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PSP 2 code named Veta


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360 emu for iPad? dont kid me Sinophile, wont happen, the ipad is strong, but not that strong. On the other hand, id love to see a iOS emu for psp2.. i am most certainly likely to buy it! And handheld console fit in a pocket, not the 8 inch mofo iPad.

Source: I own an iPad and 360 and iTouch 4g. No way its gona happen.

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Between the IPad,Iphone, Droid, netbooks, and all this other handheld crap, why would they even need a handheld game console anymore? I'd rather buy a 360 Emulator for my Ipad.

There's just so much wrong with that post... I don't really even...

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Here is some more psp2 romour goodness, romoures lol 90% they are correct just like the 3ds it was correct.





3 days left till it officially anounces :woot: i cant wait to see what the specs are.


Its going to be the worlds most powerful handheld YEAH!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:

Edited by Thor.
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So what else is there, the technoloagy exists why not use it, If you think about it every hand held in existants except for the 3ds and the 3d capabilitys it has copied themselves.


Its a endless cycle.


atleast the ones with a touch screen :teehee:

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NICCE FIND!!! :woot: :woot: SHINY indeed, duel anolog sticks yay. fps finally will be playable :thumbsup:


Uncharted drakes fortune on a hand held AWESOME



:woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:


It has eeverything Except Motion controller and 3d :woot: :woot: :woot:


Its to good to be true


it might have 3d ???



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