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Halliburton drops the ball


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Oh... my... god.



Bush IS the great Satan.


They were planing this war in Iraq since 2001...


You know what... With crap like this, I can see why America is hated so much. Scum like Bush and Chaney handing out to the company that they BOTH once worked for...

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No, no, that... MUST be a typo! Yes... or Propaganda... yes! Propaganda, the site is owned by Bath Party Loyalists trying to fool you. Don't listen to them!!


*Hides government badge* :unsure:

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Nah, its not an Ami's only thread. The link that Casiur posted leads to a mid-September press release by Halliburton (a hugely diverse corp. that does everything from oil wells to building housing for troops), of which Vice President Cheney was chairman before stepping down to be VP. The press release states that Halliburton bid (competitively they claim) on work in Iraq (including the possibility of damage to oil wells) in 2001. Hostilities were not initiated in Iraq until early spring of this year, 2003. That means that (if the press release info is correct) planning for Iraq was taking place at least a year and a half prior to the runup and that everything Bush and his cronies said was just to get people to go along with a decision that had already been made. I suspect that because we were conveniently distracted by Afghanistan (which is never in the news now) nobody noticed the backdoor dealings of a man obsessed with conquering Iraq.
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