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There are mods for better hands and feet? I hate the vanilla version.


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Pretty much any and all body replacers will do this.


If you are unwilling to use one, then no, no mods that only do hands and feet.


You could also try wearing gauntlets, that will only hide the problem extremities, but that's but that been horrified every time you look down! :)

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If you don't like the vanilla hands, I'd advise against HGEC, since it uses the vanilla hand mesh and has fairly low-poly feet. The Girl Next Door is based on HGEC, but has much better hands and feet. Fantasy Figures, Robert's Female, and BAB all have improved hands and feet over the vanilla version. I prefer Fantasy Figures, myself. It has more support than any other female body, aside from HGEC. While there isn't as much available for it compared to HGEC, I'd suggest using if if you don't like the vanilla hands and feet. Or, you could use TGND, since it uses HGEC textures, though the better hands and feet will only be visible when naked or using an outfit made for the body, and you may have to use the equippable hands that come with it when using outfits made for HGEC.
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Well, yes--there is no "best" body replacer. Robert's Female and Fantasy Figures have nicer female hands and feet than vanilla, for sure, though :)
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