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Bethesda's first-ever E3 conference!


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> Ehrm... NO. I know for a fact that ps3 binaries are all 64 bits

Then what you think you know for a fact is wrong.

> Although they used a bizarre eabi where the size of pointers were 32 bits, but size of long was 64 bits.

This is true, but the bittiness of an ABI is DEFINED by the size of pointers. The size of long is defined in C, C++ standard to be >= size of int and is therefore allowed to be 64bit on a 32bit system.

The PS3 was 32-bit software running on 64-bit hardware.

> For new consoles to run 32 binaries, they would need an api translation layer.

Which I'll assume they both have until someone can prove this wrong.

Because otherwise they would be making life of developers a lot harder since a lot of game engines aren't 64-bit ready. gamebryo being one of them.
Unity is a second which, at least to my knowledge, has no stable 64-bit version as of 4.x.

And since both PS4 and XBox One endorse and advertise Unity on their platform I'll assume it works there...
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All ppu elf (self) of ps3 are 64 bits. No exception because the kernel of gameos won't load any other kind of ppc elf. Dont believe me, go do some reverse engeneering on a file called lv2_kernel.elf. Although the 32 bits pointer in user mode thing was probably done for compatibility reasons, so you may be right on that. Still that was an artifice of the official compiler, registers are still 64 bits and you could access 64 bits addresses with asm code (totally useless though since there is no mapped user address beyond 32 bits on the ps3) .

However I forgot about spu binaries, those are actually really 32 bits, but it's a different architecture, it can't communicate directly with the os (which runs on the ppu core) but it can pass messages to the ppu side. Not sure if Bethesda would have put that code on the spu.

But anyway, if they were able to port the engine to this bizarre dual-architecture machine, x86->x86_64 conversion should be less of a hassle (not to mention that ps3 and x360 were big endian machine, that was probably annoying too when doing those ports). Edited by vagonumero12
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In response to post #22681199. #22744664 is also a reply to the same post.

i hope there is coop content, too, without change the gameplay. a friend can join and play like a follower in skyrim (-> one is host), so there can play more than 2 people the normal story. and coop mode have to be modable like singleplayer. that would be aswome.
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So it should be pretty much all but guaranteed that we'll see either TES 6 or Fallout 4 here right? I'll be equally happy if we get either TES 6 or Fallout 4, though I'd want TES to get a new engine. It would make sense to me to do FO4 first with 64bit CK, and modify that 2013 trademarked new engine to be ideal for TES 6.


They wouldn't want an E3 spot just for Doom, another Wolfenstein, Dishonored 2, ESO right?

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In response to post #22740204.

google TES: Redguard, that's your hammerfell game. Circa 2003.

BGS is working on Fallout 4, hence why ESO was made, consider ESO the psuedo TESVI, it puts pressure off BGS for another TES game while they can work on their other IP, its the same situation as with Fallout New Vegas, a secondary title of the big franchise to appease fans while they work on their other IP.

EDIT: I will agree however, a Hammerfell game in the main numbered line would be neat. However I'm hoping more for either a prequel game in Atmora, or a game related to the Empire's ventures in Akavir. Edited by Blademaster1215
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