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Is America becoming Socialist ?


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The devil you know? You mean the one that got us into this mess in the first place?


No way. Not a good idea. Besides, look at what "the devil you know" is considering! (which is even more stupid than it looks: it didn't work the last time they tried it and in fact backfired spectacularly!)



I would rather have someone like GWB running the country, than Obama, even though I don't like either of them, its just the lesser of 2 evils.


I would prefer the balance of power be equal in government, that way neither side gets to do anything crazy. We saw Bush and the Republicans, now its Obama and the Democrats. I don't want either of them having full control. Because they are all crooks and idiots.


I have no confidence in government whatsoever, they can't pour piss out of a boot.

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I would prefer the balance of power be equal in government, that way neither side gets to do anything crazy. We saw Bush and the Republicans, now its Obama and the Democrats. I don't want either of them having full control. Because they are all crooks and idiots.


I have no confidence in government whatsoever, they can't pour piss out of a boot.


That´s why I just love my multi party government, socialist or not. Perhaps you should try that kind of goverment, before trying anything else.

Only con with multi is, that new law negotiations can take longer time in some situations, however.

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Why do so many Americans fear and loath Socialism so much and yet do not seem to understand it very well. This is a biased statement, I know, but it puzzles me when I see the world being threatened by far more serious 'threats'.


Please try not to be too negative in your responses as I truly wish here to understand people more and not to score points.

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Some of the Americans responding in this thread have actually spent some time in and have knowledge of my country and what Socialism has done to it, they have beheld and lo, it was not good. Seriously, they see what is going on in Europe and think...errr...no thanks!
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Why do so many Americans fear and loath Socialism so much and yet do not seem to understand it very well. This is a biased statement, I know, but it puzzles me when I see the world being threatened by far more serious 'threats'.


Please try not to be too negative in your responses as I truly wish here to understand people more and not to score points.


I think many Americans in the right are still stuck in the cold war mentality Maharg where they equate socialism to communism. With the cold war gone, there are still some communist nations left that are still "full communists" like North Korea or Cuba who have not moved economically and there are South American nations who are moving more socialistic side, like Venezuela and Bolivia. To many Americans in the right it is the perceived threat that communism still exists even though that socialism is different to communism. So when an American President tries to help his people who are out of work and have no universal health-care, many perceive that he is communist and is giving America to the commies which is quite the contrary. I hope that answers your question.

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Why do so many Americans fear and loath Socialism so much and yet do not seem to understand it very well. This is a biased statement, I know, but it puzzles me when I see the world being threatened by far more serious 'threats'.


Please try not to be too negative in your responses as I truly wish here to understand people more and not to score points.

I think many Americans in the right are still stuck in the cold war mentality Maharg where they equate socialism to communism. With the cold war gone, there are still some communist nations left that are still "full communists" like North Korea or Cuba who have not moved economically and there are South American nations who are moving more socialistic side, like Venezuela and Bolivia. To many Americans in the right it is the perceived threat that communism still exists even though that socialism is different to communism. So when an American President tries to help his people who are out of work and have no universal health-care, many perceive that he is communist and is giving America to the commies which is quite the contrary. I hope that answers your question.

First off there have been several Americans on this thread that like socialistic policies such as Species and Grannywils or at least socially liberal policies and find that they are quite acceptable. But as one of the American conservative posters on this thread let me refute the concept that we on the right are still in a cold war mentality, the cold war is over ...they lost, we won... end of story.


The conservatives in America do not like Obama for many reasons most are related to his fiscally frivolous spending policies which are the corner stone of liberal democratic governments. Obama is not a communist or is perceived as one by the right, but he would like to steer the federal government in a decidedly more socialistic direction which most on the conservative end of the spectrum find an anathema. I know that his holiness Obama is viewed abroad with great acclaim abroad, but here in the US his polling numbers have been dropping steadily, which is hardly a surprise after the last two years. Its is his ineffective governing, waffling foreign policy and lack of fulfilling his campaign promises that are at the root of this, not some perception that he is some sort of closet communist.


Is it so hard to conceptualize that we on the right understand what socialism is and do not want it? I Am sure that both species and grannywils will put up a spirited defense of socialism as a viable concept and that is their prerogative just as it is mine to defeat the concept at the upcoming mid term elections.

As an American who has lived abroad and viewed socialistic governments in action first hand, I see it as a fiscally bankrupt concept that neither elevates the underclasses or promotes their interest effectively, all it does do is enable a permanent underclass that have no motivation to get off the dole and become clients of the government on a perpetuating basis. We spent an inordinate amount of time attempting to reform the Welfare System and I personally do not want to see it revised and put forth with new clothes so we have to do this again.

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