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If you could go anywhere, anytime, where would you go?


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I would like to travel in the past, 5000 years, and watch the Pyramids being constructed. As well as some other ancient sites, I would like to know what methods they used first hand, and what some of these ancient complexes looked like in all of their splendor. I would be willing to bet the ancients were more advanced than people give them credit for. I think it would be cool to watch a real gladiator fight in ancient Rome too.


Same for me. I'd love to see their very skilled artisans at work, and perhaps learn some of their art techniques. I've long had an interest in ancient Egypt and its beauty, and would love to see it in all its glory. And maybe meet Rameses the 2nd as well!

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Mars, Olympus Mons or Valles Mareneris. Wouldn't even care about how to get back afterward... there's nowhere else in the universe I'd like to see more, and I'd be perfectly content if all I got was one breath of air and a pair of goggles to keep my eyes from desiccating too quickly... if I lasted long enough to see it even once, I'd die with a smile.
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Most of you have so overwhelmed and humbled me with your responses that I am left almost speechless. All the places already mentioned fascinate me, along with the ancient orient, anywhere during the early days when Jesus, the man, walked the earth, and lastly the lost continent of Atlantis.
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Defintely Italy.


I would love to see the granduer of the Durmo, the floating metrapolis of Velencia during Carnavala, the dancers swirling in the fireworks. I want to see where the Medici ruled, the palace where they let Leonardo Da Venci stay in Luxury. I want to feel the atmosphere in Naples, touch the architecture of Malian, Marvel at the Saint Peters Basilica and gaze at the paintings on the walls of the Sistine chapel in Rome where the popes once stood, staff in hand. I want to taste the local cusine, smell the salt of the water, follow the crowd in their ways if only for an hour. It is truly a place I care deeply for. :wub:

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Excellent question ...


I'm sure I'd get banned for saying it but if you can read dot language then here goes " ... ... .... ...... .... .... ... ....".


And of course a day before my mother passed away so that I could have told her that despite everything between us that I loved her very very much ... there's no pain worse than the pain of regret.


And of course on the following days;


1) The day Hitler and Eichman and the rest of that vomit was born ... :devil:

2) The day Pol Pot was born ... :devil:

3) The day Stalin was born ... :devil:

4) The day Osama was born ... :devil:

5) The day every other maniac who walked the face of this earth thinking that human life was worthless was born ... :devil:


Ok, what started off as nice has now degenerated so it's time for me to go ... mmmm today my boyfriend told me that I'm an angry b*tch of a woman .... me thinks he's correct, still love him though hehe.

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