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Friends with benefits


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One of the things I found really great in the Bioware games is the ability to pursue relationships with travelling companions, without the need for long-term commitment.


After all, if you are on a quest to save the world, with a high likelihood of death in the process, would you really think getting married would be a good thing? Leave little orphans, and a grieving wife behind?


So, I ask if someone has thought of, or will consider, looking into a mod that will give the main character the ability to have a non-binding relationship ("share my bedroll/tent", "feel like warming me for the night", etc.) with your travelling companions.


This is mainly for immersion, as you might really start liking a companion, but might be commitment averse, as you want to focus on the task at hand, and spare your companion the hurt that might come from being a widow - I am not asking for graphics of the deeds you do in the dark.


(The PC-Leliana relationship in Dragon Age Origin is my bench mark - there was always that "Let's retire to my tent" type conversation topic during the quest after winning her over, but no binding commitment was required).


Thanks for considering

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  • 6 months later...

Just to report I did find the perfect mod for this at some other site which shall remain unmentioned here.


Call A... Adventures, it allows the Dragonborn the opportunity to get to know some people (27 in total opportunities) better, without having to get Mara's blessing on the whole affair.


Life in Skyrim is harsh, and the Dragonborn does get lonely sometimes. No need for "dirty"mods to use this mod btw

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