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Isengard mod v2.0 WIP Continued


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I suppose you two are newbies, cause I've said it on the "old" forums like a 100 times...


The program is of course Maya 4.5.


I plan on releasing v1.5, as soon as I finish the tower (which can take a while...), and that will include all things as they are in v1.3, but only the exterior of orthanc will be the new model, instead of just existing 'static' objects of morrowind.


Later on, say somehwere around Januar, I'll release v2.0 which will include all of Isengard built in Maya (walls, chained fenses, roads etc.).

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I suppose you two are newbies, cause I've said it on the "old" forums like a 100 times...

Just a quick note of explanation - these forums are not simply the new version of Morrowind Chronicles. Morrowind Source - or Morrowind Mod Library as it was previously known as - was not part of Morrowind Chronicles or vice versa. However, Morrowind Chronicles was later merged with Morrowind Source.


So, to be precise, it is the members of the former Morrowind Chronicles forums who are the newbies here.

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Excellent work again. One small question... how much of that appearance will transfer over into the game engine? I know I've produced some nice 3dsmax renders, but ingame the quality's not so good. Are those bump maps or just really good textures?
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