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Properly Modular Hearthfire Wings


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Something that has always bothered me about the Hearthfire DLC is the limited modularity of the wings. I have seen that there are plenty of house mods but a feature I have yet to see any Modder even think about are fully modular wings. For instance to have the Armory, Kitchen and Library all on one house and not limited to just one of those three. Like a "what do you want and where to you want it" kind of modular wings mod.


I mean, sure, the houses that the modders do make are nice, well crafted and all that; but personally I have no grevences with the Hearthfire houses other than the fact out of 9 wings, i'm only interested in 4 of them (Armory, Kitchen, Library and Greenhouse) but am only able to have 2 of them because Bethesda (bless them tor the Elder Scrolls games) had a short-sighted (in my view) decision in home design.


Am I asking for too much here?

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Have you seen how complex the HF houses already are? I suspect it would have been hopelessly broken if they tried to account for all of that in the DLC. The amount of editing they'd have to do to account for 4 wings in 3 different places (total of 24 combinations) would have been too time costly for a small DLC like this.

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Have you seen how complex the HF houses already are? I suspect it would have been hopelessly broken if they tried to account for all of that in the DLC. The amount of editing they'd have to do to account for 4 wings in 3 different places (total of 24 combinations) would have been too time costly for a small DLC like this.

This is (In my opinion) the reason this mod doesn't exist. Making something hearthfire-craftable isn't all too hard if you know what you're doing, it's mostly just time consuming. But adding that many combinations in one area, and especially one wing on top of another is bound to get confusing and frustrating real fast. The room would end up looking like one giant mess in the ck, and it'd be nearly impossible to find anything. I'm not saying this request isn't a good idea (I myself would like to see it) but it'd be extremely time consuming, and difficult for the modder attempting to do it.

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