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How do NPC's die?


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I love to have a populated Skyrim, I purposely never did the main quest to prevent dragons from ever spawning, therefore never having dragon attacks, and also refused to download Dawnguard on this new save to prevent vampire attacks. How else can Named NPC's die? I'm thinking about creating a huge BAT file to make them all essential, but i feel like thats overkill and I couldn't do it for NPCS added by mods (I technically could but it would be an enormous amount of work)

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Not doing MQ and Dawnguard in order to prevent random attacks is already overkill if you ask me. Have you ever thought about downloading When Vampires Attack, and/or Run For Your Lives? Seeing how the main cause of NPC death is being a suicidal moron, they are pretty likely to be very helpful.


If you're desperate not to lose any NPCs, I suggest No More Redshirts, a BAT file you thought about making yourself. It'll save you some work. That said, I've never seen an NPC die without charging a dragon/vampire with nothing more than farm clothes and bare fists. Please consider the 'suicidal stupidity prevention' mods listed earlier.

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You can use the mod NPC Protected Redux. It makes all NPCs protected so they can't be killed. (excluding very specific NPCs who are meant to die). The difference about protected status is that you can still kill the NPCs, just that no one else can kill them.

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I was thinking about this the other day.

A mass resurrection mod.

It would resurrect all the dead npc's from a saved game, minus the bandits and drauger of course

Wonder if such a mod exists or is possible to make

I have no idea, I'm sure there a mod that gives you such a spell. But such a thing needs to applied early and with a fresh dead body and bugs often happen with this kind of thing.


If they were already buried/ burned. That it, it the end.

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