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It Seemed To Be A Good Idea At The Time (Redux)


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One 86a


Human elementals, human phantoms, exotic animans, and other exotic humans began to appear in the Known Lunar Labyrinth but the impact of this was very little for they were in relatively small numbers; also they tended to arise in more isolated areas, though far in from the KLL boundaries. The numbers, and varieties, of them increased steadily but mostly the general numbers of them.


There were those that knew of them, of course, such as the True Eternals, the AraAncients, the Mahargs and the RainbowGuardian. Through them came information the the UNPSIA and other organisations. First to meet the newcomers were recon forces of supersoldiers and superclones along with special envoy teams.

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One 86b


An AraAncient screamed and died, falling to metallic stone flooring to writhe and burn away. The AraHeart kept on beating. The others did not even pause in their constant chanting, did not even turn to look at what at happened. There were no aspects of the RainbowGuardian there any more for that one had departed suddenly, almost as if it had never been there. That had been only seconds before the AraGuardian had perished.


The black shadowy things were stronger now and more solid. Their feint whispers were clearer and what they spoke was a surprise. "You do evil to try to let the Great Enemy go. You did evil and you failed ascension only to return here with a false story of coming back to do good. You hid the truth deep inside yourselves. False AraGuardians, AraGuards, AraKeepers and others. But you were not the only AraAncients to return from ascension. You are doomed!"


But the false ones, in their arrogance and concentration, did not listen just as they had never listened to those who were trying to redeem themselves, as trapped dark things as they were. Treacherous AraGuards appeared to try to chase of the shadowy things but they were the ones driven back until they fled from the ancient chamber in fear.


There came a flash of white light and the dark shadowy things were swept away to have a second chance in Sanctum.

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One 87.1[137]{137}


PanAxian Forces began pouring across the great bridge, that newly crossed the New Thames River, when the heavy enemy attack began. FieldMarshal Abdul Abdula himself commanded that large counter attack taskforce that had done amazingly well in sneaking up upon the bridge. Supersonic jumpjets, attack-drones and hubcopters attacked the great bridge, and the enemy forces on it, first of all.


The mighty bridge was a fortress in its own right, heavily armoured and armed with hundreds of weapon turrets. PanAxis interceptor drones rose to attack the Guardia, and UNMSIA, machines. Guardia units outnumbered those of the UNMSIA but the latter tended to be more sophisticated, more advanced, in nature.


The air was soon swarming with destructive machines and filled with death and destruction as PanAxian jumpjets also appeared along with monstrous PanAxian helicopters, heavily armoured and bristling with weaponry.


Which was when Abdul Abdula did his trick and had the bridgehead area of land struck by a small 'super bomb', a great shudder running through both the massive bridge and the land; a great explosion destroyed the bridgehead area, creating a great crater. The FieldMarshal had gone after the non armoured ground itself to halt the enemy while he brought up yet more military forces to deal with the enemy offensive. Only a few invading machines were destroyed, as they approached the KLL end of the bridge, but most of the invading force was halted as it was ground based.


Even as the defensive forces withdrew back to KLL home territories, the PanAxian air units withdrew back to their own side.

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One 87a


The Known Lunar Labyrinth expanded in one great leap outwards with the metallic stone monoliths moving, teleporting instantly to new positions. So it was that the PanAxis outpost colony was drawn into the Known Lunar Labyrinth as were other humans, other peoples. So were fully Raccoona and Ridgeburg along with the nuclear blast remains of what had been the surviving, if not thriving, colony of Bridbarra. What the Great Trap could not gain one way, it was gaining in others.

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One 88.1[138]{138}


The second MaxTentacular came leading a large force into the upper levels of the Known Lunar Labyrinth, from upper levels of the Unknown Lunar Labyrinth. With it came smaller miditentaculars and even smaller minitentaculars. There were Deathlordic Forces but also distorted human cyborg creature, being part machinery complete with armour and weapons. Those cybernetic facets were a wide variety of technological levels yet appeared to be Terran in origin, though altered and adapted. They utilised many machines of altered known types and more exotic kinds. There were hubcopters, hovertanks, amphibious armoured fighting vehicles, strange floaters, organic walkers and much else.


FieldMarshal Collins, and the promoted Major Armstrong, communicated and worked out quickly enough that the cyborgs were related to those who had vanished such as the fake UNMSIA taskforce and the United World Government forces. That is forces that had arisen and then had quickly vanished along with large amounts of stolen resources. It seemed that their fate had not been a positive one for they behaved as enslaved soldiers that psychics 'sensed' were in deep distress.


The third MaxTentacular appeared in the Lunar Overworld, along with more Deathlordic Forces and many of the cyborg slave soldiers who also had many war-machines of a wide variety of adapted or exotic types. The large force, combining with the first Deathlordic Force, the new bigger army became a large scale threat to the LO.


Then came a large cybernetic slave solder force to reinforce the great army of the First MaxTentacular. The new, evolving, Free Alliance was facing a terrible threat to its existence.

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One 88a


The new arrivals, the exotic variants of humanity, of human hybrids, began to send reinforcements to help the fight against the two MaxTentaculars invading the Known Lunar Labyrinth. There were those with bizarre, but amazing, powers that allowed them to gain more information on the monstrous enemies, to attack them in interesting ways.


The Eternal Slayer, one aspect of that one, appeared as the gigantic hulking Champion Goliath to help fight the MaxTentacular invading the lower gravity upper levels of the KLL. Another aspect, Champion Cyclops, appeared to fight the MaxTentacular invading the more Earth like gravity main levels of the KLL. They hurled great bolts of energy, threw small clean nuclear bombs, used great big weapons but only slowed the two MaxTentaculars and there armies.


Another aspect of the Eternal Slayer, being Champion Slayer, appeared to help fight the MaxTentacular in the Lunar Overworld. It was also a massive nine metres tall but dwarfed by the MaxTentacular it faced. Yet what mattered was that each of the Slayer Champions was extremely powerful and was served by three six metre tall secondary and nine three metre tall basic clone avatars. Each of these was also very powerful.

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One 89.1[139]{139}


The second set of JTriplets had been constantly delayed, from a mission to seek out the three secret colonies, by pressing events and other demands on their services. Jannie, Jozzie and Jokkie were at last heading through an area very close to the Known Lunar Labyrinth Boundaries. The secret colony, that they were going after, was named Raccoona. Some information had been gained on it but relatively little compared to the mass of information that was needed.


Other supersoldiers came with them but also others that were not supersoldiers. Their hovercraft shot through the air but not far from the hard ground. There were eight of the machines, sleek, full hull hoverers lifted and driven by quiet fanjets. They were grey-brown splashworked, lightly armoured armed and equipped with some very special devices.


Jannie communicated with others, empathic-telepathic fashion, even as they sped along a gulley that followed a crumbling dirt highway at a distance. "That dirt highway hasn't seen much maintenance in a while but could well be linked to Raccoona. It keeps heading in the right direction."


It was exciting for the supersoldiers to explore unknown areas, to sate curiosity, and yet they remained professional in their activity and outlook.


The surprise was not a pleasant one, though they had all experience brutalities of war and other kinds of horror. The machines slowed even as the lead vehicle came to a point where the skeletal remains were obvious. That is thousands of skeletal remains along with hunks of rusting machinery, pieces of power armour, bits of weaponry and much else left over from what had been an extremely violent encounter.


Jozzie, and Jokkie, led squads to investigate the area. They examined everything carefully even as they recorded and transmitted data to the vehicles.


Jozzie: "The battle was not fought here but all was thrust into the great gulley from the direction of the dirt highway. Evidence indicates a large scale ambush took place against a large force moving along the dirt highway when it was in much better condition."


Jokkie: "The convoy was struck by a mixture of more conventional, and more exotic, weapons of high destructive power. I estimate that the victims were destroyed in a very short time. The ambush was very well planned and could have been assisted by some kind of treacherous supply of security information."


Jozzie: "Equipment, of the destroyed convoy, is of the more conventional technologies to be found back when the Exodus was first taking place. There was looting of the hardware but that must have taken place in the few years after the ambush took place."


They kept on carefully analysing the ambush site and even the area up to, and including, the dirt highway. There were other clues found that supported the idea that it had been a dirt highway based ambush and that everything remaining had been pushed, with amazing power, into the ditch. Strange marks were found on the ground that were indicative of very large tentacles at work; they were very much like those of the monstrous tentaculars.

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One 89a


The scrawny skeletal man picked up a monstrous distorted carnivore human, as the creature weighed nothing, and laughed gleefully as he ripped it into shreds. The screams of terror, coming from the powerful creature, were quickly cut off.


Other monstrous entities, who were normally the ones attacking victims, were trying to get away from the gulley of a supposedly perfect ambush site.


The abnormally pale man, who skin was translucent enough to show bizarre things moving beneath it, leapt through the air and came down onto a much bigger, hulking creature, that was trying to run away. Amazingly enough the great distorted carnivore was killed instantly, being driven into the ground with such force that it was squashed flat.


The amazingly bad smelling scrawny man grinned long rotting fang like teeth and his long greasy tongue flickered out, ending in three tentacles.


All twenty-two twisted carnivore hunters were dead, had been killed in a horrific fashion. They had also died with amazing speed and brutality, had been killed in less than one minute.


The scrawny monstrous man, little more than a skeleton, danced a nasty little jig of joy before he began to feed upon the corpses in a fashion that could only be called ghastly and extremely messy.

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One 89b


The second set of JTriplets, in the hovercraft equipped expeditionary force, paused at the edge of what remained of Raccoona. Something very massive had smashed it to pieces, had crushed it into the ground, but had died doing so. The incredible, awful, sight of a vast bulk of a dead MaxTentacular lay half over but also part concealed by the abandoned city. It was a decaying mass, decaying with unnatural slowness, upon which fed huge maggot like creatures that were dwarfed by the great corpse.


It soon became clear that any humans, that had been there, had fled from the city after taking everything that they could with them. Where they had gone was not the prime question that came up for the three superclones. No, the primary question was just how had such a powerful monster been killed and who, or what, had done it.


Jannie, Jozzie and Jokkie 'sensed' that what ever had killed the MaxTentacular was still in the smashed city. It had frightened off the humans, who had fled in mass according to visible evidence. What ever was there was incredibly evil and lethal.


The hovercraft expedition was soon racing back the way that it had come. Knowing full well they faced a threat that was beyond their ability to deal with, they were going to tell what they learned and to get some assistance.

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One 90.1[140]{140}


The UNPSIA expeditionary force, in the Lunar Overworld, set out further through tribal clan territories in an aeroship sent, from the KLL, to assist them. It was an upgraded armoured armed aerofrigate of the new Guardia Aerofleet; this was not to be confused with the new AirGuardia of more aircraft like jets, hubcopters and even upgraded helicopters.


The smaller vehicles, of the expedition, were stored in the aerofrigate. There Captain Evans was inspecting all of the hovercraft. Supersoldiers were there along with UNPSIA Troopers. There was some mingling but mostly the two groups kept to themselves. The UNPSIA Troopers wore assault power armour; the supersoldiers were clad in special black armour that complimented, augmented, their special abilities.


Captain Evans had arrived with the aerofrigate, having been picked up from an outpost along with two platoons of troopers.


Opanni, a supersoldier, appeared at the Captain's side with amazing suddenness but he refused to show that he was startled. Instead he turned to her in as casual a manner as possible. "Do you want something, Captain Evans?"


She frowned softly, her eyes cold. "Some of your soldiers are saying rather disturbing things about we supersoldiers. They either forget we have enhanced hearing or do not care."


Evans frowned back. "Surely you supersoldier types are tough enough..."


Opanni noted something and then hit Evans. The man dropped fast, and hard, despite his power armour. Supersoldiers blurred into action and in seconds all of Evan's soldiers were down, were stunned, as was their captain. It did not take long to confirm what the supersoldiers had come to suspect; that is that Evans, and his troopers, were impostors being some kind of shapeshifters. Two other infiltrators were found, being replaced aerosailors; the dead bodies, of the real crew members, were soon found all prepared for dropping to the ground far below.


The kind of shapeshifters were unknown and it was realised quickly that command had to be warned of the threat as soon as it could be. Yet it turned out that the loperfolk were able to identify the threat as a caste of the dreaded, hated, Strattasgi. The Strattasgi were one main species with many follower subspecies serving them. One was the stratshapi shapeshifters. About 600 years ago the Strattasgi had attempted to conquer the whole of the Known Lunar Overworld, right up to the edges of the Great Mountain Wall edging the KLO. They were defeated but only after much death, destruction, disruption and displacement was caused.


The loperfolk, in the expeditionary force, were impressed with how easily the supersoldiers had discovered the true identities of the Strattasgi but also suspicious of how they had done so.

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