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"Islamic Extremeist Terrorist", or, Just 'Terrorist'?


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They are just terrorists. The Islamic State is a front and a fraud.


There is one thing that separates Nationalism and Terrorism, and that is killing innocents. ISIS kills innocents for little to no reason or to prove the point of "Fighting for Allah!" when what they really want is to cause destruction. The only thing the truly separates us from them is that we dont just shove bombs into the private parts of African children and blow up a market because "Capitalism is the Devil and we fufill Allahs will"


Dont get me wrong, i dont have anything against Islam or Muslims, its the sick people who kill others for "Allah"


It makes as much sense as the "protests" in Baltimore. I will throw a TV into that Best Buy over there and steal a printer because this guy randomly died for an unknown cause. Because the white man did it, the racist cops who hate blacks did it. Thats why.


Now Im going to shove bombs in dead goats to kill Americans because Allah.

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They are just terrorists. The Islamic State is a front and a fraud.


There is one thing that separates Nationalism and Terrorism, and that is killing innocents. ISIS kills innocents for little to no reason or to prove the point of "Fighting for Allah!" when what they really want is to cause destruction. The only thing the truly separates us from them is that we dont just shove bombs into the private parts of African children and blow up a market because "Capitalism is the Devil and we fufill Allahs will"


Dont get me wrong, i dont have anything against Islam or Muslims, its the sick people who kill others for "Allah"


It makes as much sense as the "protests" in Baltimore. I will throw a TV into that Best Buy over there and steal a printer because this guy randomly died for an unknown cause. Because the white man did it, the racist cops who hate blacks did it. Thats why.


Now Im going to shove bombs in dead goats to kill Americans because Allah.

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Having perused the previous comments, I am going to reply to the topic only.


If you are going to call them Islamic Terrorists, you will have to call Anders behring breivik a Christian terrorist and Timothy mcVeigh an Anti-Government terrorist. It is pointless.


An asshole is an asshole, no matter what gender, race, ethinicity, culture or religion.

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Terrorism came out of the need to be heard without the wherewithal to be heard. The West has been messing around in the MiddleEast for decades. We've colonized them. Set up puppet regimes and exploited them for the area that they are in and the oil beneath the ground.


What we have here is a political movement to save a way of life and the ferver for a religion that has not changed since it's conception. You can call them Muslim or any other ideology you want, but you can't stop them, because those in power are using power to make them go away and that's exactly what they are used to. After you slap a person time and time again they get immune to the pain and this is what's happening now.


We really need to stop doing this tit for tat thing and step back away from what's happening because what I think is actually happening is a correction. The Arab Spring started it and Isis, i think i merely taking back th lands that they would have had, had the West not interfered with their lives. It's doing it as cruelly as possible to give the puppet regimes that are still operating over their or taking money from the West, that they mean business.


If you look at it, they are using Islam as a focal point just as we, as Americans use patriotism to swell our numbers. Theology is just another ideology and can be used effectively if you have an advisary tht you can point to and say "We are protecting you from them!" It's the same old song and dance. It's just our turn to we are addicted to the idea that we are so righteous and well meaning and because we deem ourselves that way, the opposition automatically gets the insidious label.


We have no idea uder the Sun what our collective governments have done in our name and we probably never will. History is writen by the victors and who knows how much fiction is dancing around inside our so-called books of Hisory.


The one thing thatI see over there is that Isis has taken the place of Saddam Hussian as Irans major counterpart. .

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I have an issue with calling them "Islamic Extremist Terrorists" because I am highly cynical of anybody's motives when it comes to doing so. You see, if Terrorism is simply the use of violence or coercion to achieve one's ends (which I believe it is), then whether or not somebody is a terrorist is completely irrelevant of their reasons, rather, it is dependent solely on their method of purveying their views. Therefore a terrorist who belongs to ISIS, a terrorist who is in the KKK, a terrorist acting on behalf of a government, are all equally terrorists, the reasons or motives for their actions are surely irrelevant of how we label them, as it is their methods that define the label.


Hence, while I understand why labelling members of ISIS "Islamic Extremist Terrorists" can be perfectly innocent (for example as a media headline "Terrorist beheads US Journalist" would be rather ineffective, as it could refer to numerous different events and is not as informative as the context warrants) I am generally against it being used. This is because outside of certain contexts such as media or education, I don't believe it productive to quantify any morally reprehensible person using their motives and actions, instead of just their actions. If a person commits first-degree murder, they are a first-degree murderer, regardless of motivation or creed, and as such should be as addressed as such.


Furthermore, I believe that including information such as "Islamic Extremist" before terrorist, often comes from a less than savoury motivation. That is I believe that it is frequently done out of a desire to subliminally discredit Islam by associating morally reprehensible people with views that are held by many, the majority of which do not conform to the same mould as the terrorists in question. The same can be said for many such groups and labels. I would also point out that one can use most anything as an excuse for "evil" actions, and thus the use of including the motive in the labelling of one's actions is made further irrelevant, as the action is not a reflection of the motive, rather the one who commits it.


I would conclude with the exception that I would not condemn the use of such labels on a purely educational basis, that is, were a school History text-book to describe an ISIS terrorist as an Islamic Extremist Terrorist, I would not complain, as the only likely motive for doing so would be to give information to the reader in the most concise method possible. However I believe that in modern society there are very few such outlets, with virtually all of the media having some agenda, political or otherwise, thus I generally object to the use of label's such as this, because I believe that a good justification for their use is very rare.

Edited by Daedthr
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  • 2 weeks later...

I suppose I accept the term "Islamic extremist terrorist" for a simple reason: to date, they are one of the few breeds of terrorist that kills their fellow psychopathic brothers for not being extreme enough.


A jihadist that wants to kill christians, the Dali Lama, goats, whatever, because he believes some pedophile from the 6th century now sits on a cloud telling him to; well, we may have our next canidate for the "crazy f&%ktard deserving of a 7.62 lobotomy" award, but overall, its no big; he aint much different from any other terrorist willing to hurt innocents. Kill 'em all and drink a beer; good day's work.


But when you want to kill your fellow insane, child-raping psychopaths because "They arent pure enough" like we see from Islamic extremists all the time, (when they run out of other people to kill, they happily start on each other) .......


No. Thats a special kind of sick in the head, and it deserves a special title to express the extra levels of contempt it deserves. Luckily, the solution is simple: coat the bullets in lard, pack a sixer of beer, and play "cowboys and jihadists".

Edited by dpgillam
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I suppose I accept the term "Islamic extremist terrorist" for a simple reason: to date, they are one of the few breeds of terrorist that kills their fellow psychopathic brothers for not being extreme enough.


A jihadist that wants to kill christians, the Dali Lama, goats, whatever, because he believes some pedophile from the 6th century now sits on a cloud telling him to; well, we may have our next canidate for the "crazy f&%ktard deserving of a 7.62 lobotomy" award, but overall, its no big; he aint much different from any other terrorist willing to hurt innocents. Kill 'em all and drink a beer; good day's work.


But when you want to kill your fellow insane, child-raping psychopaths because "They arent pure enough" like we see from Islamic extremists all the time, (when they run out of other people to kill, they happily start on each other) .......


No. Thats a special kind of sick in the head, and it deserves a special title to express the extra levels of contempt it deserves. Luckily, the solution is simple: coat the bullets in lard, pack a sixer of beer, and play "cowboys and jihadists".

I rather like the way you think. :)

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I suppose I accept the term "Islamic extremist terrorist" for a simple reason: to date, they are one of the few breeds of terrorist that kills their fellow psychopathic brothers for not being extreme enough.


A jihadist that wants to kill christians, the Dali Lama, goats, whatever, because he believes some pedophile from the 6th century now sits on a cloud telling him to; well, we may have our next canidate for the "crazy f&%ktard deserving of a 7.62 lobotomy" award, but overall, its no big; he aint much different from any other terrorist willing to hurt innocents. Kill 'em all and drink a beer; good day's work.


But when you want to kill your fellow insane, child-raping psychopaths because "They arent pure enough" like we see from Islamic extremists all the time, (when they run out of other people to kill, they happily start on each other) .......


No. Thats a special kind of sick in the head, and it deserves a special title to express the extra levels of contempt it deserves. Luckily, the solution is simple: coat the bullets in lard, pack a sixer of beer, and play "cowboys and jihadists".

I rather like the way you think. :smile:



I've read thru all nine of these debate pages and this was the best response to the op question that I've come across. Kudos! :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

I call it how it is. I don't know what it is with the last 5 years or so, but the political correctness seems to have went into overdrive. The thing is, I only ever hear this garbage on TV, or the internet from leftist sources, and almost never in the real world. If someone pushes PC jargon at me in the real world, unless it will cost me my job or something, they'd get verbally accosted. The reason it pisses me off, is because the ones pushing it are trying to bully others into a "hush" corner. Its a passive aggressive way of bullying, basically. I don't let other people's sentitivities dictate what I'm allowed to say. But there is a time and a place for everything. Better off just not talking about politics or controversial issues at work for example.


And like it or not, its perfectly relevant and reasonable to define a terrorist by their motivation, whether it be religion or ideology. So a group like ISIS are Islamic Extremist Terrorists. The way I see it is the more moderate Muslims should have no reason to be offended by that characterization, because it doesn't refer to them. But in most cases, its a non-Muslim trying to white knight to their defense, whenever a term like Islamic Extremist Terrorists is used.

Edited by Beriallord
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Its because of politics my friend Islam isn't bad nor good there are peoples who decide about being terrorists.but yes some Muslims are terrorist for getting over excited and lose control of themselves but never call a Muslim a terrorist
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