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HUGE mod project. Need a lot of people


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I have no idea what this mod would be about. You're far more likely to get people interested in joining up if you actually say what your plans for the mod are.


What is the purpose of the mod?

What is the goal?

What type of mod is it? Immersion? Overhaul? Additional Content?


Simply saying you want to make a "huge mod" is not likely to pull people in to want to help. A clear outline of your plans (which may change as the mod progresses of course) will help immensely in getting attention.

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I have no idea what this mod would be about. You're far more likely to get people interested in joining up if you actually say what your plans for the mod are.


What is the purpose of the mod?

What is the goal?

What type of mod is it? Immersion? Overhaul? Additional Content?


Simply saying you want to make a "huge mod" is not likely to pull people in to want to help. A clear outline of your plans (which may change as the mod progresses of course) will help immensely in getting attention.

Thanks for the advice.


Additional content.


Enormous floating island above tamriel (or manage to make a visual of tamriel above). You can actually fall off of it; and if you do, you die. So does any NPC that falls, but respawns back up.

Alternate storyline. A long quest chain with a variety of new towns and a big city, each with it's own shops, bars, houses, military, etc. Also side quests inside the towns/city. Several dungeons with different themes and decoration leading a main questline that ends with a very long, epic battle. Custom objects and spells. Must be avaliable for NON SKSKE VAINILLA skyrim.

Also i want it to support online mode, which would allow co-op quests. --(not sure if even possible, but worth a try)


All this requires exterior and interior design with correct visual rendering and collision composition, actor design and voice-over, quest design and dialog redaction, programming, and a lot more.

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So... Let me break this down for you. What you're asking:


Please, experienced Modders who could be spending their time doing whatever and making cool stuff (also RL), please come join the team for this HUGE mod! All sorts of people.


What I offer in return... I have ideas. I write things. I've made some simple mods but not of this scale, and thus need your help. Give me your time.


Hate to break it to you - plenty of people have ideas and can write stories. If you're not able to carry your own weight on a team I can absolutely guarantee that no one will be interested in investing time and effort into your project.


And no - writing stories is NOT enough to get everyone to join your mod. Learn how to mod well yourself through trial and error. Begin work on this mod once you feel ready. Then come back, show what youve done and show that if someone joins the team, you'll be doing something other than just having them make your idea for you.


Now to cover your other points:


You don't know people will donate. You can't guarantee any of this and bribing people with (possibly false) money won't get you anywhere.


You can just look up tutorials, PM, chat or Skype others to learn different fields.


If you're modding it should never be about fame/glory/etc. but about having fun.


PM them. Skype them. Whatever. It's helpful but really youd probably already know several.


So far, I've seen nothing here that would encourage someone to join the project. You only just told us what the project wojld even entail, and haven't shown any signs of actually doing it yourself other than putting the idea out there. Try to learn it and do it on your own, and come back when you've made actual progress in the mod itself - NOT just story and ideas.

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Aspiration is nothing if it's not backed up by execution. You need to be able to produce content in order to attract other people to help you. It doesn't have to be amazing content - but enough content to bring some legitimacy to the project and send a strong signal that it's an endeavour that will conclude with an actual release of a mod that people will want to use in their game.

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