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Enhanched Interrogation vs. Torture?


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If they were to catch someone like the leader of ISIS, in which they know for 100% certainty has TONS of intel that could save many lives, I got no problems with not only water boarding, but even threatening to hook his nuts up to a car battery if he doesn't start talking quickly and truthfully.


Well this is the thing, torturing people doesn't get the truth, it gets you what the person being tortured thinks you want to hear.

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If they were to catch someone like the leader of ISIS, in which they know for 100% certainty has TONS of intel that could save many lives, I got no problems with not only water boarding, but even threatening to hook his nuts up to a car battery if he doesn't start talking quickly and truthfully.

What about if ISIS captures one of ours who they believe has lots of valuable intel, are they also justified in torturing? They believe they are right, They believe we are evil. They believe we are responsible for great harm done to their people. Is that all it takes to make torture OK? We're the good guys and they're evil scum so it's OK for us to torture them. But if we're torturing people then how are we better than them? If we don't have higher ideals then eventually our civilization becomes something that isn't worth defending.

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What about if ISIS captures one of ours who they believe has lots of valuable intel, are they also justified in torturing? They believe they are right, They believe we are evil. They believe we are responsible for great harm done to their people. Is that all it takes to make torture OK? We're the good guys and they're evil scum so it's OK for us to torture them. But if we're torturing people then how are we better than them? If we don't have higher ideals then eventually our civilization becomes something that isn't worth defending.

I disagree. You can't assume that our society will devolve into some sort of barbarian culture because we employ ETI's in instances of extreme circumstance. We (and our allies) are diverse societies that have input from all angles...they are religious fanatics who behead innocent reporters, torture and murder innocent school children by the hundreds, ect.... The list of their (ISIS) atrocities is the worst since Hitler. We do not murder people because their religious believes don't shuck and jive with ours. We respect human life.....in all flavors, they do not. We don't (and never have) employed torture/ETI's as an everyday type of tactic, they were only used on three tier-one bad guys on the heels on 9/11 when reports of as many as three more waves of attacks were lurking.


What would you do in that circumstance? ETI/torture, or hope that thousands more don't die because of a high road morality?


Time and circumstance.


A voice from one of the so-called "bad guys}"...






Edited by edgeburner
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Do you seriously think only three individuals have been subjected to 'enhanced interrogation techniques'? Seriously? We have records going back more than 50 years of those same techniques being used in various other cases, from the Nosenko spy case, to the contras in latin america. We TAUGHT those same techniques to them by the way.......

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Do you seriously think only three individuals have been subjected to 'enhanced interrogation techniques'? Seriously? We have records going back more than 50 years of those same techniques being used in various other cases, from the Nosenko spy case, to the contras in latin america. We TAUGHT those same techniques to them by the way.......

Absolutely. The current CIA folks admitted that they were not experienced in these techniques. In the recent case (since 9/11) I firmly believe that only those three experienced ETI's.


Do you really thing that CIA interrogators are inherently evil across the board?


Did the dem ditwit "report" substantiate any evidence to the contrary? If so, who committed these atrocities? Why not hold a senate hearing to find out? I'll tell you why, There ain't s#*! in those cherry picked reports that will hold up in a court. It was nothing but a partisan witch-hunt that did absolutely no good, and a lot of harm......TEN YEARS LATER!!






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The report was 6800 pages, and is still classified. I am real curious where you get your "3" from. Every reference I see leads me to the conclusion that it was MANY more than that, though, I have yet to find concrete numbers. (aside from 26 folks that were held unjustly, and without cause......)

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It's simple really, the CIA top dogs say it's so. Going back years. Whom am I to believe? The CIA execs, or the senate dems? A no brainier really. If the dems really had such irrefutable evidence, they would have produced it? If the senate dems were so concerned, they would have raised concerns 10 years ago. Wouldn't they??

Would these CIA execs lie if they knew that the dems were in possession of evidence to the contrary? Those same execs say it was only three tier-one bad guys that got the EIT's

They weren't concerned with classification when they released t his turd. So why did they release it when the knew it couldn't be corroborated? Why didn't they interview the accused whom they won't even name? Again, the red flag to end all red flags is, why didn't they get both sides of the story??

I'd like to see your "many more than that" sources if you don't mind.

Edited by edgeburner
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It's simple really, the CIA top dogs say it's so. Going back years. Whom am I to believe? The CIA execs, or the senate dems? A no brainier really. If the dems really had such irrefutable evidence, they would have produced it? If the senate dems were so concerned, they would have raised concerns 10 years ago. Wouldn't they??


Would these CIA execs lie if they knew that the dems were in possession of evidence to the contrary? Those same execs say it was only three tier-one bad guys that got the EIT's


They weren't concerned with classification when they released t his turd. So why did they release it when the knew it couldn't be corroborated? Why didn't they interview the accused whom they won't even name? Again, the red flag to end all red flags is, why didn't they get both sides of the story??


I'd like to see your "many more than that" sources if you don't mind.



Wait, you believe the CIA????? Seriously? Have you even bothered to do the slightest bit of research on this? I came up with four names in just ONE article. (post 2002) If you discount the report, just because it was written without the participation of the republicans...... well, I don't see any point discussing it further with you, as you just fell into the category of the folks "my party is always right, the other guys are insane liars." As I see it, it is that type of person that is the biggest problem in this country. Regardless of which party you support.


Bye Now.

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Yes, yes yes.!!!

Do I believe the CIA over the dems in the senate....yes Yes YES!!!

Post the link to your article? I have done the research,,,,the megyn kelly vid???? many many more links booked.

Just post the evidence!!! Post the four names? link your source??


You can judge me as you wish, it won't change facts.

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