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Things you've done. or wanted to do. Interesting things only.


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Sometimes we just have days when amazing stuff happens. Aweseome stuff, fun stuff, stuff that makes you feel good about yourself or others, random wierd stuff that makes you laugh awkwardly.


So since I'm bored Im going to leave this board here, place your stories here. It can be anything, real life, virtual, what you've done, wanted to do, one day will do, ect.


So to start it off:


I've settled down a lot in recent years, becoming, while still at times a bit of an adrenaline junky, almost civilised. But when I was a little younger, I was actualy something of a maniac.


My first funny anacdote is this: Volvo is a swedish car manufacturer. Their vehicles are semi-legendary for their almost unmatched occupant safety, phenominal durability and longevity, and their shear quality. However the stigma with them is trhat they're a bit stuffy and conservative.


I actualy owned a 1991 Volvo estate-it was my first car, and a damn good one too-they may have a reputation for stuffiness, and they arent terribly exuberant, but they're fantasticly good, practical family cars. And um, I once attacked one with an Anarchy banner.


That's right. I was 18, freshly able to drive a car, and at that point I used to occasionaly play indi music-an electric guitarist in one of the campus' heavy metal bands. But at one impromtu concert, everything got a bit out of hand.

The proverbial "rockometre" went well through the roof, the crowd, all 127 of them, were baying for an encore, and we were all a going bit insane with the thrill of our first REALLY successful perfomance. The stage had been the roof of my volve estate. My guitar had an anarchy banner attached to it like a bayonette.


Band gone wild with excitement + heavy metal + one-hundred and twenty seven screaming uni students + anarchy theme + symbol of conservatism = a Volvo getting an Anarchy flag rammed through it's sunroof.


Suffice it to say it was hard to explain, since the flag got stuck, and I had to drive home with a tangerine and black anarchist flag waving out the top of my sobre white Volvo estate.

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I would like to do these things. Well, you are supposed to do these.

Grow a Tree.

Build a House.

Get Kids.


What I always wanted is to learn how to fly a Glider, and a wingsuit. I'm scared of heights, but that looks awesome.

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:) Nice thread Vin


Last year around the holidays I successfully made desert for 20 people :D I felt so proud of myself, everyone loved all the goodies I made. Pumpkin pie, chocolate pecan pie, pecan pie, dozens and dozens of cookies, cheesecake :D


And just last week...I actually drove a car :D. I'm 24...and my parents were too fricking lazy to teach me how to drive....never had the chance like all the other kids did. I took driver's education in school, but forgot most of what I had learned because my parents never followed up on it :verymad: My boyfriend and I were going to the store and he said "We're teaching you how to drive!".


I was scared as hell...and our car is a stick shift. I was afraid I was going to mess up the clutch....but I only made it grind once on our whole 4 block trip to the store :laugh: I was actually quite surprised that I shifted correctly and did all that stuff, as I've never done it before! But, I ask my boyfriend lots of questions about cars and how they work, and I watch him a lot when he's driving. I don't have a license or a permit though....I might get one now :biggrin:

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Things I want to do:


Go to a city like New York.

Go to Europe and see the sights and art

Visit Japan again, see new attractions (and more video games!)

Be able to live a happy life without many financial worries.


Those are the things I can think of off the top of my head. And very nice thread.

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i would also like to participate in a large scale airsoft war

I wanna see the "official" day when everyone receives some sort of "one use" paintball gun, 3 grenades and 500 pellets, and the whole town fights for themselves! You look out the corner, there's a guy getting gunned down, he takes cover but that's not enough to save him, so he gets hit. Then you shoot the hell out of the other guy, he gets covered in paint and falls down to take cover behind a bush.

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This is indeed very nice thread. :thumbsup: I don't remember any interesting or fun things that I've done though I would like to form black or death metal band or atleast be a singer in one. :biggrin: I don't know how to growl so here's another thing I would like to do - learn how to growl. :laugh:
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Well last night I did something fun.


The thing is, in shooting games, a lot of people aspire to be snipers. They grab a sniper rifle, a ghillie suit(a cloak covered in pretend leaves, unmatched camouflage in woodland) and call their character sniper. But how many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? it has four. Calling something one thing, doesnt make it that.


For the most part, these poor kids couldnt score a headshot if the target was stationary.


However, I'm an actualy Halo sniper-particularly in FireFight. I've fired guns IRW, have six years of practice with virtual Sniper rifles, have a similar amount of recon and scouting experience, and a naturaly good eye for markpersonship.


But I also have experience enough that the basics of sniping are simply well remembered habits. I dont need to consciously lead my target, or need to remind myself to wait till he's stationary, my hand moves the cross to compensate for motion of the target naturaly, because I've been doing this for six years and I know how men move when they know a sniper is looking at them through a scope. Likewise I dont need to remind myself to wait. men always make mistakes, get overconfident. I simply wait till they give me an opening. Sooner or later, they will, and I will be ready.


And last night, sick to death of my poor little comrade missing his target, I saved a replay, sent it to him, and bloody well showed him how to snipe. The effect was immediate: having watched my tape describing the basics of how to snipe(how to wait for the easiest shot, how to pick the targets that will break morale, how to eliminate targets acording to their danger level, how to shoot around cover, how to anticipate movement and how to compensate for the intrusive auto aim)


It worked-the guy watched the tape, thought about how he could lift his game, and half an hour later when I spotted him again, he really was on the way to earning that sniper title. It felt simply good. I'm a good sniper-last time I played SniperFight, I won 44,000 to 9,000-2,000-850. But it felt good to pass some of that deadeye precision on to somebody else. Seeing that hapless Private go from firing wildly, to observing calmly, waiting for his shot, and neatly picking off his targets, really did make me feel a little less guilty for being practicaly able to shoot around corners.


And besides, what's a LT Colonel for?

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I woke up on a fairly regular wednesday morning. Slapped my alarm clock back into obedience, found my clothes, got the coffee brewing... All regular stuff, except that I suddenly found a paperbag containing about one kilo of sweeties. Awesome! But how did it come to my possession? What on earth did I do yesterday?


Well, the pieces fell together after some closer inspection and coffee. Apparently, me and my mate had gone over to some of his friends' house to recover some booze we had left there to their mercy earlier. There, we all found ourselves harbouring an enrapturing urge to go down the park and visit the penguins they've got in a little pen there. With our vodka. And routine visits up amongst the trees. I tell you, those penguins was a sight to behold! One of the seals (which are kept as an attraction alongside the penguins, for some reason) feigned death when we arrived. We stood lined up along the fence, giggling softly as it swum by and it just folded over and sank to the bottom, leaving us to question if we had just killed a seal with our minds. Coy little creatures.


Well, when we were done worrying the joggers, we returned to their house and... Did stuff which I can't recall. Including visiting the candy shop. Lord knows what I did in there. I still haven't visited it again since, because I'm a bit frigthened that the manager will recognize me as the bloke who knocked over their Spongebob-themed candy cardboard-shelf. But; I got to spend the day with a bag full of candy, so I can't honestly complain. :3

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When I was a kid I used to like to draw pictures of things, especially of weapons (mainly guns). Recently, my desire of entering the game design industry has revived that interest. I have drawn 3 Kalashnikov rifles and a Vietnam era M16, and I'll probably draw more pictures some of which depicting other things later. I might post these pictures in the Druid's Garden section sometime. I'm best at drawing inanimate objects, but my grandfather on my dad's side can draw really good; he's drawn faces and other way more complicated drawings before.
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