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Have video games inspired you to take up a real hobby or sport?


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Trying to class a whole gender into a single stereotype isnt gonna end well.


You may aswell try and herd one hundred pigs into a single small pen-you'll get a few in, but pigs hate being bossed around and some-well, a lot of them, will escape.


For me gaming has nothing to do with it. For me the girls I like are usualy the smart, strong willed, self motivated, and determined ones. It doesnt matter how good a gamer they are-if they're some conformist slave for whom nail-painting and shopping are the entire point of life, then I really cant find much empathy.


My last girl friend and I were together for some 6 years, she wasnt a gamer, but she was very accepting-she accepted my gaming and modding habits, and my strange hobbies, I accepted her extremely busy schedual and lack of free time. That relationship was a happy one-we really were able to empathise with eachother and had a very close friendship aswell as our romantic relationship-it only ended when we both moved long distance for work and study.


Far as I'm concerned, trying to lump "all men" and "all women" into stereotypes aint gonna work, in my experience, the people worth your time and emotions are the ones who defy stereotypes, not fulfil them.



I suppose that you could read that I'm trying to " ... class a whole gender into a single stereotype ... " and " ... trying to lump "all men" and "all women" into stereotypes .." but then I suppose you'd have to make

my experience with my "personal" friends constitute everyone - which they dont ... ., but it was a nice try lol.


The guys I know prefer the outdoors type fun stuff whereas the females dont, and as much as I'd like to get involved with that type of thing I value my friendships more - also, the guys I

know who are gamers find it fascinating that I play games but just love to browbeat me because I'm a female.

The challenges are constant - can you do this and that etc, or I bet you can't blah blah blah.

I dont need that type of chauvinism ...


Anyway, I'm not in the mood to justify myself any further.


However, I do agree with " ... the people worth your time and emotions are the ones who defy stereotypes, not fulfil them ... ", well said.

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Getting away from the 'what gender does what' and back to the original topic - my playing first-person shooters got me interested in shooting for real. This also allowed me to face an old fear of loud bangs head-on and beat it. I'm a particularly good shot in games of this type, and I wanted to see if it was the same with a real gun.


I joined the local gun club, got my licence and a rifle and had the most amount of fun I've ever had with a sport. I entered - and won - many competitions and I am an excellent shot. Seems my accuracy did transfer rather well. I also got to make some cool new buddies while I was shooting. Best times of my life, oh yes.

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Getting away from the 'what gender does what' and back to the original topic - my playing first-person shooters got me interested in shooting for real. This also allowed me to face an old fear of loud bangs head-on and beat it. I'm a particularly good shot in games of this type, and I wanted to see if it was the same with a real gun.


I joined the local gun club, got my licence and a rifle and had the most amount of fun I've ever had with a sport. I entered - and won - many competitions and I am an excellent shot. Seems my accuracy did transfer rather well. I also got to make some cool new buddies while I was shooting. Best times of my life, oh yes.


What type of gun do you shoot?

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Getting away from the 'what gender does what' and back to the original topic - my playing first-person shooters got me interested in shooting for real. This also allowed me to face an old fear of loud bangs head-on and beat it. I'm a particularly good shot in games of this type, and I wanted to see if it was the same with a real gun.


I joined the local gun club, got my licence and a rifle and had the most amount of fun I've ever had with a sport. I entered - and won - many competitions and I am an excellent shot. Seems my accuracy did transfer rather well. I also got to make some cool new buddies while I was shooting. Best times of my life, oh yes.


I hear that about fears-best way to erase a phobia is to meet it and defy it-I used to be absolutely paralyzed in fear by spiders. So I bought a spiderling and raised it. It became rather a magnificent specimen after a while big and strong, but not the horrible hairy vemon spitting brute I was afraid of. Really quite a gentle creature actualy.


I do however feel jealous towards your shooting-I shoot a crossbow, you arent allowed to shoot a gun at my age here and they and the ammo are prohibitively expensive-so I've got to join the "medieval NRA". But still, crossbows ARE frightfully accurate and shoot a massive projectile, so they DO smash the watermelons my club uses as target way more than my comrades with their wimpy drawn bows.

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Aside from modding? Archery. It was, for me, the "next best thing" my wallet could afford. If I had the money to spare I'd hope to be in Slof's shoes right now, lol. Except for the fact, of course, I enjoy being a size 12 and not an 8.


Kind of the same story except for the fact of clubs and meeting anyone. I was a good shot, except I never had the opportunity to try out any long range shots, which sucks. But my sister decided one day as I got the bow to leave it out in the weather. It was a 60 year old Bear bow, and now it's a 60 year old twisted piece of wood that can't safely be shot. It's been years since I last show a bow. :( But GOD what I'd give to shoot a gun... We have several owned, but no money to for bullets, the range, or anything, really. I own none of them myself, but god there is this BEAUTIFUL rifle I'm dieing to shoot. Crap, now I'm LUSTING for it more than anything... I mean it, oh god it's a beautiful gun.... Crap, now I can't get it out of mind....


Anyways. I always played an insane role type character, and it's not that it inspired me to be insane, but that I inspired myself to play insane characters. So I also got the opposite of this thread going for me.


I have, as well, made quite a living ambushing merchants off the road and killing them. Necromancy has also been a failure on my part, I thought I'd be good at it but all I got my grandma to do was smell funny. BUT IT HAPPENED ON COMMAND! So that counts, right?


Be well, sleep well, fight well, die young.


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Aside from modding? Archery. It was, for me, the "next best thing" my wallet could afford. If I had the money to spare I'd hope to be in Slof's shoes right now, lol. Except for the fact, of course, I enjoy being a size 12 and not an 8.


Size 8? :o

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Oblivion got me interested in Archery. Bought a composite bow seven years ago. More recently, I acquired a Hunting Bow about a year ago. Ate my first fresh killed deer 3 months ago. Store bought Venison will NEVER compare.


Fallout made me go out and buy a rifle two months ago... more specifically a HOWA series 1500 Japanese make. I've taken it to the practice range a few time, and although I feel like I've gone from a nerd to a redneck, It's the best feeling to fire off a rifle........ .... .... properly :D

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Having a rifle doesnt make you redneck. You have to have a pickup truck, like beer (unless underage, in which case no comment >_>) and listen to at least one of the following: Rock, Metal, Country


A liking for NASCAR is preferred, but not required.


Jesus and the Confederate Flag, banned from our schools, always in our hearts.

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