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Body Replacers, do you use them?


Answer here please?  

96 members have voted

  1. 1. Female Body Replacer

    • HGEC
    • Bab
    • Robert's Female
    • UFF
    • Other (please specify in post)
    • None (vanilla)
  2. 2. Male Body Replacer

    • Robert's Male
    • Bodybuilder
    • Other (please specify in post)
    • None (vanilla)

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alonsomartinez, you just don't know any better. No offense. The difference is night and day.


I would recommend using HGEC if you plan on making clothing and armor. As the poll suggests, a lot of people use it. Don't forget about DM, too. ^^

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What is also night and day is that some people are makers and others are users.


I make my own bodies. I have a collection of them, one for each of my characters.


You should NOT select a body mod for how much content it has available for it. It's very easy to simply resize items or retexture them to work on other bodies. Though I dont not upload the results, I've customised downloaded clothing for myself for a long timne and it's a simple process. Choose the body that suits YOU, not the modders that make clothes for it.


I also make my own clothing mods, I dont like the clothing mods available here, so I act like a man and walk away from them. If you dont like what's available, dont embarriss yourself by criticising, do something better. In my case that's custom robes, uniforms, and light armour hand made specificaly for my characters.


Making things for yourself also has another key advantage point-you arent wearing clothes some modder made to suit everyone, you're wearing an outfit YOU made for that specific character.


If you want it done right, do it yourself.

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What is also night and day is that some people are makers and others are users.


I make my own bodies. I have a collection of them, one for each of my characters.


You should NOT select a body mod for how much content it has available for it. It's very easy to simply resize items or retexture them to work on other bodies. Though I dont not upload the results, I've customised downloaded clothing for myself for a long timne and it's a simple process. Choose the body that suits YOU, not the modders that make clothes for it.


I also make my own clothing mods, I dont like the clothing mods available here, so I act like a man and walk away from them. If you dont like what's available, dont embarriss yourself by criticising, do something better. In my case that's custom robes, uniforms, and light armour hand made specificaly for my characters.


Making things for yourself also has another key advantage point-you arent wearing clothes some modder made to suit everyone, you're wearing an outfit YOU made for that specific character.


If you want it done right, do it yourself.


Aye, but many people dont know how to model - let go rig. Other people - like me - simply dont have the time, or are to lazy

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You should NOT select a body mod for how much content it has available for it. It's very easy to simply resize items or retexture them to work on other bodies. Though I dont not upload the results, I've customised downloaded clothing for myself for a long timne and it's a simple process. Choose the body that suits YOU, not the modders that make clothes for it.


I use the body mod I want and just complain about the lack of content for it. I almost went back to HGEC a little while ago so I could have some content --- I can understand the people who choose to not try anything else --- but one look at the body reminded me of how much I disliked it and I reverted to TGND immediately. If it is so easy to convert content to another body mod, please write a tutorial. I have asked before if someone would explain how to do this so that I could convert custom races/armour/clothing to the body mod I choose, but never received a response. If no one is prepared to teach, no one can hope to learn.


There are plenty of people on this forum who love to talk about how good it is having their full of fish every day and look on the starving masses and tell them it is their own fault they do not have any fish. Some people will throw the odd fish our way, but would it not be more efficient to just teach us to fish? Sure, some people prefer to be beggars, but every additional person who can fish means more for everyone.

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Blender Noob to Pro


I wouldn't recommend you start out trying to do conversions, instead you should set your goal on learning how to use the program.


Too lazy? Not enough time? Blender hates you? .... Well I'm as lazy as a man can be, I don't have much free time, and Blender hates me with a passion. Still I learned how and so can you. :teehee:


As to what body a modder should mod for: If all you care about is how many people will download your mod or endorse it, then yes, HGEC is what you should use. However, if you want to use the best body then you should look at and evaluate all of the body mods. IMHO HGEC is definitely not the best. Almost all of the development work on HGEC has gone into the boobs and the tummy. If you can peel your eyes away from the boobs and take a look at the arms, legs, hands and feet, then you may see things differently.


When I first got into modding I too was trying to decide what body to use. I wanted to give them an honest evaluation so I set them up side by side in four different nifskope windows. Bab, Eshme, Fantasy Figures, and Exnems (there was no HGEC or Roberts at that time). I wanted the most natural and organic looking body. I only looked at the untextured mesh, because that is the foundation that everything else is built on. And the winner was ...Eshme. It was a big surprise to me because I was using Exnems at the time and I expected it to be the best. I reluctantly accepted that the low poly Eshme was the most organic looking body, where as Exnem had a blocky bolted together look to it.


I didn't go with Eshme because it had texture and rigging issues that at the time were beyond my abilities to fix. I ended up with Bab and I still use Bab. I wont say it is the best, but it is mean and lean and it is a good match for the type of clothing I want to make for my character.


For the male body I chose Roberts V5 muscular, primarily because I read that is what Slof uses, and I wanted anything I make for my male characters to be compatible with her mods.


To sum things up, do what ever you want to do. Follow the herd or find your own path. Mod for the community or mod for yourself ... whatever makes you happy. ;)

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So, Blender is a separate program you need to get an use in addition to the CS? This is the first time I heard this much even. Thank you!


I did the same as you with bodies. I tried (almost) all of them and found BAB fitted the image I had best. I was still not entirely happy with it, but it was the best at the time for what I wanted. When TGND came along it was a better fit still, so I changed again. Never liked HGEC because the arms and legs look like wet noodles and the breasts look utterly ridiculous.

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Robert's male and female. They have nice rigging, some meat on them and best of all, matching and easy to texture UV maps. Can't stand hgec - horrible UV, limp noodle stick arms, badly bending elbows, poor rigging, seams at wrists and ankles, etc, etc.
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