert the Carebear', if you wonder). When EA decided to pull the plug on this game in order to make it a good little milking cow, I finally left. They took my cozy cardigan (You have to buy almost anything with real money these days, which include the best weapons. Guess which people most often got access to these), they did...


So in the end, single player games are what matter in this household. Boardgames are fine, since you're always at least bound by social etiquette when playing those. But I never play multiplayer these days unless I can count on the company being somewhat pleasant (I do play Counter Strike on occasion, since I've found a few strongholds of civilization there). Now, I just dearly hope this kind of behaviour won't take to the streets too. If I've got to be mugged, then please let it not be by people going 'lol n00b!' as they taze me... If these people doesn't get taught some kind of social behaviour before adulthood, then we've better all hope that the robotic police drones are ready in time to meet the threat.


However, I do feel rather guilty for abandoning the FPS-stage once in a while. Once more, polite people out there are rare (I count myself amongst the polite, and I certainly hope that I am) and it's not really solidarty on my part in thinning the unicorn population more. But I don't want to be a unicorn! I look awful in white.


Keep fighting the good fight, all you brave unicorns out there!

[There's no salute-emoticon, so you will have to imagine one. With a proud, thankfull smile, a tear going down the cheek and a flag of optional choice waving behind]

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I long ago left the multiplayer games to the kiddies. I was vastly outnumbered and most of them have no real clue what they are doing and no interest in learning anything.
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That's terrible, and the fact is your right. but there are stilll good children because their parents brought them up right, teaching them to be nice, and to care.

I my self have been at freinds houses and seen their freinds slam controllers, and throw a fit over losing. if i lose i really don't care. its just a game, we are supposed to enjoy them, but people seem to have forgotton that.

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i know a guy who broke his controller because he lost like 25 games in halo... he calls people who kill him something like "jiggabo" i try to tell him its just a game, but even on MW2 which he hates, he thinks rank is all that matters. he is a close friend, but i worry about him
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I wonder about the parents of some of these kids, they must know what they're like, they're f'ing and blinding at the tops of their voices, how can their parents not hear them? I went online with the PS3 for the first time a few weeks back and it was horrible. 11pm and there are young children screaming and shouting abuse, they had English accents so it wasn't a time difference thing. Aren't these kids parents the slightest bit concerned that they have their pals round at that time of night?


@ AlienSlof Happy days, I used to play Quake3 online for many hours racking up huge bills. The first Soldier of Fortune game had a decent crowd playing as well, you could join any server and soon be chatting away with people and having fun. Games would end with the chatbox full of "Good game" or "gg", not a load of abuse.

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Another good example of bad players going through puberty ruining a good game is Battlefield Heroes. It's nicely presented and designed, as well as accessable. Of course, it also suckered in hordes of childish players too, which is a shame since I had anticipated the whole cartoony feel to scare them off; anything that isn't gritty, grim, gray and reaking of testosterone tend to either make them dismiss the concept as a kiddie-game, TF2-ripoff or stimulate their maturing homophobia glands. It could have been avoided, had EA decided to go on with the project and perhaps release it as a 'proper' game. But they didn't, adding the sin of lost potential to the hefty list they bost.


I played mainly as a Gunner (heavy weapon specialist), which ment I was awfully slow, but could carry a hard-hitting machine gun and a rocket launcher, as well as absorbing quite a few shots. I dare say I became rather good at it, too. I boosted my resilience-abilities and learned target priority and a few other neat tricks, which ment I could take on three lads at once if I played my cards right. Of course, this was the same as cheating in their books. Actually trying to best them in battle than laying down before them is considered very poor sportmanship amongst their tribes... So I couldn't stay on a game for more than half a round before angry commandoes (stealth specialists, very deadly if used correctly, very fragile when not played right) accused me for hacking or cheating. I even got my very own nickname when I started bumping into these people regurally ('Camenbert the Carebear', if you wonder). When EA decided to pull the plug on this game in order to make it a good little milking cow, I finally left. They took my cozy cardigan (You have to buy almost anything with real money these days, which include the best weapons. Guess which people most often got access to these), they did...


Me too, I was a Gunner, and the game got sadly ruined for me. I got kicked out every second match because I was nearly always number one in kills/death ratio. I used my rocket launcher to jump on roofs like a Jedi, and use good old middle ranged machine gun you get at the beginning. I dressed almost as opposite side, so I won't look like Royals or whatever the americans called in there. Then came along update... Everything is expensive, there was 1000 pages long rant on the main forum, little whiny retards came along, brought those *uber* weapons and clothes, and kept killing everything. I then, didn't have enough Valor Points, which are cash you get from battling, not buying, for even to support to keep a rocket launcher, and I can't even say a word about my Cozy Cardigan. :( So I quit the game and I don't know if next, better update came out.


Star Wars, old ones, I think it was Jedi academy or the next one, I don't know, the first one with choice of lightsaber. I always picked double sword, and killed everything on my way as I used only one move - butterfly. It kills about 150 HP if used properly. And the best part, is that you can move yourself while doing it, so you can angle yourself to constantly cause a blow. Then I got kicked everytime on my favourite server. Why? Because people mistook it for a Kata, the most Noob move in the game. I tried to talk some sense into them that it wasn't, and it took me quite some time to master it. But still, no one cared to look. Everyone wanted to kick me for it. So I went myself, and got onto another server. Where I actually found people that managed to knock me off the top of the scores. There was a lot less people but still more fun.

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