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Ok listen up I have a big problem that I'm sure many others have had about ads.

I'm not one to say don't put ads or we wouldn't have this site beacasue there would be no funding, but the sounds have got to go. I'm tired of hearing I've won poo when I haven't and tired of hearing ads for glade or whatever it is. Mute the sounds it chews up internet resourses and could be why your server is being taxed as it puts strain on a server to add sound so if they are giving you some type of deal they are screwing you like a porn star.

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OK listen up I have a big problem that I'm sure many others have had about ads.

I'm not one to say don't put ads or we wouldn't have this site because there would be no funding, but the sounds have got to go. I'm tired of hearing I've won poo when I haven't and tired of hearing ads for glade or whatever it is. Mute the sounds it chews up internet resources and could be why your server is being taxed as it puts strain on a server to add sound so if they are giving you some type of deal they are screwing you like a porn star.

Actually, the ads themselves are not distributed by the Nexus, rather they are pulled from the ad networks by your browser.

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Remember, every user that blocks the ads are denying the Nexus the money they need to keep the sites running, and I'm sure it adds up quick. If you can manage it, just press F5 to refresh the page and it should cycle to another ad. Try to keep no more than a couple tabs up, etc.


But... if it becomes unbearable, like others said, there are more than enough methods for blocking them.

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Ads with sound are undesireable and I remind my advertisers quite often that they should not be showing them, but some get through. Get yourself a good adblocker and block specific ads that you don't like. It's quite simple to do once setup.
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Remember, every user that blocks the ads are denying the Nexus the money they need to keep the sites running, and I'm sure it adds up quick.


Possibly. But I am not using adblock because of nexus. I am using it, because you hardly can enjoy surfing the net anymore without adblock. It's just too much. It's really not the fault of users, if they use adblock. Better to complain about the ad-politics, that totally aim to annoy you as much as possible. With sounds, with screensized popups and whatsoever. So, you can choose between stop to use the internet or install an adblock. I never bought anything from such sources anyway. It's more, that I would remember them to avoid ever buy anything from them on accident.

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I can't understand the mentality of those who create these ads, surely they don't think they're going to create a positive image for a product if they annoy the hell out of people with it? Like Yossarian I actively avoid a product whose ads have annoyed me.
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