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New premium member feature - notifications


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Thanks Dark0ne! This is very useful :thumbsup:


However, I think I may be misunderstanding something, or doing something dim, as clicking the links in the notification popup does nothing, either in vanilla Firefox 3.6 or IE8, even though I see the associated URL displayed in the browser statusbar when hovering the cursor over a link...

It happens the same to me. I don't know what I am doing wrong becauseI can't navigate using those links :sad:

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Odd, I was just going to say thanks for fixing the link-clicking problem that others have reported, because the links were just working for me, but now they don't do anything again...
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What browser is this in? I've tested it in the latest version of FF, IE and Chrome and can click the links fine. Could this be an adblocker/noscript issue considering how heavily javascript based the system is?
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I honestly didn't think much about this feature and even though I saw some notices, I never clicked on it to see what it was.


Now that I've looked, I can see now why I'll become addicted to this feature. Much easier to keep track of the recent event in various areas instead of going to each particular page, setting a sort and such...it is all in one place. Simply awesome.




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What browser is this in? I've tested it in the latest version of FF, IE and Chrome and can click the links fine. Could this be an adblocker/noscript issue considering how heavily javascript based the system is?


Couple of things I've found here, using FF:


1) If I pinch the php link out of the page code and then tag it onto the main site URL to target the notifications directly, as in:




..the links on the resulting page work as expected, so it does seem to be purely down to being loaded in the popup.


2) If I middle mouse click on the links in the notification popup (default button to force open a link in a new window) the links work, even though I have FF set to open new windows in tabs and the link does indeed load in a new tab. Still, middle clicking works. Left-clicking the links as normal though, does nothing.


Not that it explains the fact that plain jane vanilla IE8 on three different PC's doesn't like them. Very odd.


I continue to dig...

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I'm on FF 3.6.8. Tested in FF safe mode (no addons), and even went as far as creating a blank FF test profile with no luck. Also tested in IE8, and both FF and IE on a laptop.


2) If I middle mouse click on the links in the notification popup (default button to force open a link in a new window) the links work, even though I have FF set to open new windows in tabs and the link does indeed load in a new tab. Still, middle clicking works. Left-clicking the links as normal though, does nothing.

That does not work for me :(



Just gave it a try in Chrome, and the links work.


EDIT again:

In Chrome, only navigating to a new page will hide the notification popup. In FF and IE, a click anywhere will hide it, which I assume is the desired behavior, but maybe clicks anywhere within the popup are simply triggering the event to hide it as well, and interrupting the click event on one of the links.

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Indeed this was an issue. I countered it by placing a time delay on the function that hides the toolbox.




This gave the browser enough time to perform the link clicking action before the notification box disappeared and cancelled the action. Perhaps the issue is that 100ms is long enough for me as I'm only 100 odd miles away from the servers where as people in the US need more time. I'll set the timeout tonight for 1 second (off to bed) and I'll check back in the morning. Hopefully someone can give me an answer as to whether that's it or not ;)


It's annoying that no matter what I do I cannot replicate this issue in the latest version of any of the browsers.

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It is indeed working with the 1 second delay. That is a little overkill of course ;)


I'm not sure how hard it would be to do with ajax, but the pop-up profile cards in the forums only hide on clicks outside of the popup. I'm guessing JQuery makes accomplishing that easier.

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