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First hacking now viruses? That's just a step too far.


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I don't need to step in here do I?


Anyhow, this is usually why having a good firewall and system security is of absolute importance for ANY online interaction. Beyond that it's just a matter of better choosing where you spend your time. You won't ever (even among places which cater to purely adult audiences) find a community without some foul mouthed, immature little snots running around constantly proclaiming their stupidity. Even offline.

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I've not played SC in ages play D2 once in a while... still full of cheaters... not as bad as it used to be though. SC I gave up on because there were FAR too many games I lst where I was confused as to how my opponent seemed to anticipate my every move..... until they laughed at me and told me I sucked trying to play without a maphack like THEY were using... no wonder they knew my every move.. they were able to SEE everything I did... it was frustrating... I refused to cheat but couldn't hope to match them unhacked.As well SC was one of the best examples of botting with people able to sit back and watch as their boted client would wipe anyone out... played a Multi player game where it took the combined efforts of two of my team mates to barely hold off an attacker who was botting and the unexpected appearance of me with a huge force of probes making nothing but turrets to finally kill him.. he badmouthed us for several minutes because he didn't expect to be beaten even by 3 of us.... just my weird unexpected tactics beat him otherwise even 3 of us would never have been enough to beat one player.

Other games I've played where botting was soo rampant it was beyond obvious... modified scripts allowed auto healing macros to be altered as aimbots.Cloaked raiders would run past at superboosted speeds and wipe out 20 low level players without even slowing down to aim. never missed either... and this was while they were being chased by a squad of BMAU pilots with vision buffs so we could see through their cloak.evading us.... and still able to shoot and wipe out 20 or so lowbies while at maxed out speeds pretty impossible without hacking.... too many multiplayer games become ruined by botting and hacks.

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Well, I suppose that if you really wanted to find a multiplayer game that has no cheaters, you'd have to turn to an MMO or something. Although there's always going to be 7-year olds and people whose parents bought their account off eBay for their birthday.
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Nah. On MMOs, you run into people who either abuse the legitimate game mechanics to make things difficult for everyone else, or those who exploit bugs to their advantage. Usually they laugh at you for not doing the same crap they do, too.
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Dang. Well, my only MMO experience was with WoW, and they policed the game very well because companies that run MMOs lose money if people stop playing their game (IW's not making any money off people who're still playing MW2 multiplayer).
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These people exist in WoW too. Although WoW is fairly well moderated, the spambot problem got to the point where they added a "Report Spam" option to the right click menu for chat, and placed heavy restrictions on trial accounts using chat. Botting is also a problem, and various forms of griefing...


And then of course you have the idiots. They're not malicious, usually, but they're often just as frustrating, if not moreso.


Someone said earlier in the thread only playing single player was often an excuse used by pirates. I play single player pretty much exclusively myself. Partly because I'm actually not that social. I'm perfectly content by myself. (I found myself soloing a lot in mmos. I finally decided just to give it up and play single player, offline games)


and partly because I'm just not that good a gamer. I use a trackball ffs. Not that I was much better using a mouse...

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I agree, I love to play single player because multiplayer can drive a lot of people to the brink of wanting to smash a keyboard (Angry German Kid anyone?)


Just because we like to play single player doesn't mean we are pirates.

Therefore you would be calling everyone who plays Oblivion, Fallout 3 and even people WITHOUT internet... pirates.

But even games with multiplayer added into them like Call of Duty, GTA4 (or was that removed? Can't remember), gears of war, dawn of war 1 + 2, cossacks, age of mythology... etc.

Are all absolutely GREAT in single player and playing on multiplayer just ruins the experience for some games.

Because face it. We live in a dog eat dog world where money is power.

On the games it's the same, but it is instead ruled by the NEED to win.

They feel the need to cheat, hack, glitch, bot. Everything under the sun just to be the top and the best.

They ruin the experience for everyone and they are in every single multiplayer game.

There is always ONE... hundred or so =P Out there to do just that.


I pity them, I really really do.

Real life has become so meaningless to them that they feel the need to cheer themselves up by winning games, even if it means cheating to get there!


Personally I prefere my own multiplayer game, it's called Real life.

And that... You can't hack my friends.

But you can cheat... Win the lottery ;)


(Sorry ignore that, you can hack people. Identity fraud! Geez... You really can't escape scum can you???)


Does that really mean Real life is a game??? =O

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Yes, it was a foolish point to raise.


I preffer single player and even in multiplayer I'm usualy a lone wolf. It's not because Im a pirate, because seeing as how many people I've teamkilled simply for admitng piracy, I'm just not.


I preffer to fight solo because it suits my play style. In fps and rpg both I favour ambush tactics, and those work best alsone or in very small groups. You cant hide a large force, and every time you add one more player to your squad it reduces your stealth abilities by half and doubles the chance of a mistell getting everyone killed.


You just CANT get away with stealth tactics in a group, and even if you could, few FPS players have the patience to lie in wait for five minutes, perfectly still, for the one triplekill ambush that will win the match or secure an unbeatable killstreak reward.


Im not a pirate, I'm a sniper. And while most of the people we're complaining about are too short tempered, too "live in the moment" to see the value of lying in wait, and using supressed weaponry, my kills/death ratio shows the virtues of it like nothing else. it does however mean working alone and at times at crosspurposes to your team mates who just want to rush in. You usualy just find a suitable shadow with a long sight line, go prone, and wait, being as absolutely still and silent as possible.


I once had an entire team run past me on Terminal, even though I was lying in the middle of a corridor, it was because I was wearing a grey ghillie suit and lying absolutely still in the shadows, humans usualy need movement to see, still shadows they usualy instinctively ignore. So then I just stood up, drew my SEMTEX, and threw, it stuck to the guy in the middle of the formation, the blast cut down 6 players before they had any idea who'd jumped then, and got me an AC-130.

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Your example is the reason why I play single player and have ditched multiplayer. Everyone there is either a hacker or 13 year old. I'm surprised that you still play multiplayer after all this time. My advice, ditch multiplayer and head for single as Activision only care for your $$$ not your support.


Pretty much what I was thinking.


The only times I'll play multiplayer is if it's a fun Halo 3 custom game like "Fat Kid - Get to China", or "Omega Journey".

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