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Valve's new project


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If you haven't heard of Dota, it's a mod for Warcraft III plus expansions. Recently, Valve has decided to make Data2 as a stand alone game. It is also changing it's steamworks as well. I'm still waiting for Ep3 but as time passes by, I think that we'll never see it. *sigh*


Here's the article if you want to find out more



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Why can't Valve concentrate on Half Life 2 Episode 3 and not waste time on something that's relatively useless (well, at least in my opinion)? Does Valve know that they are angering their Half-Life fanbase? Do they care? Other people may have their own opinion on this "DoTA" game but personally it makes me angry that they're not concentrating on HL2:EP3.


EDIT: If they want to do something like this AFTER Episode 3, then that's fine. But I disapprove of them doing this before.

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Tell me they'll at least credit the original makers of DoTA or hire them on Narbacular Drop-style.


Also: If they don't change literally everything, Blizzard'll probably sue the bejeezus out of them.

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I play DOTA at school during free periods with a group of friends, the scope of tactics and different play-styles the game supports is incredible.


However, I don't understand what Valve is doing. Are they making a DOTA clone (like Demigod) or a direct port of DOTA?

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As if I didnt have enough reasons to hate them.


They threw me out of COD for cheating, despite being the only player on the whole misbegotten server who hadnt cheated in their whole life nor ever would, and the rather obvious fact that they dont own the server, or the COD franchise, or even have any busniess interests in it, so I cant see how COD being based on STEAM lets Valve think they own it.


And now they're going to try and ruin DOTA for me too?


I didnt think Valve even owned DOTA, I mean for god's sake, their last few ORIGINAL games were pathetic enough, I hate to think what they'll do to this poor unsuspecting legend of gaming.


It makes me very sad and very angry to see such a wonderful franchise being put in the hands of a swarm of greedy, moneygrubbing, and utterly incompetant accounts.


Shame on them.


Secondly, their few remaining fans are still waiting desperately for the games they promised to make literaly last millenium.


The whole bloody idea of an episodic game is so you can churn it short chunks very rapidly. Not make a five minute long game once every 5 years.


EP2 came out in 2005, it's been 5 years now and not even a hint of the promised EP 3 even being in development. And what about their other recent failures? not only does it take them a lifetime to make 5 minutes of game footage, but the end result is aweful, and the customer support is even worse. And we're just supposed to forget about it, smile, and give the greeding scum yet more money for nothing.


I really really dont like valve...

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I play DOTA at school during free periods with a group of friends, the scope of tactics and different play-styles the game supports is incredible.


However, I don't understand what Valve is doing. Are they making a DOTA clone (like Demigod) or a direct port of DOTA?


They are literally turning a fan-based mod into a direct sequel, with new graphics and whatnot.

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Bah, that's even worse in my view.


That mod's future belongs in the hand sof the men and women who made it, pure and simple.


TF2 was bad enough, I cant imagine DOTA valvified.


For me that's like "stroggification" in the Quake series. You take something alive, healthy, and organic, slice it and dice it, replace everything that's good about it with souless mechanics, and release it as a mindless homicidal drone, one of millions.


With stroggification, that means slicing up a near dead marine, replacing various internal organs with cybernetics, and replacing the CNS, cerebral and motor cortexes, and much of the frontal lobe with a mind controlling aparatus. The result is a souless and exceptionaly capable killing machine with the enginuity and cunning of a human paired to the strength, durability and speed of a military robot.


With valvification, it's taking a very alive LAN classic, taking away all it's lovely classic charm, and turning into a souless grindfest with childish graphics and a community composed wholely of "valvites" The result is a generic lan game, loosely based on and named after the original, but with everything lovable stripped away to leave a wholely genric, souless wreck with the name of a legendary classic.

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Tell me they'll at least credit the original makers of DoTA or hire them on Narbacular Drop-style.


Also: If they don't change literally everything, Blizzard'll probably sue the bejeezus out of them.


As mods tend to do, it branched into several variations as time passed. Eventually, one rose to the top: DotA-Allstars, originally created by Steve "Guinsoo" Feak (now employed with Riot Games designing League of Legends). Allstars is currently maintained and updated by IceFrog (who declined to give his real name), who was hired by Valve in 2009 and is now working on Dota 2.


I guess that's a yes

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IceFrog, the creator of the DotA mod for WC3 has been hired by Valve to work on this game, so there's no sueing going to happen.


The business thinking behind this is very simple. Millions of people play DotA. You get the creator of DotA to make an updated stand-alone game of the original, make sure it still works on pretty minimum spec PCs as the original did, put a Valve developer logo on it and you get original DotA players + Valve fan boys = PROFIT.


As a big time DotA and Heroes of Newerth player I'm interested to see where they take DotA 2. Heroes of Newerth is basically an exact copy of DotA just with an updated engine and better graphics. After playing HoN I never went back to DotA again.


I guess we'll see what happens in the long run. As someone who doesn't care about the Half-Life series at all (I think they're crap...) and only cares about the Source Engine as some pretty good games have come out on it I'm much more interested in the idea of a Half-Life 3 than a Half-Life 2: Episode 3.

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