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Killing Mr House option way too radical?


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Well,im right now working for the NCR and Moore tasked me with "killing or taking out of the equation" Mr House....but when I get to Mr house flat there is not a "out of the equation" option,of all them are to kill him.


After having worked for Mr House for a few quests anybody would deduce that Mr House is someone who wans the common good...same as NCR,so why dont they force him to work with them? I mean,the option of killing him is way to anti climatic. The whole "trigger" of the game....gone in one quest?


So,what's your opinion?

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^ you get that speech just by talking to him.


also the H&H tools factory the hidden computer logs shows that, i believe it is house, was bat crap insane at some point.


also if you talk to cowgirl ghoul she knew of house before and after the great war, and when he came back he slaughtered a ton of people. anyone that would not side with him got obliterated.


also freeside being on his doorstep he could do a hell of a lot more to help that place out considering he can spend 800,000+ caps looking for that chip.


granted he made a pretty safe zone and some of the factions he united are not too bad, others are just utter slime. considering they were all tribals tho i guess you got to give him some points for domesticating them to some degree.


he does not want the rest of the world to burn tho it would hurt his bottom line. he wanted the NCR there so he could take their caps he did not necessarily want them gone for good as in dead, why he tasks you to save their president at the dam. but the rest of the world that had no caps to take, well they could all burn.


house is a bit short sighted if he helped renovate the whole of the desert and got trade routes protected etc, it would improve the lot of the people, with his new army and with the help of some of the factions he could have done a lot to make the roads safer and control the more evil gangs. then put his grand plan into practice with only a few years delay.


i dunno if that bit is bugged, if you take him offline it opens the thing which supposedly will kill him anyway, seems you should have been able to disconnect him wo popping his bubble thing. to have him around to advise on his renovation projects. otherwise you might as well put a bullet in his brain else he will just die of illness given time.


but the whole BoS thing i hardly see how the brotherhood is much of a threat, there are not that many of them, and their ranks are closed so it is not like they are gaining any new followers and they have no super robot of eternal patriotic duty to obliterate his robot army. They do mention that they want to investigate his robots but none of them seem inclined to start a war over them. Nor do i think they would have a shot in hell of getting into vegas if you locked the place down.


comparing him to the ncr they are alike in a lot of ways, both want power ncr seems a tad more inclined to help the common people as long as there is a percentage in it for them or something to gain as in power water food etc. but then the vast majority of people in the desert do not want the ncr there and the other ones that kinda do think the ncr is too spread thin to actually do much good.


house will let people live the way they want to live, within reason. if you join the ncr you play by their rules and laws and there is no debate.


any of the factions are rather whats in it for me, tho. the NCR probably would never have been in vegas but for the dam and then for the potential cash cow that was the vegas strip. so none of the parties have any particularly lofty goals they are aspiring to.

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Mr. House is a self-made zombie. Seriously. He's completely at the mercy of that thing he lives in, and you can release him from it or "sterilize" it (which will basically blow him up). Both options are "evil," but consider the alternatives. Would you rather have him wipe out the BoS?
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I'm honestly surprised that there was a karma loss for killing House. After he explains his plans a bit, it's pretty clear that he's a Neutral Evil type. He's perfectly willing to let the NCR and the Legion ravage the wasteland to weaken each other before he makes his bid for power. Grand vision or not, he's definitely not a good guy. I was pretty surprised that there was a karma loss for offing him (especially in light of the arrogance displayed in the obituary note you get upon killing him). Killing him might be ill-advised, even wasteful (considering the wealth of knowledge in his head), but I don't think that it should be considered an evil option given the circumstances.


On the other hand... when the NCR then asked me to go slaughter the Brotherhood, I dropped them like last week's garbage and threw in with Yes-Man. It's blindingly obvious if you've already been to the bunker that the Brotherhood isn't in a position to threaten any of the major players, and they aren't interested in threatening the general population. They're dicks for not using their tech for the betterment of the wasteland, but they aren't knocking over caravans for loot either.

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I destroyed the robots so I could kill House and Yes Man and not worry about either side taking over. Is there anyway to kill Yes Man without him coming back to life again?




Wrath I'm really surprised at how weak the Brotherhood is, too. Really disappointed. We get to choose between a Yes Man programmed by a criminal who tried to kill you and an old man who's power hungry and should have been dead centuries ago. I don't like the Legion at all-I take great pleasure in killing them and Ceaser and I'm not too keen on the NCR either.

I really wish Brotherhood had the option of being one of the main players or any of the factions you can join. It sucks that we have to choose between Legions, NCR, Yes Man or anarchy. :(

I don't like any of them.

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I'm honestly surprised that there was a karma loss for killing House. After he explains his plans a bit, it's pretty clear that he's a Neutral Evil type. He's perfectly willing to let the NCR and the Legion ravage the wasteland to weaken each other before he makes his bid for power. Grand vision or not, he's definitely not a good guy. I was pretty surprised that there was a karma loss for offing him (especially in light of the arrogance displayed in the obituary note you get upon killing him). Killing him might be ill-advised, even wasteful (considering the wealth of knowledge in his head), but I don't think that it should be considered an evil option given the circumstances.


On the other hand... when the NCR then asked me to go slaughter the Brotherhood, I dropped them like last week's garbage and threw in with Yes-Man. It's blindingly obvious if you've already been to the bunker that the Brotherhood isn't in a position to threaten any of the major players, and they aren't interested in threatening the general population. They're dicks for not using their tech for the betterment of the wasteland, but they aren't knocking over caravans for loot either.


Remember that they exchanged fire over Helios One,so it would be natural for any human general or commander to try to take out the remaining oposition.


ALSO,remember that the NCR will acept yes or yes the brotherhood help....so that means they dont hate them that much...of course,the BoS are a bunch of pricks (except for the DC ones,those were some real good guys) who only care about reclaiming lost technology.Heck,at this point the east coast should be a paradise if we remember the healing machine from F2

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but the BoS in fallout 3 were pretty off from official canon going by fo1 & 2, they are a incredibly elitist group hands down and just go around seizing dangerous tech or tech they deem too dangerous for the primitives to have, granted after a nuclear world war and the resulting chaos in the aftermath a 100+ years down the line that is probably a pretty rational course.


the followers on the other hand are a moderate faction with somewhat similar goals but they go about it by infiltrating and subversion while they help the common people, where the BoS would prefer to march in and take it by force and remain holed up in their bunkers with their energy weapons and power armors.


The BoS method worked well when people were in scattered tribes and such. But as factions united and super factions like the NCR gained territory and wealth and got better tech the BoS method of small numbers with superior tech became more and more obsolete.


The BoS in nv were decimated by the sheer numbers of the NCR at helios, NCR took a heavy hit but the steel took a worse hit. So they should have been more open to change period. But like veronica says the BOS are fighting a loosing battle in the current age.


But the BOS would not want to take over and rule anyone that is not in their mindset.

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