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You know what really grinds my gears?


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Point taken, Megatarius. I simply noticed how long you've been here (over a year) and the number of your posts and simply couldn't imagine that you wouldn't already know this stuff. Even in just casual conversation about Oblivion, I learned much of it before I had ever gotten through the first couple of quests for each of the guilds. I'm wondering, since much of what "grinds gears" for people in this game actually will involve spoilers, whether or not a mod should move this topic to the "Spoilers" section of the board.


Still, even knowing the ultimate goals of the major quest lines in this game, you can still enjoy the ride. The destination of a trip isn't always as interesting as the trip, itself, and that's usually the case with the quests in Vanilla Oblivion.

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To Ferryt: With the Argonians, if any of them were to have digitigrade feet, the designers could at least use raptors for a reference.


Then there's the playable vanilla races themselves. You've got four human races (Imperials, Nords, Redguards, and Bretons), two beast races (Khajiit and Argonians), and the elven races (Bosmer, Dunmer, Altmer, and Orcs; Orcs being a demi-elven race). Out of the human races, they're all white except for the black Redguards. Would it kill Bethesda to put other types of humans in the game? Maybe some Asians, Arabs, or both kinds of Indians?


Even with the Redguards, it really sucks that whenever I try to make a darker-skinned character, they come out with greenish discolorations in some places. Why wasn't this fixed to make them look more realistic?


And then there's the AI. How can it be realistic and immersive when I can't witness NPCs committing crimes and getting arrested? I'd love to see some guards breaking up a bar fight or a street brawl, or chasing after a serial killer. Or maybe a quest where you have to start a riot and then steal stuff for the Thieves Guild in all the confusion while the guards are arresting a bunch of NPCs who either pay fines or go to jail for a couple days. But no, it only applies to you.

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And then there's the AI. How can it be realistic and immersive when I can't witness NPCs committing crimes and getting arrested? I'd love to see some guards breaking up a bar fight or a street brawl, or chasing after a serial killer.


Actually, I have seen an NPC committing a crime and getting arrested - and this was in a straight vanilla game as I had not discovered about mods yet. :) It was the trainer that lives in Skingrad, I forget his name. I was at the stables when he snuck by and attempted to pickpocket someone. He was detected and the gate guards went after him. He resisted arrest and the guards killed him.


What could I do except loot the body and sell all of his stuff. :biggrin:

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And then there's the AI. How can it be realistic and immersive when I can't witness NPCs committing crimes and getting arrested? I'd love to see some guards breaking up a bar fight or a street brawl, or chasing after a serial killer.


Actually, I have seen an NPC committing a crime and getting arrested - and this was in a straight vanilla game as I had not discovered about mods yet. :) It was the trainer that lives in Skingrad, I forget his name. I was at the stables when he snuck by and attempted to pickpocket someone. He was detected and the gate guards went after him. He resisted arrest and the guards killed him.


What could I do except loot the body and sell all of his stuff. :biggrin:


Pics or it didn't happen. :tongue:


I've always found it strange that there's only one body type in Oblivion and that there aren't even any children in the game. Also, you play as an escaped prisoner who's got no backstory. Could all the people be mass-produced homonculi?

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I, too, have witnessed an NPC getting arrested and led off to jail by guards after committing a crime. The only mod I had installed which could possibly have had any effect on guard behavior was Reneer's Guard Overhaul. I have no idea if that was involved, though. It was, in fact, a pickpocketing attempt (I didn't see it happen, but the victim did yell out and used the words "filthy pickpocket", I think. This wasn't even in a city. It was just outside the city gate by the stable (I can't remember which city).


I've also actually witnessed Ongar (the first Thieves Guild fence in Bruma) attempting to steal something in the inn and getting attacked and killed by guards. That ground my gears big time, since I got my best deals from him. :wallbash: Thieves Guild fences need to be essential forever.

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Akatosh ]did defeat the (arguably) toughest of the Daedric Princes in the main quest, thereby putting the Daedra in their "proper place" in the overall scheme of things.

Actually, the Aedra (the Nine) are WEAKER than the Daedra. The Daedra refused to help Lorkhan create Mundus, thus they retained ALL of their power. The Aedra sacrificed much of their power to help Lorkhan create the mortal realm and mortals in general.

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And yet the "avatar" (which should be many times weaker) of Akatosh BANISHED the strongest (arguably) daedric prince? Your view is flawed, zpros.


What really grinds my gears about Oblivion is this:


There are literally no elephants in the game, but hey, guess what? They're in the construction set. I bet they were planning alien stuff...

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Where are the elephants in the construction set? I've never found them. :confused:


:geek: *** Lore Warning *** :geek:


Mehrunes Dagon... The strongest? You mean the moron who's been beaten by MORTALS almost every single Elder Scrolls game?


Mehrunes Dagon is NOT the strongest Daedra. He's the most dangerous to mortals. At best, you could say he has the most megalomaniacal followers. He was defeated by a mortal when the Battlespire was destroyed. (He was the final boss, I believe).


Yet, when Molag Bal wiped an entire city off the face of Nirn that scared the Tribunal so bad Sotha Sil had to go to Coldharbor and negotiate a treaty (with all the princes) that they would NEVER manifest in Mundus again.


Mehrunes Dagon broke it first when he manifested in Mournhold, where Sotha Sil and Amaelexia defeated him. Which tells you something of the comparison in power. ALL THREE of the Tribunal didn't even dare to fight Molag Bal. Yet only TWO of them were needed to defeat Mehrunes Dagon (though they did almost die).


Dagon broke the treaty again when he invaded Nirn to try and stop the re-lighting of the Dragon Fires, where, ultimately, he was defeated by his crippling ability not to turn around and because some mortal hit his toe really hard. (That grinds my gears,)


From the UESPWiki:

The Aedra are original beings that arose from the interplay of Anu and Padomay. They are regarded as the counterparts and opposites of the Daedra, but the distinction originated after their birth, during the creation of the Mundus. The Anuic (Aedric) beings played a leading role in the creation of Mundus, causing them to commonly be considered the creators of the mortal world. Aedra translated into Aldmeris means "Our stronger, better, ancestors."


Eight of the Aedra are worshipped as the Eight Divines, namely Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Stendarr, Mara, Kynareth, and Julianos (with the addition of Talos, the human god-hero Tiber Septim, they have become the Nine Divines.) These eight represent those who sacrificed parts of themselves to become the founders of Nirn. Other minor spirits disappeared into the stablilizing elements known as the Earthbones, or degenerated into mortal life. Since that act at Convention, the identities of the Aedra have changed greatly and become subject to disruption and even modification by the actions of mortals.

That's why you don't see the Aedra walking about, as a Daedric Prince might. They gave up too much of themselves. Only the 8 (Talos came later) survived enough to be recognizable as Aedra.


Except for Magnus, the architect of Mundus, who grew disgusted by the creation and left, tearing a hole in the sky, letting the light of Aetherius shine through (the Sun, called Magnus in Tamriel, and the stars).


The only reason the Avatar was able to appear was because Martin sacrificed his life and the enormous amount of magicka stored in the Amulet of Kings so it might.

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