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Extraterrestrial Life


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So... it's always been a huge debate as to whether or not there is such thing as aliens. So many claim to have had so-called "supernatural encounters", but many would argue that they could all be making it up for attention or whatever. And of course, for all we know, they could be lying. But there's also every possibility that some of these claims could be true. None of us can know for sure.


But, what do you think about this? Do you think there could be life out there, somewhere beyond our own little blue and brown planet? Well, although I am reluctant to believe some of these colourful stories people tell about "alien encounters", I do believe there is intelligent life out there somewhere. Maybe not in our own solar system, or even in our own galaxy, but most of us can't get our minds wrapped around just how darned big this universe of ours is, so I think there has to be something out there. Even if the rare Earth theory is true, I think there must be some other intelligent beings in the universe, someplace.


Though, if any of these stories about alien encounters are to be believed, and extraterrestrials have the technology to visit our planet and travel around the universe when we've barely made it past Neptune... then obviously they're a heck of a lot smarter than we are.

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I don't believe for a second there is a single person on Earth that got abducted by little gray men. People make up stories sometimes to try and get their 15 minutes of fame, and people that claim this are perceived by most to be either mentally ill, or bold face liars. And rightfully so.


And I believe we have yet to make contact with another species, any time in the past or present, and we would probably be better off if things stayed that way. Some people might think that if they are far more advanced, that they would also be benevolent, and that could be false, which means we would not want to make contact with a species far more advanced, unless they are benevolent. And by broadcasting our location out for anything and everything out there that has the capability to get here, is probably a bad idea. Lucky for us, radio waves only travel the speed of light, and we have only been broadcasting for slightly over 100 years, which is just a needle in a hay stack compared to the amount of stars just in the Milky Way. I don't think anyone out there has heard us yet, and it would probably be better if it stays that way, for the time being.


And as far as UFOs go, if you didn't know any better you would think this was a UFO:



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There's been topics like this posted before, so I'll respond with an answer similar to that of my original. We are not primitive men and women anymore. At least, not in hindsight. We have a rough understanding of the universe, at best. But we do know one fundamental thing about it, that previous generations were not privy to….we are one planet among zillions. Existing within one galaxy among zillions. Probably within one universe, among zillions. Our planet gives us by example, a myriad of different life forms that exist in all kinds of environments. So in my opinion, the probability of intelligent life existing beyond our world is a near certainty. There could even be life within our own solar system. Scientist have yet to discover what lurks on the surface of planets like Jupiter, or what lingers just beneath the ice of a certain moon orbiting Saturn...




I won't presume to act as if I know whether or not life has come to our planet to abduct, explore, etc. It seems naive to dismiss this possibility, and gullible to believe it with an adamant sense of opinion. Until there is hard proof, we will never know. But if the human race, after only a recent technological leap, can go from wooden pilgrim ships, to nuclear powered aircraft carriers within the span of only a few hundred years, why can't something do better? And if man can walk on the the moon, is it really that improbable that something else, has walked on the earth?

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The surface of Jupiter is gas. And its gravitational pull is far too strong to contain life, at least of our size. Some of its moons might be potentially habitable, though. We have had satellites go far past Pluto (Voyager 1 and 2) and to the far ends of the solar system. However, judging by the fact that we've found no life and that most of the planets in our solar system seem uninhabitable, I'd say there isn't much probability that extraterrestrial life exists anywhere near us. If a super advanced civilization from another solar system or galaxy actually had the ability to warp space-time and get over to us, then maybe we'd have something to be anxious about.
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The surface of Jupiter is gas. And its gravitational pull is far too strong to contain life, at least of our size. Some of its moons might be potentially habitable, though. We have had satellites go far past Pluto (Voyager 1 and 2) and to the far ends of the solar system. However, judging by the fact that we've found no life and that most of the planets in our solar system seem uninhabitable, I'd say there isn't much probability that extraterrestrial life exists anywhere near us. If a super advanced civilization from another solar system or galaxy actually had the ability to warp space-time and get over to us, then maybe we'd have something to be anxious about.


I agree...for the most part.


No scientist knows conclusively what Jupiter is made of, or what the surface (if there is one) is made of. So you may be right. However, as in the video I posted above, when people think they know all of the conditions for supporting life, a new form of energy, or a new method of how to use energy is discovered. Higher gravity could translate to larger organisms if certain conditions are met. I think all too often, we base the possibility of life on the conditions that we exist within. But as I stated above...even on our own planet, there is a myriad of life here on earth, that shows by example, the diversity of life. A human being for instance, cannot survive in the depths of the ocean without manufactured aids of some sort. But there is abundant life on the deepest ocean floors, surviving within pressures that would crush a man. Those elements on Jupiter that are hostile to us; the gases, gravity, etc, might make the perfect habitat for another life form.


Then there's the intelligence factor...


If there truly exists another species that is more intelligent than humans...a species that has the ability to warp space-time as you suggest, then what's stopping them from using a planet like Jupiter, or even the sun, as a haven? Space travel would be only one aspect of advanced technology. Establishing a habitat is another that gets underrated. Who would have ever thought human beings could survive in the vacuum of space, or within the depths of the ocean? I don't think we should base the abilities of possible alien life on our own limitations.

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I know it's not much more than an argument from personal incredulity, but I'm a lowly computer geek, not an astronomer, and certainly not a cosmologist. From what I've learned from people actually involved in such fields, however, I think it is highly probable there is extraterrestrial life. I would be more surprised by the revelation that there is, for certain, absolutely none. There are so many billions and billions of stars and worlds out there, what a waste of space if none are inhabited. (with apologies to Carl Sagan and Thomas Carlyle)


Will we ever meet extraterrestrial sapients? Not in our lifetime, unless they are advanced enough to conquer the speed of light, or patient enough to travel to us at such speed.

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It goes beyond doubt that life exists on other planets.


We've actualy found it buried on mars-long dead, but bacteria and cells of entirely non earthborn origin have been found on the red graveyard. And in the shattered remains of Bollides we've found fossils of dead plankton like creatures, hundreds of thousands of years dead and single celled, but once very much alive/


Read New Scientist and NASA's new from time to time, keeps you in touch a little bit more with what's above.


I would also like to add at this point, a memorial, to the thing that brought us much of the knowledge of what we're talking about. Yes, I'm talking about Hubble.


Hubble is our old space telescope. Even nows it's floating around in low orbit at a terrific speed, it's this massive telescope/camera that's found a lot of the planets we now know outside our solar system and simply consider to exist as a matter of "ofcourse". But now Hubble, after so much loyal service, is soon to be dis assembled acording to NASA. However in that time, one contraption has helped us make so many monumental discoveries-Hubble leaves big shoes to fill, the next super-observatory has to be something truly monumentous to match Hubble's incredible list of firsts.

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I for a fact believe that "aliens" exist , perhaps not the grey , big-eyed ones we remember from all those movies , but there will be sentient life aside ours ...

I even believe ( or would very much like to believe ) that man has already found some way of making ships fast enough for decent exploration , only the common folks dont know about it .. I mean , if you think about it , theres so much , say , that the government of the USA wouldnt say to us , but do exist ... this being one of them , because I can imagine alot of people wanting to get of this rock and explore the rest of the universe , which would then cause revolts ? I dont know ... and frankly , ill just stay with my opinion of it ... I believe that aliens exist , might even be in our solar system , we might have even met them ( not "we" , but , say , the military .... )


There goes my wonderful idea :P

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Why should "one" meet the military outside open day without being armed? If "one" is armed then no news of the meeting with the military would ever reach us, cos this would be no modern Marathon... there would be no terrestrial survivor left to convey the bad news!
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Why should "one" meet the military outside open day without being armed? If "one" is armed then no news of the meeting with the military would ever reach us, cos this would be no modern Marathon... there would be no terrestrial survivor left to convey the bad news!


I am officialy confuzed

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