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Blades or Blunts?


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What really bugs me is this: How the hell is an axe a blunt weapon? It clearly has a blade; therefore it should be listed as such!
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  • 2 months later...
I prefer blades. I've always used blades, no matter the character or profession. It's simply the best at what it does. It's a multitasker. You can take someone's head off or run them through. You can take off limbs and immobile them in battle. Be it dagger or claymore, blades are simply the best.
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A wise man can see the benefits of mastering both.


Because a blade may be faster and more accurate, but to say a blunt weapon sucks is simply foolhardy.


After all, by the 13th century armour was so effective that virtualy no bladed weapon could reliably pierce it-whereas a mace of the same weight could smash a man's skull helmet or no.


I favour blunt because they are the thinking man's tool of brutal slaughter. With a blunt weapon you can either strike you enemy dead with a single killing stroke, or slowly grind them down, since they are far superior for targeting internal organs. Against an unarmoured target, a blade is a far superior weapon, and much more elegant, but what sort of idiot goes into battle unarmoured? To deal with armour, one needs a mace.

Now that is not true, a mace can peirce armor esier than a blade yes, but that is only becuase it takes no skill, you just swing and bash...a truely skilled blade fighter wearing the same armor as a mace fighter would easily take the battle whith his quick and agile steps and swings, and with the proper sword it would take no more than 1 or 2 swings to completly pull out all of the loopholes in an opponents armor..the straps, the unarmored areas, its not that hard you just have got to know what to do. Now im trained in melee combat, and i do not only favor swords im just saying that armor helps, but not all that much..the weapon, does not help all that much..it is the fighter behind the weapon that makes each and ever weapon powerfull, or weak.

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