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Sensationalism run amock.


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Last month Rolling Stone magizine ran and artical about a women being gang raped at a sorority on the University of Virgina. These sensationalist were so in love with the story they didn't even follow basic journalism proceedures and after putting innocent people through hell these idealogues had to retract the story because none of it was true. Infact the room as described by the person claiming it happened in doesn't even exist in the building she said sghe was in.


Get this. These anal cavities are blaming her for their lack of fact checking. Didn't this same thing happen to Duke University a couple of yers ago and the usually reactionares showed up to stick their faces infront of the camera and then slinked away when everything fell apart?


Is it me or are people in some sectors of society so certain about the charactors of others they automatically assume they are guilty of such things? I really get tired of people like these s*** heads, because rape does happen and having your personhood violated so absolutely, I really don't think anyone that this has not happened to can fully understand what theyt are going through.


These closed minded idealogues who are so certain bout issues it is inconceavable to them that they could be wrong are damaging the true victims of these hanious crimes by crying wolf before they even look at the facts. This has happened in just about every social issue that I know of and they all ultimatly degrade the shock value of real oinsidents.



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It is immaterial who started what, when the outcome is so horendious. It's more important that someone stops it and goes back to providing a service to society as a whole, not just those who push narretives.


I don't know about Rolling Stone's circulation and that too is immaterial. The fact that it is out there an the fact that there are people who eat this stuff up is the issue here. Ideology has become a toxic cloud of ignorance that has driven the U.S. back to the spirit of The Inquisition. The attnousphere is so menevolent that our freedoms are being iraticated at the alter of political correctness and the idea that the ends justifies the means.


The one major right we have and should always have is the freedom to determine our own opinions and ideals and that can't happen if we are force fed from the pig trough of indoctronation.

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You're not being force fed anything if you ignore the media, on this side of the pond the media have little to no impact on public opinion these days largely because journalists are held in contempt by most people, surveys put them right down with politicians and estate agents. I remember a guy who used to live under communism saying that the people in those countries had the advantage over those from the west because they knew their media was lying to them, I think increasingly people across the west are starting to see what he knew all those years ago.

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  On 12/8/2014 at 11:14 AM, jim_uk said:

You're not being force fed anything if you ignore the media, on this side of the pond the media have little to no impact on public opinion these days largely because journalists are held in contempt by most people, surveys put them right down with politicians and estate agents. I remember a guy who used to live under communism saying that the people in those countries had the advantage over those from the west because they knew their media was lying to them, I think increasingly people across the west are starting to see what he knew all those years ago.

Indoctronation is pretty much a standard over here with all the issues, real or contrived by those who would rather have people think they can be relivant by goosestepping behind the latest injustice, than think for themselves. We are so interested in taking care of the latest violation of individual rights that they stomp on other peoples rights to bring what is obvious to the attention of those who are well awear of the situation. The only trouble is they assume that doing something just to be doing something will get anything done and they marginalize themselves more than anything.


Just look at the hysteria over gay marrage, The Tea Party, The Occupy Wallstreet idocy and now the persent one-sided look at balcks against cops. Doesn't anyone remember Ruby Ridge or Waco or one of several incidents of the police bashing in the front doors of people not of color at 3:00 am with a search warrent for the house accross the street. The issue isn't about the blacks, the whites, the reds, the yellows or the pinks. It's about the militerization of the police forces in America and the attitudes that come with bullet-proof untouchable, invulnerabilty. It's the idea of brute force, either by mob rule or intimidation by the power that be to except a version of reality that may not be their own.


In times like these people forget about the intrusion of the government by laws that are aimmed at (cough, cough), keeping us safe. Mostly from ourselves. We are so intent on righting the wrongs of others, we forget that our own rights are being stripped from us for the qoute/unqoute greater good. We are so busy stomping out seprate fires that we don't see the flood waters political correctness devouring the landscape.


I wonder if Rome went this way and we are just so arogantly self-assurd that nothing like that could ever happen here that we ignore the signs. Did anyone hear that China's economy has surpassed ours or are we still dead set of saving the North American spotted, hoop-winging shell shocked horned billed flea from being irradicated from an area of the country that they've never been scene in.

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Over sensationalism and manufacturing of news is nothing new. The best known historical examples come from the mid 1890s when there was a newspaper war between Pulitzer & Hearst news groups. That's when the term 'yellow journalism' was coined. In their zeal to outdo each other they are now believed to be one of the primary reasons for the Spanish American war. Essentially - over-hyped news caused a war. (sound familiar?)




The most famous example of a claim is the apocryphal story that artist Frederic Remington telegrammed Hearst to tell him all was quiet in Cuba and "There will be no war." Hearst responded "Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." Historians now believe that no such telegrams ever were sent.


The more things change the more they remain the same.

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It isn't about 'news', or even 'good journalism', it's about Ratings. And that's it. Certain types of stories inflame various segments of the population, which generates yet more news, so, those are the stories that get top billing. Militarization of the cops really isn't what it's about, but, it sure sounds good.... most of the white cop/black victim shootings are done with a pistol.... standard issue firearm for ALL police. Not that it really matters just WHAT they shoot them with, they are still just as dead. Notice you rarely, if ever... hear about ANY other type of cop involved shooting. Why don't those make the news? Could it be because that particular segment of the population doesn't react quite so sensationally? Hhhmmmm.....


I don't watch broadcast news any more, I don't read the newspapers, at least, not the print version.... I get my news from a selection of websites from around the world. Sometimes, the differences in how a story is portrayed from one country to another, is truly enlightening.

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These closed minded idealogues who are so certain bout issues it is inconceavable to them that they could be wrong are damaging the true victims of these hanious crimes by crying wolf before they even look at the facts.


Amen to that.


There are many factors that feed into this nonsense.....24 hour news cycles, political alignment, racism (from all angles), social media, ect.


Egotism, personal preference and partisanship have replaced the honest reporting of the facts and let the reader/watcher decide method.




The new credo of today's journalistic reporter.



Edited by edgeburner
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You're not being force fed anything if you ignore the media, on this side of the pond the media have little to no impact on public opinion these days largely because journalists are held in contempt by most people, surveys put them right down with politicians and estate agents.

Indeed, Jim.


Same over here. Media trust is at an all-time low....


Funny how the media and the politicians cannot seem to grasp that fact.

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