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The Nexus chat room


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As part of the server move and upgrade performed today on the forums I have added a new Chatroom application to the forums. Unlike the old chat room that was linked to the member bar that used to reside at the bottom of the screen the chatroom is a part of the forums themselves.


You'll need to be logged in to the forum to use them and they can be accessed here. You can also see how many users are online while on the forums in the top right corner of the page.


The chat rooms aren't meant for anything serious and you can use them to chat about anything you like. I'll be in them regularly so if you're having issues with the site you can come in and have a word with me and get some real-time support. It also possesses real-time private messaging between members that might be handy for some folks.


All-in-all a nice little gimmick in and of itself. I'll see you there.

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Oh good...I just noticed it while cruzin the forums and wondered how long it had been there before I saw it. Glad to know it wasn't there for weeks. ;)


I really like the number of people in there being displayed before you even click on it!



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The chatroom is a great addition (though, as I understand it, it has existed before), but I was wondering if I could make a suggestion or two.


Would it be possible that by clicking on the name of a particular user currently online in the chat twice repeatedly, in the chat line (where you write your chat messages) the line starts with SelectedUserName, ...


Even better would be the option to do this while there already is something written in your chat line. For example if I've written "have you seen that movie with" and I click on Phitt's name twice the chat line reads "Phitt, have you seen that movie with".


Another suggestion is somewhat related to this and it's that when a specific user writes a message containing your name in it you see that line of text in a different background color (maybe something yellowish). That way it will be much easier to sort out the relevant from the irrelevant stuff on the chat.


Just some suggestions, though I don't know if they can even be implemented.


Cheers :)

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