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You know what really grinds my gears?


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All the ex prisoner did was bring him the Emperor's bling...


http://r11.imgfast.net/users/1114/74/52/47/smiles/6192.gif I love that. Emperor's bling.


All of you have made really good points. I just have one peeve to add, and that is why do Argonian females have breasts? They're not mammals, so they shouldn't have them. This too goes along with the previous point about everybody looking the same. Also why can Argonians breathe in water? Are they reptile or amphibian?

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That's true Ferryt.


I've been here for a long time, but ironically enough I haven't been very far into the game. I post on here more than I play because it's something to do when I'm waking up or winding down. I only play a few times a week, and I make a new character every time I get a big mod with quests.

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From the UESPWiki:




Quoting lore from the wiki with reference to Oblivion is fundamentally flawed, seeing that Bethesda "broke" lore in this game, themselves, so many times it's almost funny. Oblivion is pretty much a law unto itself, I'm afraid. I don't have hands-on experience with previous games in the Elder Scrolls series, but what I've read is that Morrowind is more or less in line with official lore and that the developers pretty much threw lore out the window when creating Oblivion with a clearly under-age, hack&slash, D&D-nurtured target audience in mind.


Even if you accept the lore, as officially stated, that is disputed in many cases, too -- witness the nature of Mundus. What it is, exactly? Just another of the Daedric realms as one myth implies, or a realm unto itself as another myth implies? What you believe depends upon how selective you are in picking and choosing between mutually exclusive options.


That is, in fact, another thing about this game that grinds my gears -- the fact that Oblivion didn't continue on in the same vein as a structurally-sound concept like Morrowind was, but instead, the developers threw caution to the wind and created what many people view as little more than a parody of Morrowind, in concept even if not in content. We probably wouldn't be having a lore-based disagreement if Bethesda had paid more attention to canon than to the needs and desires of a gaming audience that likely wouldn't be up to snuff in Morrowind. This is a hugely dumbed-down game, and I think that detracts considerably from the things they did right in it.


Back to an avatar of Akatosh defeating Dagon ... people could argue ad nauseum over which of the Daedric Princes is the most powerful, or even whether the Daedric Princes are more powerful than the Nine. The simple fact is nobody knows, for sure, one way or the other. Yes, the Aedra are weakened, but what was their power level relative to the Daedra before that happened? That would seem to be the operative condition which would answer the question, wouldn't it? We're playing in a level-based game, you and I, where you can do things to lose levels. I screw something up so badly that I lose ten levels AND can no longer set foot in our favorite city, just as an extra punishment. Who's more powerful in the game, now? You ... or me? What if we started with you at level 20 and me at level 100? I can still mop up the world with you even though I lost half of what your original power level was -- even though you can go shopping and I can't. There are simply variables, here, that I'm not sure the official lore even addresses.


Frankly, I find it a little odd that even the Amulet of Kings would have the power to banish Dagon from a realm he claims is his own. What power resides in the Amulet? It's really little more than mega-soulstone, you know. It's claim to "power" comes from the souls of all the emperors that have worn it. How many is that? I'm not sure, myself, but you do the math if you can find the number, remembering that all Grand Souls are worth the same amount of power. I doubt that the collective "power" in the gem will be all that enormous and I've never seen any reference to the Amulet that indicates what sort of enchantment, if any, it might have. No reference ... no enchantment. That's canon. So, no ... I can't buy that it was the amulet that banished Dagon back to his realm. It was Akatosh, in my limited perception, and that means, seeing that it really wasn't much of a fight, that Akatosh is far superior to Dagon in raw power. Besides, it's implied that the amulet was actually used by Martin as a means for summoning Akatosh's avatar, so, presumably, it's power would have been depleted at that point, making the fight exclusively a contest of power between Dagon and Akatosh/Martin. I'm still pretty miffed about that, too. They stole my thunder at the end of the Main Quest. All I did was keep Martin alive and that was almost ridiculously easy, so I found that victory to be very bittersweet -- to say nothing of getting what amounted to an inferior set of armor as a "reward". You can enchant better armor yourself ... and without cheating. Bethesda could have done better, easily, and this is likely why I'll never play through the MQ line again, unless I install a mod that will make it more interesting and satisfying. I really just don't think its worth the time and effort when there are more captivating and rewarding quests available in the game.

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True enough. And yes, the Main Quest is primarily a let down in most departments.


They did break some of the lore, but not all of it. To say that means you have to through out all the lore built up in the other games does not make sense.


The fact of the matter (other than it's a game and why on earth are we arguing about a mythology that only exists in this video game :tongue: ) is that you don't see the Nine Divines, they are pretty hands off, and yet you do see the Daedra, they interact extensively with the mortal realm. Daedra act with a will of their own. The Nine don't really do anything without someone else doing something.


Plus Dagon has lost in almost every appearance. It's not exactly surprising that something would banish him again.


And, yes, there is no power in the stone, however, the Septim line has the 'dragon blood' supposedly their blood is intermingled with that of Akatosh. And since there is a mention (in Morrowind and Oblivion) that Akatosh is a dragon, and that dragons (because Bethesda said nothing about them) may be shapeshifters (the statue of Akatosh with the two heads is suggestive of that) it is possible that it may in fact be literally true.


There's a clear connection between the Amulet and the Emperors. Perhaps it's existence balanced the unruly magicka associated with being part dragon. Smashing it may have released something, with the side effect of destroying him at the end.


Bethesda has proven they can get out of pretty much anything if they try hard enough (the Warp in the West, for instance).


But, yes, it certainly would be nice if they would be more consistent and not pander to much to gain a wider audience though. That's been a problem when many could have been great games recently.

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All the ex prisoner did was bring him the Emperor's bling...


http://r11.imgfast.net/users/1114/74/52/47/smiles/6192.gif I love that. Emperor's bling.


All of you have made really good points. I just have one peeve to add, and that is why do Argonian females have breasts? They're not mammals, so they shouldn't have them. This too goes along with the previous point about everybody looking the same. Also why can Argonians breathe in water? Are they reptile or amphibian?


That's what I'm wondering! Argonians are reptiles; they should NOT have breasts! Can't Bethesda get anatomy right?


Then there's the lack of gore (Outside of using Deadly Reflex). Why give us a sword if we can't cut guys' heads off? Don't tell us the system can't handle it, because that's a damn lie! We shot dinosaurs' heads and limbs clear off in Turok 2 on the N64 12 years ago, and that was a much less powerful console! Ditto tearing guys' limbs off in Bio-F.R.E.A.K.S. on the N64 and PlayStation. If those consoles could handle it 12 years ago, so can today's systems! How is it realistic if you can't see the damage you're doing?


To antonkr: I can see glass arrows being of use, but bows? No way, Bethesda. It can't possibly work.


Also, spears and crossbows. There was no reason to remove those after Morrowind!


Then there's the lack of brass knuckles. Why didn't they put brass knuckles in? It'd at least make hand-to-hand a more worthwhile skill!

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All the ex prisoner did was bring him the Emperor's bling...


http://r11.imgfast.net/users/1114/74/52/47/smiles/6192.gif I love that. Emperor's bling.


All of you have made really good points. I just have one peeve to add, and that is why do Argonian females have breasts? They're not mammals, so they shouldn't have them. This too goes along with the previous point about everybody looking the same. Also why can Argonians breathe in water? Are they reptile or amphibian?


That's what I'm wondering! Argonians are reptiles; they should NOT have breasts! Can't Bethesda get anatomy right?


Then there's the lack of gore (Outside of using Deadly Reflex). Why give us a sword if we can't cut guys' heads off? Don't tell us the system can't handle it, because that's a damn lie! We shot dinosaurs' heads and limbs clear off in Turok 2 on the N64 12 years ago, and that was a much less powerful console! Ditto tearing guys' limbs off in Bio-F.R.E.A.K.S. on the N64 and PlayStation. If those consoles could handle it 12 years ago, so can today's systems! How is it realistic if you can't see the damage you're doing?


To antonkr: I can see glass arrows being of use, but bows? No way, Bethesda. It can't possibly work.


Also, spears and crossbows. There was no reason to remove those after Morrowind!


Then there's the lack of brass knuckles. Why didn't they put brass knuckles in? It'd at least make hand-to-hand a more worthwhile skill!


Most of these problems can be attributed to the rushing of Oblivion to make it an Xbox 360 release game. They had to cut out many of the awesome features like crossbows and hand to hand weapons out. Another limitation was the ESRB rating, although that was changed to mature anyways after someone found you could have nudity in it (How did they not spot that immediately, especially after Morrowind?),

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Rushing it is still no excuse.


The ESRB rating: The ESRB in general needs to be abolished. Back in the olden days, they had porn games on the Atari consoles.


Also, why the hell don't NPCs give you any more respect than they did before you beat the main quest? You literally go to hell and back to close the Oblivion gates and you and Martin took on Mehrunes Dagon, and you become Champion of Cyrodiil. You'd think everyone from beggars to highwaymen, from the working classes to the upper crust would be singing your praises, and bandits would pretty much leave you alone after all you've been through!

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Good ol' trillion bug games produced by Bethesda, every time. You ALWAYS know how buggy their games are! Ain't it joyous?


Why doesn't Bethesda fix these things no matter how many patches they release?


Case in point: Enemies prioritizing your horse over you. What the hell do bandits have against horses? Or the one guy who yells that Kvatch is under attack, then runs back in the general direction of Kvatch?

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Good ol' trillion bug games produced by Bethesda, every time. You ALWAYS know how buggy their games are! Ain't it joyous?


That's one of the reasons I think it's a GOOD thing that Bethesda/Zenimax is taking so long on TES5.

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