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DB Discussion: How did you... join? :) And why.


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I cannot remember for the life of me... it was such a long time ago. The most recent, however, was that one Orc in Cheydinhal who is convinced that you are a fly.


Let's just say I made his soul buzz, buzz, buzz on into the afterlife.

I hate that orc. He's polite in passing to me but a butt when I talk to him...

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Usually it happens by accident and I don't even know about it until I am dumb enough to sleep in a bed. That even screwed up one of my savegames once, because not only did I get a level up after resting, nooo - my two companions were standing in the doorway of the room the bed was in and poor Lucien was stuck and couldn't get to me. Hence, the game kept freezing everytime I woke up after resting.


The very first time was right after I had exited the sewers. Oblivion was shiny and new, I wandered off and saw a few pretty horses - and stole one. Suddenly a townguard appeared out of nowhere, I ran like hell. A while later I felt save, but then the guard appeared again and I lost it and killed him. Sigh. xD

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So me and the Kvatch militia are storming into the ruins of Kvatch, being heroic and fighting daedra. One of the guards get in the way of my sword and happens to die. Oh well, I guess that's bound ot happen in this kind of thing.


Then I go to bed inside the church to regain some HP, and suddenly I'm roused to find this creepy dude who accuses me of being a cold blooded serial killer, hands me a dagger and tells me to keep up the good work.


I was like: "...Wat?"

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So me and the Kvatch militia are storming into the ruins of Kvatch, being heroic and fighting daedra. One of the guards get in the way of my sword and happens to die. Oh well, I guess that's bound ot happen in this kind of thing.


Then I go to bed inside the church to regain some HP, and suddenly I'm roused to find this creepy dude who accuses me of being a cold blooded serial killer, hands me a dagger and tells me to keep up the good work.


I was like: "...Wat?"

Hahah. That's classic. Way to go, "killer".

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My initiations into the Dark Brotherhood are as varied as the types of smart alecks in the game...


The only two I remember clearly, however, are murdering the two beggars in Leyawiin and killing Agronak gro-Malog "a.k.a. the Gray Prince" in the Arena after I completed the quest where he discovers he's part vampire. I was really annoyed that I couldn't complete the arena questline without getting tagged as a murderer anymore, but I then learned that I could use a frenzy spell to make him fight me. Looks like I've got my workaround for the next time through.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My two most recent victims were:


  • Iliend Vonus, the soldier just inside the Kvatch Oblivion gate. I instructed him to go help Savlian Matius and his men, and as Iliend turned to leave, I shot him in the back - no witnesses, other than "forces unknown".
  • Rimalus Bruiant in Chorrol: I broke into his house while his wife was out with their dogs; the reason I went in was to see whether I liked his floorplan enough to use it for a personal player home mod. However, Bruiant saw through Chameleon and Sneak and followed me everywhere, which gave me the creeps; my eldest son suggested I simply kill him and get him off my back, since I hadn't yet joined the DB. After Bruiant's death, I looked him up on Uesp.net and discovered his ability to see through Chameleon is a known bug. The resource describes another bug, to wit:
    There is sometimes a glitch, where Rimalus will attack his wife or his dogs. This was previously thought to happen only upon breaking in, but now is found to happen when Rimalus is walking around Chorrol also. This is probably caused by Rena and her dogs Bailey and Kezune all being in the Bruiant Family faction, to which - oddly - Rimalus does not belong. In addition, it also appears to be due to his unusually high Aggression, which appears to be a mistake.
    Knowing he's capable of becoming a wife beater/animal abuser assuaged my remorse. :tongue:

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I have like, a sort of ritual. Everyone brings the Adoring Fan to Dive Rock, right? Well thats what I do, I reverse pickpocket him and give him a robe or something like that. Then I drain his Fatigue so he basically collapsed. Then use a nice fire spell and BOOM. He gets blasted into Oblivion. (well, not really.. but..) :rolleyes:
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