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[Updated] Nexus Trojan/Virus alert


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This statement may get me banned/shunned, but I have to say it.


Risks like this are why I always use AdBlock and FlashBlock. It's not to skirt the ads which provide some revenue to the site, but to protect my computer and all my data. I'll keep on using them to protect my PC and my data, because I doubt admin would want to reimburse me for damage and aggravation that a virus can cause.


I like the site, but I'm not willing to destroy my computer. I'm sorry if some find that offensive.

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When do you think this problem will be fixed ?? i keep getting this red popup stating this site is dangerous ?? I keep klicking on ignore and when clicking on another link the red popup pops up again. Witch makes it extremely difficult to even navigate around here.
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@ dzorro hopefully it will be fixed by tomorrow, but it might take longer nobody except the google staff can know for sure


it should be fixed by next week though, in fact it should be fixed long before that, but we cannot know for sure.


after all changes on the internet can take a while


but i agree with you and would certainly like to know a more definite amount of time, than soon or eventually. especially considering that i am having a different sort of problem if i type a file name in the search box that i know exists i come up with zero results, but not for all the files that i know of.

Edited by Sudian
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I'm still getting 6 threats on Norton 360 from the nexus site. Here are the details:

Threat Name: MSIE ADODB.Stream Object File Installation Weakness

Location: http://fallout3nexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=128909

Threat Name: MSIE ADODB.Stream Object File Installation Weakness

Location: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=309068

Threat Name: MSIE ADODB.Stream Object File Installation Weakness

Location: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/modules/login/index.php?redirect=/modules/login/index.php?redirect=/

Threat Name: Direct link to MSIE ADODB.Stream Object File Installation Weakness

Location: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/modules/login/index.php?redirect=/

Threat Name: Direct link to MSIE ADODB.Stream Object File Installation Weakness

Location: http://fallout3nexus.com/

Threat Name: Direct link to MSIE ADODB.Stream Object File Installation Weakness

Location: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/filesofthemonth.php

Hopefully this helps.

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Yeh. got google chrome popping up with the virus alert :( Thought it was a little strange and guessed it must be some sort of ad you had linked from the site.


PS. Google Chrome is not flagging nexus as of now.

Edited by Loxy38
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Norton is just very late to the game, which isn't surprising considering how bloated and inferior their products are compared to a lot of the free offerings available on the internet. The sites are clean, Norton has just received the reports from Google and added the sites to their blacklist too.
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