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New city,new faction, new quests and rideable motorbike mod!


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Hey Guys,


First time posting on here but long time user of the oblivion nexus. I have worked on a few mods for oblivion over the last couple of years and after finishing New Vegas the other day I decided that I would like to add a couple of things to it.


Currently starting development at the moment we have a small team of 4 at the moment involved with the project.


The mod will involve

-a new town being added to the main game

-a new race to populate the town with

-quests to tie in the new race and gear

-several custom buildings including a bar,store, bike workshop, casino, customisable houses and others

-a purchasable house which you can upgrade similar to the lucky 38 apartment

-a casino which through quests you can come to own and profit from

-a motorbike repair shop where you will learn to fix and ride motorbikes

-rideable motorbikes


There is also some other ideas planned for later down the track. Expecting to have first version of the release which will have the first version of the town placed in the map along with the new race populating it by the start of November.


If your interested in getting involved with development or just want to give us some feedback or ideas please send me a private message through our forum on Gameployment, there is also a discussion board on there for everything about it.




Zoltan Jr

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this does sound rather epic :) good luck thats going to be a ton of work to get all that put together.


one thing i would love to see is a dune buggy. know that is probably impossible but you got a desert whats more perfect than a dune buggy. :)


one big plus for fo nv is the fact that there are roads to all the towns something that fo3 lacked so a vehicle was of real limited use. but a vehicle would be handy as heck in vegas sice you could actually use it to get places or lest close to most places.

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Yep the motorbike models used for the first version will just be utilising the models available in the game already, to save some time, but eventually will put in different models to use. They obviously won't be too fast and they will also use up resources and require maintenance. It will also take quite a high level repair and science skill before your able to get one that way people aren't just riding all over the place from level 1.


Progress on the mod is going quite quickly so far. The location for the mod has been chosen and a shop and several houses have already been placed and NPC's have begun populating the area. Might have a first version up of just the town within the next couple of days

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I liked the personal vertibird quest from FO3. I've been playing New Vegas, and it would be great to have something to speed up travel a bit. I know there is fast travel, but I feel like I'm cheating every time I use it. The idea of adding a mode of faster transport that you have to work at to obtain is a great idea.
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Companion travelling was lower down on the scale of important things to begin with, getting everything else up and working first was a higher priority. It will be a tricky 1 to figure out though as certainly not all companions could ride a bike and also even not all companions could ride in a side car.


The initial work around will probably be just to adjust their walk speed so that they can keep up with you for the first few release versions.Obviously not ideal but it will at least allow you to use it to complete missions with them still.


And thanks VLCR I have used that mod before and this will be very similar to that but im not going to overpower it with weapons as its not meant for that its simply to be a method of getting around the map faster without having to use fast travel which takes you out of the immersive nature of the game.


And to do with the engine coping, I have already done some tests of the maximum speed I would be moving at on it and it seems to cope fine so I don't foresee too many issues with that side of things

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